2014 is here, can you feel the magic?


 Happy New Year 2014 !!

Hello world and welcome to a shiny, bright, new beginning! We have a New Moon today,  1-1-14, which is very rare and quite auspicious. I find it fascinating that most if not all cultures on the planet celebrate this event. Humans love starting over, symbolically and literally. As an astrologer I am not totally down with New Year’s Day, since a 11 degree Capricorn sun does not have significance. The beginning of Spring, 0 degrees Aries, is the real deal. However, we have quite a powerful New Moon today and the childlike part of me still longs for the ability to wipe the slate clean and begin again.

So I drew 3 cards from  my Sacred Path deck to see what the Universe has in store for me. I initially was going to pull just one card, but felt led to create a sequence. After some reflection, I realized that the reading was not just for me. We have the universe inside of us. So I decided to share this reading with you.

1st Card : 13 ~ Nurturing


 Coral card ~ 13

” …. look to the idea of nurturing. It may be time to nurture yourself or another. Coral also speaks to the Planetary Family. It may be time to have a reunion with the other creatures that share the Earth with you. …Coral always tells us to listen to our feelings…”

2nd Card: 35 ~ Returning Home


Shawl card ~ 35

” ..You are being invited to return home. If you have forgotten yourself recently, it is now time to remember your essence and potential. .. You may be coming home to the magic you once believed in or a new sense of well-being, but in every case you are returning to a temporarily forgotten state of being. …Wearing the Shawl is coming home to the arms of the Earth Mother and being loved. ..being loving to others who have forgotten the Sacred Path or the way home.”

3rd Card : 25 ~ Sharing/Quickening


Pow-Wow card ~ 25

” …The quickening of some aspect of your life will be aided if you use a support system…The Pow-Wow card is marking a time of calling in your markers. Your focus will be clearer from an encouraging word or two. The quickening is inside of you and speaks to the time preceding birth. Whatever you are giving birth to at this time can be assisted by gathering your friends for support.”

So the cards flow from 13 = 4= foundation, to 35=8=power, to 25=7= cosmic consciousness.

Please listen while you continue reading: we are magic

This is my interpretation of the spread :

You begin by creating a firm foundation by nurturing your Self and others. Take care of your needs first on all levels, before you can serve others. Feel your feelings and let them guide you.

Next you reclaim your power by going inward and returning home. This is where all magic and mystery resides. The life journey for souls in human form is one of re-membering and re-cognizing your true essence. Life has always been a miracle, surrounded by wonder and love at every turn. However, the trauma of being in the physical material world takes its toll on most of us rather early on. This reminds me of a lucid dream I had where I was told to go back to a time “before babysitting”.  Retrieving one’s lost soul parts is a prerequisite to moving forward and loving others who have temporarily lost their way.

Finally cosmic consciousness is expanded by gathering with kin. This gathering is important to successfully birth what is eager to be expressed out into the planet. The dream is ready to be made manifest once your focus is clear. Clarity can be obtained by trusting your inner circle.

I  am very excited to use these tools gleaned from my reading. I believe that the message can be applicable for the collective as well.

Wishing you all a year of radiance , magic, and love…..

Namaste, litebeing


  1. thank you, the article and the true happiness rays began to warm hearts, when we share it with sincerity. Greetings from Gede Prama 🙂


  2. Sorry it’s taken me so long to catch up Linda – love the cards, & the reading is beautiful – I particularly like/resonate with the 2nd card ‘Wearing the Shawl’. Mmm, lovely! 🙂
    I hope this is already manifesting for you xx


    1. Aren’t they great cards? I really like the shawl card and had not pulled it prior to this reading. I think the reading was meant for the collective so I am so glad you liked it.



  3. Dear Linda! Thank You very much. Your every single word reflects my every thought about 2014! Nurturing, Returning home and Quickening are in my list. You know I have begun my journey from a dream diary, but mostly dreams I can not remember :-).


  4. Linda, loved the reading and interpretation, Smiling broadly here Linda, as I have been nurturing myself and ‘Literally’ I have had a shall wrapped around me LOL these past few days… Even in a centrally heated home LOL the WInd has howled under the door and down the chimney 🙂 So I have been a very ‘Granny’ like being curled up healing from the nasty virus I had… 🙂 And my Smile is even wider as I read down your post and see you too are using words of a birthing planet a subject I touch upon within my next post which is sat now in my drafts.. I just wanted to visit those who have paid me a visit first….

    Wonderful Post, I wish you a WONDERFUL and SUCCESSFUL 2014 in ALL that you do Linda, and wishing you a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

    Love Sue xox


    1. Dear Sue,
      Just catching up on replies, got a bit behind… So glad you enjoyed the reading. I had never pulled the Shawl card before and I absolutely love it! I was led to pull 2 more cards and I think it was because The Shawl was calling me 🙂 I always enjoy your posts : they are laden with earthly and universal delights. I hope you realize what a gift you are 🙂

      May 2014 bring us all closer to restoring Heaven on Earth…


      1. Awww Bless you Linda, you have made my Year 🙂 xxx We WILL achieve much there is an army of ‘Light Workers’ working away behind the scenes, and we are only being shown the negative to pull us down… MAGIC IS going to happen, I Feel it….. I feel so empowered this New Year,.. Maybe its the New Moons’s energy as the remnants of the bug is being blown away as the snuffles subside..
        I started to do my Qi-Gong again, pulling in energies and linking in again to those inner promptings which often call out via a thought or three during a quiet moment I get them often during the night…. I am starting to jot them down in my journal again,if I don’t they get lost forever in the mind muddle of the day… So I hope to pass on those thoughts..
        I had one last night about the Children of the world.. I also dreamt I was a nurse, handing out medicines it was light in a bottle 🙂 haha….
        We are part of the process Linda, and oh boy am I excited as I see the greater Plan.. 🙂


  5. Thanks for the reading, Linda! It was really well done and there certainly seems like a flow.
    Will try to remind myself too of it’s messages especially in lieu with the card Sindy pulled out for me, about taking on too much!
    Happy New year to you and here’s to a wonderful and exciting year!


    1. Hi Shree,
      So glad you liked the reading! This is my first written full reading and I surprised myself 🙂
      In all honesty, it does not require a reading to notice how busy you are!
      So many of us are so driven we do not know when to stop 🙂

      Yes, let us toast virtually to a wonderful and exciting year!


  6. Thank you for your sharing. Have you read Jamie Sam’s Dancing the Dream? If you like her cards, you will find deeper meanings in her book. It is one that you will want to read more than once. Happy New Year


      1. Oh no, do no worry, I did not want to put you out. I thought of something casual without any interpretation, just for fun. I have this theory, you know, that you need all seriousness and interpreting skills plus direct contact only with the runes, the tarot, and of course with astrology. It is ok! No worries.
        Hugs and blessings,


      2. Wow, thank you! I knew somehow we have a connection and I think I know what the energy means. Seems Uranian and I’m going to undergo some major Uranus transits this year. Thank you so much, Linda!


      3. you are just realizing our connection now? surely you jest 🙂
        I am glad you liked the card. I thought of mercury initially, frenetic energy but Uranus is thunder. ( plus you did nit want my 2 cents here)

        It was fun, my pleasure Monika


  7. oh how wonderful was this reading! I was not familiar with the deck you used, but I adore it! I will take your reading to heart, and read over it again (love the snow falling by the way) to get the deeper essence and guidance. Nice to meet you!


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