10000 views, how to say thank you?

Just a quick message to everyone who has graced this blog and my life with your presence. litebeing chronicles hit the 10,000 mark today. Thank you!

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I wish I could find 10,000 ways to say thank you, but I cannot. Please know that your interest in my journey has been so rewarding and at times almost difficult to take in. It is truly humbling to realize that I have indeed found my voice. And that I am not the only one listening to it! Tomorrow December 11, 2013 will mark 11 months of blogging here at beloved WordPress. It is astonishing to me that in this short time I have accrued close to 300 followers and over 2000 comments. I was not planning to blog today , but when I noticed hitting the 10,000 mark I was overjoyed. I knew I could not let this moment pass without some form of acknowledgement.

orchid, longwood gardens 2013 by litebeing chronicles

Taking this leap of faith has opened my life up in ways that were beyond the scope of my imagination. With my overactive imagination, that is quite a feat! Miracles do happen all the time and this blog is one example of a dream made manifest. I may not have 10,000 ways to thank you, but I will thank you with every word, image, and sound that take form on each page. That is my promise to you.

Per usual, a thought popped into my head while typing. I heard the words ” I realized a dream..” This is from the song Vision of Love.  Please enjoy this beautiful song that gives YOU, the reader, a glimpse into my heart. When you listen, keep in mind that every step begins with a dream….



  1. I don’t know where I have been that I miss all this stuff! Congrats to you! You have pretty much doubled what I have done in about the same amount of time. I am so glad to have you in my life and I know so many others feel the same way! Thank you 10,000 times over for sharing your words and your life with us! We are the honored ones!


    1. wow Shelley thank you!! I am so glad to have you in my life as well. You have been around from almost the beginning and now I am almost at my 1 year blogoversary 😉 Your support has meant the world( universe lol) to me!

      love and light,


  2. Congratulations, my dear Linda. As always I was 10000th :-). I am laughing with the rays of my entire litebeing can produce. Thank you for your accumulation I am nurturing in.


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