Greetings from Bizarro World

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These past two weeks have been out of control. Virtually all of the choices and decisions I have made on my own behalf have proven to be faulty. Where have my superpowers gone? I do not have a poorly placed astrological transit on which to deflect responsibility for my current situation. I keep asking myself if Mercury is retrograde in an alternative universe.

I often take solace in a lesson well-learned. While I have learned a few lessons, I feel too fried to appreciate them. For example, my living room has been plagued with  a mysterious dripping water/knocking sound for a few weeks. The intensity and frequency has increased over time and it has become  a new form of cruel and unusual punishment. The noise would disappear when people came to hear it. The wall that it was coming from had no water stains or leaks. I began to wonder if my home was haunted, but it did not seem likely.

Today the mystery was solved and I was not even close to guessing the right answer. My old ( ancient) desktop computer speaker was the culprit. The maintenance people were ready to tear up walls to examine heating pipes and it was a speaker! My intuition must be on vacation in Barbados, because it was the farthest thing from my mind.

On top of that, I totally misjudged one of my neighbors who also is part of the maintenance team. He was kind and generous and did not judge me crazy for hearing intermittent noises that had nothing to do with the building. Where has my ability to read people gone? I really regret not seeing him clearly.

I have been making messes everywhere I go lately, from the bank to the supermarket to the laundry room to the public library.  This morning I made another practical but apparently poor choice that is putting my finances temporarily at risk. I consulted others and took my time with my decision, but in the end it created drama and I am not out of the woods yet.


A Course in Miracles has a famous line that goes like this:

Do you prefer that you be right or happy?

The former leader of my ACIM group would quote this line over and over and it has stayed with me over the years. I often prefer to be right and happy. Today I am wrong and unhappy, but I understand the value of this question. Indulging the ego in its quest to win at all costs is not the way to go. I also suspect that getting to the bottom of everything is also a fruitless pursuit. Many friends over the years have suggested that I just embrace the mystery. I must admit that I love a great mystery and my intense curiosity is one of my main reasons to get up in the morning, so…..

It is quite humbling to be so off of my game without any excuses. I have been sleeping well and the Pluto Uranus square is waning ( for now). I don’t understand what is driving this train. Am I picking up the energies of other beings ( human or otherwise) ? I do say a protection prayer at least once a day. Am I just plain exhausted from a year fraught with challenges and loss? Maybe I am putting too much pressure on myself to find meaning in what may just be a spell of bad luck. I have not neglected my radical gratitude practice and I am spending time in nature on a regular basis. Apparently doing everything right is still wrong sometimes.


Or perhaps this is a typical way to enjoy the holidaze in Bizarro World?


I will share this catchy song with you, but don’t go anywhere. I  do have a few announcements after this musical intermission :



1-Have you been following the 2014 Wrap-up Challenge? Here’s the link to the post with the current line-up here. The blogs have been very moving and quite diverse. I am so pleased that many of the regulars have returned and some new folks have also heeded the call! Please read their stories and be amazed  and inspired. There are still some dates available, so I cordially invite you to collaborate with your WP family in bidding goodbye to 2014.

2-Despite my new residence in Bizarro World, I still can perform dreamwork with a vengeance, read a mean astrology chart ( or a nice one), or see the sugar-plum visions in my head regarding your future.  So if you are curious about my services, now is a great time to get a reading.  I am currently having a special sale for the remainder of 2014. Please visit here for all the details.

3- They say good things come in 3s: The third announcement is that I have a show to plug. My ever-synchronous mind has ascension on the brain. Since I got bit by the ascension bug, I have been looking for more information on-line, at the library, and elsewhere. Well, I discovered there is a 3 part ( get the 3 theme) miniseries on SYFY channel called Ascension that I highly recommend. It kinda just appeared on my cable TV guide. At first I was stunned to see it there. The plot is not what I expected ( par for the course these past few weeks), but it is really unusual and clever and addictive in the best way.

You know we try to keep it positive here at litebeing chronicles, but we also keep it real. I have truly been struggling  lately and welcome prayers, love, Divine light, and positive energy. So I humbly admit that even litebeings can be off of their game and get a bit disoriented and lost. I hinted at this possibility (way back when) on Blog Story.

Thanks for reading and commenting and returning here time and time again, post after post, for close to 2 years.



