Wanna Play? Color Outside the Lines


This weekend is an Astrological vortex of intensity with Sun square Uranus and Sun conjunct Pluto today. Then tomorrow’s Full Moon in Cancer engages Pluto and Uranus once more with Moon opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus.What a power-packed weekend!

I have been spending my time doing intuitive readings on my FB page and working on astrological chart interpretations for real-time ( in person) clients next week. This is work that ain’t really work and it helps redirect my stubborn thought forms.

Life has been stranger than usual lately and I will get to that later. Still gearing up for my 2 year blogiversary and integrating all the newness. I am putting it all aside for another time and another post.

Because now it is playtime!


Please print out these poetry coloring pages. I found them here and want to share them with all of you!









I know that getting out of my brain and into my heart leads to joy and abandon. Perhaps some color will assist you in riding the waves of this emotionally charged weekend.


header image credit: freerangestock.com


  1. Those drawings look Fun.. and its good to keep busy.. I bought my granddaughter a big box of art, it had crayons, paints and felt tips. ( the washable kind ) 😉 .. I think I had as much fun drawing and colouring as she…
    I like the way New Earth Paradigm viewed colouring too 🙂
    Keep riding those waves.. I hope they are all only gentle splashes around your ankles.. as you walk along the calm shores you paint..

    Love and Blessings Linda..
    Sue xxx

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    1. Hi Sue,
      The commentary is becoming even more phenomenal and grace-ful every day. I have not used these yet but felt compelled to share here as a resource. I have 2 boxes of Crayola 64s and am due for an artfest!

      love your tender care.



  2. Very fun, Linda! And yes, even the thought of getting out the big box o’ Crayolas and the colored pencils stirs the joy-pool. 🙂 Thanks for sharing these creative invitations to ‘color outside the lines’ … a nice notion to carry into a new year. xoxo Love, Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How wonderful! How FUN! Get out the 64-pack of crayons and go to it! I LOVE to color! Inside the lines — outside the lines — doesn’t matter — just get the color everywhere! Consider our thoughts as color that our mind can “paint” the world with. What colors will we choose for our new world. What shapes will be draw in place of the bleak, shadowy ones the Matrix shows us? This is where I really begin to draw and color “outside of the lines.” I’ll be re-posting this one, Linda. Saving it for when I’m traveling with limited time to blog. Thank you so much ♥

    Liked by 2 people

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