Angels in Disguise

I dedicate this re-blog to Dexter and all angels in disguise.

Tania Marie

joy my angel My precious little Earth Angel, Joy

When people think of Angels, certain images and ideals come to mind, but in fact there are Angels that walk among us and share their loving presence and grace with us in a variety of ways.

People are familiar with the term “Earth Angels”, but this doesn’t just speak to humans that seem to be sent from above at just the precise moment you need them.

True, Earth Angels can be a family member, friend, teacher, grocer in the check out line, stranger on the street, homeless person in the park….someone who shows up suddenly and serendipitously in your life.

But there are also Earth Angels that show up as animals that cross your path or that are your soul companions, as plant, tree, crystal, and rock beings, or simply as Divine messages and signs appearing as guideposts and answers to your questions.

In all…

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