Happy Astrology Day : Here comes the sun!

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Thank God for the twinkling and twirling of light.

Happy Spring Equinox and 0 Degree Aries. Also  a very happy Autumnal Equinox to those in the Southern Hemisphere. Either way, a change is a comin’ and I say woohoo!

To my fellow star lovers, I wish you a Joyous International Astrology Day! This is like our version of New Year’s Day, with Aries ushering in new beginnings. Remain patient while Mars and Saturn continue their retrograde status.

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I have been jonesing to share a YouTube video with you as it has been a while. 

Enjoy this classic with me:

May your spirit soar and your essence smile with the magnificence of our shining star.

related post: https://lindalitebeing.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/4-11-13-post-aries-new-moon-frenzy-pre-eclipse-madness-and-more/

sun image courtesy of wikimedia.org


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