Musings ~ Fresh Start

Today the sun is on my sun/moon midpoint – 1 degree Virgo. According to Dane Rudhyar, here is the interpretation:


KEYNOTE: The capacity to picture to oneself clearly the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation.

This is the first stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of symbols and its Keyword is DISCRIMINATION. Implied in discrimination is both analysis and intuition. The mind separates and identifies — and unfortunately often exaggerates — what makes a person or a situation different from another; but the intuitive responses of the whole person to what confronts him or her is also essential, for what matters is not only my or your “difference,” but the place and function this difference occupies in the organic pattern of the evolution of “humanity as a whole,” i.e. of Man.

I think this interpretation is an accurate read on the interplay of my natal sun and moon. Basically, the sun/moon midpoint is the integration or dance between the two luminaries ( lights). As a litebeing, this is a good thing. I have made many friends with birthdays around this time of year, so wishing a wonderful solar return to all of you – past and present. To locate your sun/ moon midpoint, find a reliable astrology software program or consult an astrologer. Or if you have some astrological knowledge, visit this page at and it will produce a midpoint grid for you:

Tomorrow we have a new moon in Virgo. It does not have the best of aspects as it opposes Neptune, but it is a new beginning. I am not doing a new moon post today. For a good one, I choose Emily:


Don’t know about you, but I am in need of a fresh start..




I changed the category selection for all published posts because my old system was a hot mess. Now each post has one category. Hope this will make things more orderly ( Virgo).

Thanks for all the wonderful comments lately, especially after I took a pause from the 9 to 5 experiment. Your commentary is so precious to me. Thanks also for the great response to the Sweet and Salty post. It still amazes me to see what excites people about my writing. This is not an official blogging challenge, but I am curious what people are doing with their symbols. What are your symbols? Are they morphing into signs?  Are you noticing them more places? Where? How? Why?

Once I start to formulate questions, look out! 

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So, now what?

Well, I have more award posts that are long overdue, a Collision post that is brewing, several Returning Home posts marinating slowly, something perhaps on how I spent my Summer non-vacation, etc

I also need to heal and let myself BE. This may include art, meditation, sleep, computer games, reading, breathing, dreaming……

Until I post again, I will be looking for seashells and German chocolate cake and catching up with all of you in one form or another.



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