Litebeing Chronicles Comment Awards

This post is an impulsive gesture and the moon isn’t even void of course yet! I am strongly compelled to distribute two more of my beautifully crafted Commenter Awards tonight. For more details, please visit here.

As most of you know, I love to comment on other blogs and sometimes comment on the comments! I also relish the back and forth, give and take dialogue that sometimes happens here on my blog. I have not given out any Commenter Awards lately so why not seize the moment!

RULES ~ These awards do not come with any hard and fast rules. However, I would be happy to see them displayed on your blog, and perhaps given out to your favorite comment makers as you see fit.

The first LCCA nominee is someone who takes the time to kindly and thoughtfully reflect and support so many of us here on WordPress with her kindness, wisdom, and grace. Not only does she provide me with wonderfully compassionate support and fascinating revelations on each and every one of my entries, she takes the time to moderate upwards of 50 or more comments per post on her own blog! As the Butterfly symbolizes transformation, it is only fitting that my dear friend who devotes herself to personal and global transformation be acknowledged properly.

I award the following to Sue Dreamwalker :




My second LCCA nominee is someone who recently made my acquaintance.  His frequent and elaborate commentary made a great impression on me in a very short time. He is becoming known for his wit, charm with the blogettes in particular 🙂 and incredible comments that read more like love letters to the art form we call blogging. I so look forward to his delightful commentary which is often provocative, amusing, and enlightening.

Raise your glasses as I award the following to Dewin Nefol :




Believe me when I say that participating in these global conversations is so incredibly meaningful to me. My moon in Gemini eats up comments as they are blessed food for the soul.

Namaste to my nominees and to all who love to talk and live to express their authentic selves.





  1. Great initiative Linda… Sue is certainly a high priest of the blogging community and the award is an eminent recognition of her status… Congrats sue, may more laurels come your way…..Raj.


  2. You are such a gem Linda creating these lovely awards… take care Barbara…. IAM actually looking for info ‘in astrology’ about the period we are in now… from april 22 – may 10… ??? love barbara x


      1. thanks linda… i remember reading, but just read it again… so we are still in the thick of it and more to come when mars aligns… I’m just working on my next post about keeping calm and grounded… but don’t have much internet yet in our new home… thanks again linda and take care… Barbara x


  3. My Dear Linda,
    Wow, your kind and generous words have just blown me away dear friend… Its a wonderful honour you do me with this nomination…
    The Blogging community is like my second family… So many wonderful sisters and brothers out there who really care about each other and the world.. Its easy to comment upon so many wonderful posts.. The harder bit is actually fitting it all in.. LOL 🙂

    I thank you so much for this award.. I have a back log I need to attend too, which I really need to address..

    You dear Linda have given my just as much support in your responses to my posts.. Thank you!

    I humbly accept this award and will do it justice in passing it along…
    _/|\_ Namaste…

    Sue xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      A large part of my motivation for this post was noticing how many comments you field on your blog and the care you take to show your appreciation and affection for each and every person who comes your way. You set such an excellent example for me as a new blogger and as a person in general. You make everyone feel special and loved and you deserve the same to come back to you multiplied by infinity!

      No rush for the post. Jut know how much I appreciate your support and gentle spirit.

      Namaste my dear friend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Linda you would perhaps cringe at the amount of time I have spent today on other peoples blogs trying to catch up… Its now 5 -40, I came on my lap top at 10-30am, so I have been on and off all day breaking for lunch.. 🙂 And I still have my own posts comments to moderate.. :-).. Love and thanks again for this Linda.. xox Hugs Sue

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sindy,
      Thank you for indirectly introducing me to Dewin. He takes commenting to an art form. And Sue is such a loving compassionate creative Goddess.

      You and I really enjoy our comments 🙂

      Love ya,


  4. ‘Kind and humbling words are the music of the world for they have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes.’ ~ F.W Faber ~

    Unaccustomed as I am to public blogging, I am sincerely delighted to receive this award and feel touched by the sentiments that were written to present it. Thank you. It is a wonderfully elevating feeling to find such warmth of welcoming and growing sense of friendship amongst so many radiantly attractive and pulchritudinous bloggers who are drawn to this appealing corner of WP. I look forward to sharing the sumptuous thrills, spills, thoughts, insights, ideas, philosophies, notions, and profound personal perspectives that are placed daily into the overflowing WP hamper where they continue to nourish my soul with the richness of a literary banquet.

    Thank you 🙂


    DN – 05/05/14


    1. You are like a breath of fresh air that has awakened many of us more seasoned bloggers here at WP. This is such a sacred community that continues to grow and thrive and encourage transpersonal evolution. I hope you will place the award on your site and when you are ready, create a post of your own to showcase some of your loyal commenters.

      Namaste my new friend 🙂


      1. Hey Linda,

        It is I that must thank you (all) for awakening me with your evolved consciousness and learned ways! Not only will it be an absolute pleasure to respond to this request but I shall do so with a sense of sincere pride and gratitude and with the utmost integrity in a manner that befits integration amongst such enlightened souls. Thank you.

        Namaste my new friend 🙂

        DN – 05/04/2014


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