Mercury Musings and More!


Happy Saturday everyone! It has been almost one week since I had my Sound Bath healing and the energies are still moving in unpredictable ways. Thanks for those who have offered some assistance on this kundalini trip. I continue to seek inner guidance about what is happening with me currently. Meeting with my spiritual director was helpful. She also assists me with my dreamwork and boy has it been jumping lately. I found a book yesterday that contained material by David Lukoff that was very useful. David Lukoff is a transpersonal psychologist and leading expert on Spiritual Emergencies and knows what he is talking about  His writing is among the best I have found thus far on the subject. It is balanced, focused, and easy to understand. Lights are still flickering and my heart is still racing, but not as often. I also ” by chance ” ran into Tracie the nature channel while shopping yesterday. Have not seen her in about 2 years. I  initially met her when I began to attend the Sound Baths several years ago. Seeing her yesterday ~ Coincidence? I don’t think so!!

I do not want to alarm any of my readers. While this is a challenging time, I am certain that this is just the latest of a series of openings I have experienced during the course of my life. What seems different now is that I was able to link it to a specific event and have different language for it, and that there seems to be a very fiery component at play ( super combustible grand fire trine).


Today is the first day of Mercury Retrograde. It is also World Animal Day and Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of Atonement. I prefer to write it ACIM style ~ at-one- ment.  I have written before on the Course in Miracles teachings on the illusion of separation and how it has decimated our sense of unity as a people and as the source of All There Is. This particular time of year can be used ( especially in 2014 with Mercury stationing retrograde in Scorpio) to heal the divisions within us by embracing the shadows and healing the splits and factions within. There are some interesting articles written about this today on the blogosphere, very timely indeed.


Speaking of timeliness ..   It was nearly nine years ago when I first was introduced to The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch.  After gazing at it on Amazon for a long time ( could not find it offline) , I finally ordered it.  The package arrived a few days ago and we had a joyous reunion! To read it again after all this time is so empowering and certain passages triggered a profound crying spell. These were tears of recognition of the power of the Source and my longing for that complete connection. Shortly after I had my awakening during the Summer of 2005 I returned to a very chaotic work situation. Many people had moved on and the entire leadership team of my department was in flux. One of my supervisors ( one of the few who remained) was led to bring me a book to borrow. He had never done so before. He came to my cubicle and said that he wanted me to read this book because it will help me deal with a very difficult dilemma. He handed me this children’s book. I am thinking ” Why is he giving me a children’s book?” When I saw that the author was Neale Donald Walsch, creator of the Conversation with God series, I was happy to dig in.




This beautifully illustrated tale is about the purpose of the human experience and the contracts we make with one another in order to help us fulfill our unique expression of the Divine. It tells the tale of one soul who wanted to live the wonder of his being through physical expression on Earth and chose to experience the nature of forgiveness. This short story succinctly explains the role of darkness in the Universe and why this physical world is ” all pretend.” It is indeed a children’s book, but I enjoyed it as much or more that many of the heady metaphysical material that I pore through on a regular basis. The main theme is to forgive one another for any perceived wrongdoing and to recognize that we are all loving beings of light.

I understood the reason my supervisor lent me this book, yet I was unable to forgive this coworker who was to play a powerful role in my work group. I did not have the support necessary to deal with her daily, and look beyond her current persona that was quite untrustworthy and manipulative. While I understood that a great life lesson was before me, I simply was unprepared to take this challenge on. Not at this time.

I ultimately used this situation to once and for all make a clean break from a system that I had outgrown. This coworker actually did me a huge favor by being a catalyst that set these events in motion. By the way, I  lent my supervisor Dan Millman’s The Way of the Peaceful Warrior in exchange for his kind gesture.  It was the least I could do!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a major heart opening. This may seem paradoxical to many, but often the simpler texts teach me more about life than the scholarly ones. Perhaps this is why I am so drawn to poets like Rumi. He packed millenia of lifetimes condensed into mere sentences. Sometimes less is more. Check out Sindy’s post here to read the entire story!

And on that note I wish you peace amidst the wilds of this October 2014. May we all become wiser, stronger, more conscious and kinder to ourselves and everyone who crosses our path.


