WordPress is a Divine Messenger

Dear fellow bloggers and bloggettes,

This will be short and sweet. Got my annual WP report and it was pretty standard fare. That is until we got to the countries section.

Guess how many countries visited litebeing chronicles this year?

Anyone have an inkling?

How about 111?

Yes, you read that correctly.

111 countries!

Now either the top brass know my affinity for 11s and are playing a prank, or it is Divinity in motion.

There are 195 countries in the world and I am thrilled so many have visited here. But  111, well I am overjoyed. Grace once again has made an appearance to let me know I am fine. I plan to write for the rest of my days, God willing…

wikimedia.org public domain

WordPress is indeed, a Divine Messenger that knows no limits..

Thank you for visiting and assisting me in spreading some lite.



image credit: wikimedia.org, public domain


  1. The Universe always pulls out the stops to let us know we are within the Loop of creation dear Linda.. And so pleased you saw the ‘Signs’ yet again as it spoke to you xxx Hugs to you Linda.. and May 2015 get better and better… Believe and so it is.. 🙂 xxx Love to you my friend.. and thank you so much for your friendship… xxx Hugs Sue xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tania,
      I hope to reach every single country in some way, but am thrilled to see another 111!

      I realize the more I embrace being me and just being, the more the world seems to be in the flow…


      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is one of the many reasons I adore blogging. It gives people a free platform to simply be and with translation services on your browser anyone can practically reach anyone. I continue to take care of me so that my ripples are more light than dark. I wish for more conscious action in 2015 and forward..

        Liked by 1 person

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