Synchronicity key

I ” stumbled” upon this video somewhere and became immediately captivated. This is part 1 of David Wilcock’s video about his new book The Synchronicity Key. It features Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, repetitive historical cycles coordinated with the Ages of the Zodiac, universal mythology being deliberately planted and dispersed around the globe, glimpses into an enlightened age, and more…..

Watch this and tell me what you think. Is is fantasy, prophecy, or something else?


    1. I have mixed emotions about Mr. Wilcock, but was so entranced when I discovered this video. He says he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce… I still think he makes some compelling points and his enthusiasm has moved the conversation forward, which is great.

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  1. Ancient Aliens made some blatant lies in the program (I watched them all). Something felt off about it all (I do feel aliens have likely come here, but not to genetically make us humans so we could be their gold slaves), and then afterwards learned about some of the things they “stretch” or just made up. I am tempted to study some Sumerian just to find out from the source myself. 🙂
    Anyways the myth and Hero’s Journey, I believe, is much more representative of the unconscious realm and the soul. The myths are there to guide us as those journeys play out on a material/superficial level in this realm of duality. It is the power of the collective unconscious and the deep quest of the soul in all of us to face “father” (yang, mind, ego) and return “home” to Spirit/Pure Consciousness that these myths have developed globally. Also, our early ancestors likely were much more in tune with their intuitive and psychic selves and maybe they, at least their shamans and priests/esses, could communicate telepathically.
    As for his dream (this is my initial intuitive sense as he told it), I feel it’s more likely a message for Wilcock himself than a prediction. He needs to see the red flags (headlines) life is showing him, to expose the truth within himself to himself. Parallels are shown in his outer world (the actual news, etc).
    Ok, I probably could go on and on. 🙂


    1. Now I know why I missed you so much ( only partially why! ) I do not think I am naive, but I walked away feeling that at least some of this is credible! His teaming up with Lynn McTaggart is why I figured he was most likely legit.

      His dream could ultimately align with your interpretation, his, plus others yet undiscovered or undisclosed.

      Feel free to go on and on, I live for great comments Julianne 🙂


      1. I’m with you, some credible, some skeptical, though he seems to believe what he says, so to him it’s all credible.
        Oh, the Eagles…I remember reading that in the news when it happened. My sense then was that it represented the division in America between those rising in consciousness and those seeking control (usually away from or anti-government) out of fear. Yes there are those in government who are fear mongers too. The eagle who fled was afraid of interaction and compassion. The one who stayed embraced it. Love/higher consciousness will stand.
        It could also symbolize the Illuminati, but I have not studied them (and hence no intuitive impression). I have never felt compelled to, which does tell me there isn’t as much there as those who fear it wish there to be. Personally, I feel any divine knowledge and wisdom that can be known, can be known from within and through an inner drive towards self-study and knowledge. No physical beings can truly hide or keep secret anything intangible. Those who are ready, will dis-cover or learn whatever knowledge and wisdom they are meant to in a given lifetime. It’s all out there everywhere anyways. It just takes time and effort to learn and understand, but alas the fearful are often usually lazy too. (That sounded really down, but it puts it bluntly. People are always free to choose to love, act, and learn, or be angry and fearful and blaming).


  2. I’m at the 27th minute of the video and am already wondering quite hard if I should get it!!! Shared the post with a group of friends too on FB!! It’s just so intriguing and most of what he is saying are things that I have been taught or learned!!!

    Am at 36 minutes mark…just wanted to know…does he only talk about what’s happening in the US? The political changes etc…or does he expand it to global situations?


    1. He focuses on the US, but the changes are international/global in nature. The days of countries as silos is sooooooooooo 20th century 🙂 I say this not totally grasping the enormity of the impact hehe. Thank you for sharing, you are the first to comment on the video so I am thrilled to hear your opinion.

      I think he is onto something, or is telling the story of ascension through his unique lens. When I heard that he has worked with Lynne McTaggart ( the field), he got my attention. After finally watching The Matrix the other day, I can see how so much of the material out there ties together. I could go on for hours on this…..

      so glad Shree to have you in my tribe 🙂


      1. Hmmm….I’ve been thinking of paying a visit..maybe it’s time to poke around a bit..hehehe.

        I loved Matrix especially the first one…and it was strange because when I watched it long time ago it just felt “right”! I remember trying to look for “deja vu” and stuff!
        I recently had a chance to re-watch the 2nd one and for some reason got totally fed up with all the fight sequence! Felt as though there was too much of the and just wanted the story to move along! …I wonder why!
        My next project…if I can remember to, is to get the Star Wars trilogy on DVD (the original three…not the prequel trilogy)…Yoda is awesome!!


      2. I love Star Wars, all of them, they are awesome on multiple levels! I did not love the Matrix but at least now I am hip to what a ” matrix” is lol! I am not an action movie chick. I just saw Elysium and was disappointed for that reason. I would like to see a film based on the Synchronicity Key though!


      3. I adore that movie. I saw that film around the time I read Dying to Be Me, started the 21 Deepak meditation and had a Soul Truth session ( on Halloween) This was an incredibly spiritually rich period that preceded my decision to launch this blog! I did not make it through the book, it was not able to hold my interest, but I long to see the film again! It was incredible Shree.

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