Somewhere In Time

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Planetary retrogrades are absolutely wonderful for re-watching ( retrograde) old films and re-exploring familiar concepts (airy Aquarius). I did both while watching Somewhere In Time yesterday. I have seen it numerous times, but noticed some details I may have overlooked before.

Backstory: This is more of a back paragraph… Through my teens and young adulthood, I was fascinated with eternal love. I also fancied myself a budding writer. I journaled regularly and would occasionally jot possible story lines on a notepad. I had an amazing idea for a book/movie. Two people would alter time to be together for eternity. No obstacles could defer them from realizing their fate. Every great love is timeless!  Then in 1980 Somewhere In Time was released. I must admit I was quite angry, realizing my idea was already taken and it was too late to do anything about it. I did not know then that ideas can be received by many people simultaneously, and that an original idea may not be so original after all. Eventually my envy turned into appreciation.  When discussing movies, I would declare that this was my all-time favorite film. Immediately a palpable mystical glow would follow whenever I met another who felt the very same way.

Growing older has made viewing this treasure even more fulfilling.This movie has an incredible score, lovely use of color and cinematography, and the considerable acting abilities of Christopher Reeves. I give a mini review of this now classic tale here. I noticed how primitive the late 1970s look in retrospect. The typewriter and clunky desk phones were commonplace items when the film was created. Now they seem almost as dated as the horse-drawn carriages and photographic equipment which were characteristic of the turn of the century period featured in this film.


This phenomenon reminds me of one of the themes in Cynthia Sue’s Larson’s book Quantum Jumps. She discusses how you can go back in time and influence the past by your current perception of your memories. Noticing the names of popular actors in the credits, for example,  can prompt you to realize that once unfamiliar faces are now fixtures in some of your favorite weekly TV series. When you come to that realization, you may view these actors differently.


I am still a newbie at this process, but am enjoying the ride. I do have more experience with this through the lens of past relationships. Last night I planned on setting an intention before bed to imagine how I would feel having attained a particular goal. Lately I have been having some difficulties falling to sleep easily. I lost focus and my mind just drifted off. I forgot to follow through. I did , however, have a dream about a past love. I woke up thinking about him, Paris, and pastries. I have never been to France, but would love to travel there. Even now more than ever, after having seen another time travel masterpiece,  Midnight in Paris.  My ex and I used to speak to each other occasionally in French and he was smitten with Paris, so..   Mais oui!

I wished to return to the dream and quickly set this intention. No biggie as I have done this many times successfully. I was only partially successful last night. The dream plot continued with my ex, but no Paris or eclairs. In the interest of full disclosure, I really was more interested in the pastries than my ex or Paris. It is likely that these dream trips were connected to watching Somewhere In Time. I have felt such a strong initial connection in a few of my romances and often wondered if we were together before in some fashion.


Have you noticed that time travel is making a comeback? The makers of cheesy flicks like Hot Tub Time Machine are advertising sequels. My cable network is featuring time travel films this month. Unfortunately I did not notice any good ones. I am faithfully watching a new series on VH1 called Hindsight. I mentioned  this show here. While I find the show to be childish and superficial, I do enjoy how ripple effects occur when the main character makes different choices while visiting her past. There is also a mysterious character who appears both in the present day and the 1990s. I am curious what role he will play. I also like to see what devices are used to aid the transformation between realities. In Hindsight the elevator is primary. I have noticed elevators being used in this way before.

Now that the idea of simultaneous points in time sits rather well with me, I am much more open to seamless time travel being more and more feasible. Pop culture often reflects what is possibly about to become the next big thing, so perhaps we are getting closer.

What are your thoughts on time travel, reincarnation, simultaneous time?

What techniques or portals are best used to move through different dimensions?

Are reincarnation and time travel different? How?

Aquarius rising and like time travel?

image credits: images 1, 3, and 4:, public domain

image 2, josephine wall


  1. I don’t have any personal time travel experiences, but Gary Renard describes in Disappearance of the Universe how his guides zapped him through space and time. So, it can actually happen.
    Very entertaining to read. And the book was a great help for me to understand ACIM better.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Karin,
      I ended up here just now and realize I never replied to your comment. Gary Renard, have you mentioned him before? You always have great book suggestions. When did you read ACIM? I wasn’t aware you read it, or perhaps my memory is overloaded.

      Hope you enjoyed my time travel back to 2015, lol!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What a surprise, lol!
        Yes, I enjoyed this time travel back to this old post.

        I don’t remember whether I mentioned Gary Renard before. I liked his books as an explanation what ACIM is all about.