  1. Sounds like you have been having ‘Fun’ I hope the energies soon change Linda and you can laugh back on these things.. Glad you didn’t have a water leak.. Now there in is a positive! 🙂
    Sending you Big Hugs your way Linda.. and thank you so so much for your Love and visits.. Its 10-45pm here now and I have been up since 5am awake since 4.. so I am tired… but didn’t want to go without wishing you a good weekend..
    I will pop back to view your other posts to catch up.. Big Hugs my friend..
    Sue ❤

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    1. Depends on what you consider fun! Still not out of the woods yet, but I do enjoy the woods, so… Hoping the Solstice will usher in fresh new beginnings for us all. Rest well and enjoy the weekend,

      xoxo Linda

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  2. Hi Linda,
    Sorry to hear about things going a little wonky as they say. And it has been happening every where, even out here. I think when you mentioned that perhaps it’s more human energy on this planet swaying things, as opposed to the other planets skewing energy here, I said you’re right on.
    Everyone has been on edge and a but short tempered and frustrated.
    There has also been a tremendous amount of negativity and violence on the planet with the attacks we are reading about it the news. Don’t want to mention anything specific here and get the censors going.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok, continuing my comment…
      Keeo riding along in the chariot of life while understanding that no matter how careful we are, we will hit some bumps, rocks, and potholes Long the way. But if we didn’t steer at all, our chariots would have been off the road a long time back. And we don’t want other people in the driver’s seat either. 🙂
      So take comfort in knowing you’re doing the best you can. We are sending you good energy and prayers and we know that the road will clear up again soon, bumpy patches be damned!!
      Hugs, and happy holidays.
      O and om. 🎄

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    2. Wow a xmas miracle, commentary from my favorite blog cat and his momma 🙂
      Thanks for the positive vibes, it has been truly wonky. Still grateful for what works and what goes well each day. Sometimes I cannot identify a root cause of a situation or experience and maybe I need to accept this and move on. The news in the media I try to gloss over as my body and spirit are not wired to digest and assimilate that negativity.

      What we focus on expands, for better or worse or both.

      Happy Solstice and 2015 to you and yours. Dexter just gave a shout out to Odie. Please pass it on if he’s not online now.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. “This too shall pass”. This true.
        Odies glad to be your fave blog cat. Odie mama is glad That you’re smarter than she and you aren’t a news addict. When I’m not writing the book I’m plugged in to the documented spin. Realized that the news only became the news because something went wrong. Or got fixed.
        hows the weather been out in Penn? Better than last year?
        It’s been better here. And we are so grateful. No ugly Xmas sweaters for either of us.
        Hugs and hugs again!!
        🎄 on and om 🐱

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey there, Linda. What a wild experience! I’m glad your Scorpy Wisdom won out on that one – Life is a tapestry of dark, light and in-between, after all, eh? 😉 There has been a lot of disturbance in the force, as they say, so you might have been picking up on that. Plus a couple of recent solar flares added to the party, stirring the psycho-sphere further. It’d be enough to push us off-kilter for a bit, for sure. Good on ya’ for surfing it, though. 🙂 Big Love, Jamie

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Deb,
    Thanks for your comment. I considered deleting this post because it is skewed towards the dark side, but hey I am Scorpion after all, so who am I kidding? Your Gem moon placement is quite different than mine and is in the early degree range of Gemini. I think you may have noticed a shift today because the moon is now in the end of Scorpio very close to your Scorpio ascendant. That makes a pleasant aspect as the moon visits your 1st house. So you were correct about the moon, just in a slightly different way. With moon in Gemini, there are typically waves of quick moving emotions ( Mercury rules Gemini), so that actually lessens the likelihood of chronic depression.
    Now that I know you used to calculate charts by hand, I feel you can handle more complex astrological answers.

    Don’t know the Lemur, but I will Google it. So glad the psychic pathways are opening. With Neptune beginning to square your moon for a few years now and getting even closer, I think your sensitivity will grow exponentially if you work with the energies.

    peace, Linda


  5. Dear Linda,
    Glad that you solved the mystery noise!

    I have had a similar week, although today I feel a shift of the energies. Gemini moon? I know it varies from chart to chart, but just wondering your thoughts on her whereabouts.

    I had a great dream the other night about a lemur. I think there’s yet another psychic shift happening.

    Much love,

    Liked by 1 person

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