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header image via  public domain


  1. Thank you Linda for directing me again here to re read this post. I hope you are being kind to yourself as you see how forgiveness of others actually allows for our own inner healing .. I know its never an easy one. And had lots of difficulties and issues with forgiveness.. But when you do finally let it go.. Sending LOVE and MORE Love your way dear friend.. xxx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, the subject of forgiveness is important and will repeatedly appear over time. Oprah says forgiveness means accepting that whatever happened in the past could not have happened any differently ( paraphrase). love, Linda


  2. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    As we continue to be tested and challenged to rise up in the wake of chaos and “alternative truth”, this post flashed in my mind. Please check out my book review and consider how current events may be cajoling the collective to blossom into our totality of consciousness. Mercury retrograde cycles are great for anything “throwback”. Hope you agree!

    peace, litebeing


  3. Hey Linda,

    I remember leaving home as something of a spiritual pauper when it came to deep truths and discussions on the ineffable and incomprehensible. It wasn’t that I had been amiss in forgetting to include a healthy dose of metaphysical reading and thought into the 18 years of life stuffed in my backpack, but rather that I felt very uncertain in knowing whose philosophies, systems of belief, and enlighteningly wise guidance I might accept and pursue in validation, support, or authentication of my own considerations. That is probably why, when I did hoist the pack on my shoulder and took a first tentative step outside the door, I did so with the words of a Walt Whitman poem given to me by my grandfather…Stanza 46 from “Song of Myself.”…folded between sheets of paper and stuffed inside the zipped inner pocket of the bag….

    I tramp a perpetual journey – (come listen all!)
    My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the woods;
    No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair;
    I have no chair, no church, no philosophy;
    I lead no man to a dinner-table, library, or exchange;
    But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll,
    My left hand hooking you round the waist,
    My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents, and a plain public road.

    Not I—not any one else, can travel that road for you,
    You must travel it for yourself.

    It is not far—it is within reach;
    Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know;
    Perhaps it is every where on water and on land.

    Shoulder your duds, dear son, and I will mine, and let us hasten forth,
    Wonderful cities and free nations we shall fetch as we go.

    If you tire, give me both burdens, and rest the chuff of your hand on my hip,
    And in due time you shall repay the same service to me;
    For after we start, we never lie by again.

    This day before dawn I ascended a hill, and look’d at the crowded heaven,
    And I said to my Spirit, When we become the enfolders of those orbs, and the pleasure and knowledge of everything in them, shall we be fill’d and satisfied then?
    And my Spirit said, No, we but level that life, to pass and continue beyond.

    You are also asking me questions, and I hear you;
    I answer that I cannot answer—you must find out for yourself.

    Sit a while, dear son;
    Here are biscuits to eat, and here is milk to drink;
    But as soon as you sleep, and renew yourself in sweet clothes, I kiss you with a good-bye kiss, and open the gate for your egress hence.

    Long enough have you dream’d contemptible dreams;
    Now I wash the gum from your eyes;
    You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light, and of every moment of your life.

    Long have you timidly waded, holding a plank by the shore;
    Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
    To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout,
    and laughingly dash with your hair.


    And now, 25 years after stepping out through the first front door, I readily admit that surprisingly little has changed in my thinking about the bigger questions in life as a consequence of journeying so often through other interesting doors. I have continued to read many pretty words selling me an experience of the numinous, and as a consequence repeatedly overstuff my pack-pack with someone else’s perspective, until even the Whitman poem seems to get lost in all the noise. It was a blessing then, when tired and weary, I decided at last to set the pack-pack down at some point on the road and focus not on competing complexity, but on simplicity: the removal of the non-essential so as to leave the essential… and for that one turns either to poetry or to Eastern mysticism….as you have done yourself Linda with Rumi and many others. A poet’s beautiful words seem to confront the most difficult questions concerning the nature of the entire human condition, and often contain the only real answers to existential questions that as human beings we can conceive to ask. All other responses appear largely hand-me-down or second-hand answers that seem to help in the short-term, but which, at least for me, do not always satisfy the motivation I have in understanding the mystery of my being. If 25 years ago, some kind soul had presented me with the words of the Buddah – here responding to a student’s request for guidance from his deathbed, I may never have wandered for quite so long…

    “Therefore … be a lamp unto yourself, be a refuge to yourself”.

    A personal and reflective post Linda, autumnally flavoured with a generous fall of golden leaves and a touch of existential melancholy as befits a fine thought-provoking blog. The book you review, whilst not unknown to me, is a prompt to perhaps re-read extracts of it again and remind myself of its charm and undoubted worth to reinforce the message that we sit in the darkness of our mind to determine the intensity of the light burning in our heart. As for hearing of your continuing experiences…one looks forward with great interest to the next instalment of Linda’s odyssey…’riding the magic carpet’.

    Thanks for sharing Linda.


    DN – 06/10/2014


    1. I am so blessed by your remarks here Dewin. I take longer than typical to respond because it requires time for me to properly assimilate the kernels of knowledge hidden within the cob. While I would consider myself intellectually astute, my brain is no longer my go-to place for clarity. In fact, it is probably the least reliable. My heart and my soul and my third eye are better suited for navigating the magic carpet.