        I have read ACIM back around 2009, I guess. I started the workbook in 2011, but never completed the lessons.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I can relate dear Linda to your thinking.. I often have wondered if I have not time travelled myself… I once dreamt a vivid dream of myself and another stood upon a very futuristic looking building.. the walls of which seem opaque.. As we held each other knowing the world in which we lived was to end as we knew it..
    This person within my dream then came into my reality world.. Did I create the character like as in a novel?… Or was this some Twin flame? Somewhere in time we exist either here I believe and maybe somewhere else as our dual higher selves interact with each other..

    I was reading the comments section and the Lake House film so spoke to me when I first saw it.. so much so I had to buy the DVD..
    Who can say.. what Time truly is… We can only experience within our senses of this time frame of reality .. And even then sometimes I wonder at the illusions we are presented with…

    I am wavering from being so low at the moment to hysterically high .. As I flit within my own moods of what our conciousness truly is…
    Somewhere In time Linda.. I guess we will all of us find out.. and then laugh at our experiences within our time frame of human form..

    Love to you my dear friend… your writing has been a joy to read and digest this late evening xxx
    ❤ Sue

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sue for sharing your dreamtime experience. I am continually amazed at what happens in dreams. I also recently had an unusual dream experience that I plan to blog on soon. I am so curious about time, so much beyond our ability to take in and absorb. The Lake House was so cool, saw it atleast 2x on TV. Facebook also in a way plays with time. I have gathered a few folks there from my present and long ago past who all contribute to the totality of me in relationship. It is fascinating to discover too that many of my FB friends are friends with my other FB friends and that our connections go on and on.. Time and space are both malleable and can be trans-formative. Sorry to hear about the lows. Maybe this full moon will close this cycle for you.

      love for all time,


      1. Thank you Linda..

        You said “Time and space are both malleable and can be trans-formative.”

        Yes they are.. and Last night was the best nights sleep I had in a long while…. Many thanks for your thoughts and yes I am sure the Full Moon is closing this cycle as I allow things to cleanse as I heal..
        Bless you Linda..
        Love and Hugs Sue xxx

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  3. What a timely musing, Linda … it really does seem attuned to these Aqua energies and themes, especially with Mercury retrograde. I remember seeing Somewhere in Time. And you might have also seen The Time Machine (with Guy Pearce) and The Love Letter, with Campbell Scott and Jennifer Jason Leigh (both slightly older films), continuing the time travel theme. I guess Star Trek’s First Contact qualifies as well! How fun, and also very ‘shamanic’, with the walking between worlds, times, and dimensions, always mindfully and with solid purpose of course! Thanks for stirring the time travel memories. Enjoy Paris! (I loved that movie, too!). Love, Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jamie,
      I did enjoy The Love Letter and The Lake House as well. Two mentors in my life ( one I dedicated my blog to: see Blog Story) independently told me at the same time that drumming and the Shamanic path would be important in my journey. I do love to drum, but am not certain I am equipped to heal others by journeying. I am so fascinated with time travel and geographic travel, so who is to say where this originates? Perhaps my natal Mercury retrograde?

      You are welcome! Big cosmic hugs,


      1. Oh, right, The Lake House! I’m sure there are others for this list as well (could be a good ‘movie medicine’ list for when one’s in that mood). Did you resonate with what your two mentors told you? Journeying is one modality, to be sure, but there are others, too, including focused, genuine prayer, etc. Maybe it is your natal Mercury Rx and the Aqua rising combined that give you that love of travel (Jupiter and 9th house, it’s said, too, but who knows?). xoxo Love, Jamie


      2. I have given it tremendous contemplation, I learned shaman is a name for healer or seer in general. You are correct astrologically, In addition I have a 9th house Sun in a stellium and jupiter rules my MH.


  4. Hi Linda,

    My favorite time travel movie is Twelve Monkeys. I have watched that movie a dozen times. Also, the tv series Lost.

    I think dreams can be ways to time travel too and perhaps in both directions.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deb,
      Have not seen that one. I now SYFY is launching a new series based on 12 monkeys. Regret not getting on the lost bandwagon. So much to watch, so little time 🙂
      I agree about dreams. Have not been aware of many futuristic ones lately, but that can change..

      glad you enjoyed this one.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, a series about twelve monkeys? I look forward to checking it out.

        Yes, I don’t have too much time for tv, and am very picky about what I watch. Lost is a big commitment!


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      2. Ha ha, I like my head 🙂 We all get along just fine in there. 🙂

        Just teasing. I have been making room for watching sports with my dear big sis who lives so far away. It’s very frivolous and fun for us both.

        Hugs to you!

        P.S. did you get snow?

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  5. Linda, I don’t know if you already saw Interstellar, but that had some pretty rockin’ quantum gravity time travel contact from the future mojo going on… I recommend it after a reread of your post here!


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