Our Spiritual Connection

I was led to this post while reading commentary on Shree’s The Heartsongs Blog  about intuition. This article describes so many wonderful ways that we are being contacted. I really love this post and encourage everyone to read it with an open mind and open heart.

In light, litebeing

Spirit Lights The Way

complexWhen friends and family members want our attention, they have plenty of options to choose from: e-mail, phone calls, text messages, blog comments, Facebook updates, and face to face encounters.

What about Spirit?

How does Spirit get our attention?

While certainly not an exhaustive list, here are a few ways that Spirit has managed to get my attention:

1. Instilled knowingness. We see something and KNOW it’s meant for us ~ a classified ad for a job opening which seems to be blinking in neon, a book on a library shelf which draws our attention as if it’s glowing, or a house up for sale that screams “Buy Me!”

For more on this: Winks, Whispers, and Nudges.

2. Music, Books, and Movies ~ lines jump out at us and we realize their relevance to where we are on the path.

An example:  Just Leap . . . And The Net…

View original post 676 more words


  1. Firstly, thank you for the link back 🙂 and I’m so glad that Nancy did decide to share her post and I’m happy that you found it just as helpful! So..yay for the sharing of gifts such as this!


    1. Hi Shree, its beginning to look like a cornucopia of intuition/synchronicity – welcome to my world!

      You deserved the link because your post was the ” conduit”

      peace, Linda


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