Recycling Mirrors


First a quick update:  The formal rejection letter arrived in my mailbox today and it leaves me sad and relieved. I prefer finality to ” suspended animation.” Now I am working on releasing this thought form so that I can move on.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. Your demonstration of support warms my heart. With Throwback Mercury, I choose to wait for my words to appear before responding. Please be patient with me as I work on putting the pieces together.  I am also very pleased that several folks agreed to collaborate with me on my unfinished artwork. I am so grateful to have a platform where I can let my creativity soar without restrictions.

Thanks and welcome to the new followers who greeted me the past few days. I am so happy to meet you and invite you to browse my posts and/ or use the random post oracle on the sidebar (Star Wars icon).


Now for something magical and whimsical and very “retro”. Back in March , a woman currently living in Canada ( but of Middle Eastern origin) found me and commented on one of my astrology posts. By “random” search, she came upon the site and discovered we are “astrotwins”. We are born just 6 days apart, the same year. We have maintained an email and FB friendship and compared notes on our lives. There are quite a few similarities between us. We have served as mirrors to one another.

She is an accomplished artist, among other things. A very astrologically astute, wise woman, she is highly  imaginative, well-traveled and very perceptive. She is a mosaic artist who specializes in using recycled materials to create new forms of beauty.

Here are some highlights from her website gallery:



quilt Mashied

We live a few hours from one another and may have a chance to meet. My faith in soul connection and blossoming into a fuller expression of my Divine Self flourishes when encounters like this “just happen.” The past few days I have experienced many opportunities to see myself mirrored in the reflection of the other. What a truly potent vehicle for heightening awareness.

While I feel very vulnerable and bottomed out in a variety of ways, the sun is shining, summer exists in October, and we are never alone.


There are companions who love us while we await the next mosaic gateway to appear..

In June I had a dream with Justin Timberlake that I took to my Spiritual Director for examination. On the way home from our session, I heard his new song Mirrors on the radio for the first time. Welcome to my world where dreams often materialize, rarely as expected, filled with mystery and wonder :

To learn more about my astro-twin and her alchemical art ~


  1. What a great post Linda.. and love that you have connected to another.. It is so amazing how we have our various astro twin. who I have also found we can share so similar experiences/life lessons .. Good to know you are keeping in touch.. And I loved these images you have here also.. These Mosaic’s are wonderfully crafted… Thank you for sharing them.. Hugs Sue


  2. Dear Linda, Here is a token I found online and would like to share with you: Lately… Friendship is not easily earned But I find I treasure its placement On a newly dusted shelf – Your placement there is one I value. by: ©2014 Christy Birmingham. Thank you for included me on your blog. I’m very humbled when it comes to my art works, I wish to pass this skill to new generation and this coming from someone as well read and insightful as you, that means a lot to me. I hope you have a blessed day. Recycling Phoenix

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi MN,and Recycling Phoenix,
      I will keep your name private ( a Scorpio thing), but was so happy to share your art and link to your site. It is indeed a treasure that you appeared in my life to serve as a mirror, and simply a friend. Please read the comments and likes and take it in…

      xx Linda


    2. Hi sweetie,
      Just reread your comment and noticed the online quote about friendship. It is part of a poem by a blogger who follows my blog. Her name is Christy Birmingham. Funny synchronicity, hmm?

      xoxo Linda


  3. Hey Linda. Your new friends art is just beautiful. I really love that kind of work and wish I was surrounded by it. It is so wonderful that the two of you may get to meet. What a great blessing. ❤
    I wish many, many blessings for you~

    Much love,


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