      I can relate to the backpack story and know my readers will enjoy it as well. While I do still engage in mental theatrics, they are a mere distraction from what truly merits value. Less is so much more and no-thing is even better 🙂



      1. Hey Linda,

        The underlying sentiments within your reply echo the words my grandfather wrote at the foot of the poem. “There is a place you’ll sit one day, where even the sound of silence becomes a stillness in the deep.”

        This poem caught my eye…it has a certain hold I think. I was reminded of a childhood memory, a single moment, aged 7, sat on the summit of a pile of granite boulders known as Hound Tor and thinking of Sherlock Holmes chased by the Baskerville dog, and whether he had indeed scaled these dramatic rocks seeking last refuge from the big dog in the thick fog engulfing Dartmoor (UK). There was an indefinably long and eerie silence that seemed never ending as I sent that one thought out across the very misty moor and waited with held breath for it to hurry back to my lonely ear. But it never did return of course…something inhuman out there ripped and chewed my thought and then lingered in the closing twilight for my descent and solitary walk back to the family car…

        ~ Silence ~ By ~ Thomas Hood ~

        There is a silence where hath been no sound,
        There is a silence where no sound may be,
        In the cold grave—under the deep deep sea,
        Or in wide desert where no life is found,
        Which hath been mute, and still must sleep profound;
        No voice is hush’d—no life treads silently,
        But clouds and cloudy shadows wander free.
        That never spoke, over the idle ground:
        But in green ruins, in the desolate walls
        Of antique palaces, where Man hath been,
        Though the dun fox, or wild hyæna, calls,
        And owls, that flit continually between,
        Shriek to the echo, and the low winds moan,—
        There the true Silence is, self-conscious and alone.

        ~Taken from ~

        Thank you for promoting a wise understanding of the triple gifts of intuition, feeling and certainty (3rd eye, heart and soul?) that are foundations in life. Mind, reason and mental theatrics have never put paint on canvas but love always has.

        ‘Less is so much more and no-thing is even better ‘. A great line from the Litbeing nib…astute and guiding words with which to embellish the mirror, but not the fridge 🙂


        DN – 09/10/2014


  4. NDW is indeed and incredible author who having come through his own dark tunnel has with his inspiring words enlightened my own thinking, and his books also line my bookshelves, all though I do not have this particular one, but maybe I should..
    Its no coincidence that I clicked here this morning Linda and found among your subject matter the topic of forgiveness.. I have had the ‘Signs’ several times this message and need to apply it to myself..
    This morning I pulled a tarot card which again pointed me to forgive.. So the message is being driven home.. Like you I do not believe in coincidence.. But being divinely guided more to the point.. 🙂
    Lovely Musings this rainy day in the UK. 🙂


    1. Forgiveness is one heavy subject and often a nasty source of conflict for most people. This book eats away at resistance and allows one to see this process anew. I highly recommend that you check it out! xx Linda

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so cool! It was posted just days before I joined WordPress, which may be why I had not read it. Seems like it resonates with a few of us and I did not think it was well known, hmmm..

      Sometimes children’s books are clearer than adult versions 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I first read it many ,years ago, but you are right, I don’t think it is a well known story. ❤ Whenever I feel someone has wronged me I recall the story. ❤ We are all just children at heart. Love you Linda, and I am glad you shared it too. We all can recall we are just Little Souls.


    1. thanks Barbara, happy to see you here. At this point, these books are now classics, but I remember when they were new. Shirley MacClaine’s Out on a Limb, Sondra Ray;s book, and the Seth ,material were among the first I read as a young adult. There were others that I probably forgot, but these are still in my home, like old friends.

      xx Linda


      1. yes I remember Seth channeled by jane roberts so long ago… was the second series of books i read but they didn’t really resonate with me (probably cause I was reading them in dutch… ) after out on a limb which was the beginning point of my awakening.. expanding my awareness)… have a great day, Barbara x


      2. I do not remember the details on Seth, just that it served as an introduction for me to the idea of channeling. Shirley MacClaine who I already knew as an actress, really blew my mind more and I am very grateful 🙂


  5. Very interesting post, Linda. You know you will always get my interest with books. When I was younger I read all the Conversations with God books and really, really adored them.
    Have a magical Mercury retro


    1. Glad it sparked some interest for you. I read at least the first 3 in the series and was captivated. At this leg of the journey, I like this children’s book the best 🙂

      Have a magical Mercury too! This should be one fascinating month.

      xx linda


      1. Oooh, 4000! You have inspired a lot of discussion. Nice work!

        That one I happened to read. My list grows of books I want to read all the time. Just found some new ones I want to add in the comment section of one of your other posts. Your blog is a gold mine for me!

        Liked by 1 person

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