Mutable Love ~ Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune Venus in Pisces

Howdy WP readers and fellow litebeings!

I recently blogged about Saturn square Venus.  Tomorrow ( or today in some time zones) Neptune joins the party as Venus meets Neptune at 6 degrees Pisces. This is auspicious as 6 is the number that’s correlated with Venus. It is the love number! All this occurs at my midheaven so it makes sense that I communicate about this planetary configuration publicly. I had to take a quick break from typing as I spotted a critter within my sight. I went to the window and saw 1, then 2, then, 4…  I had to go on the terrace on this bitterly cold day to make contact and count. I observed 6 deer in my backyard area. This is a record for me and totally underscores the power of 6 and love!

Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging.

Here is the transit potential summarized  in a tasty morsel:

Ethereal transcendent love ( Neptune Venus in Pisces) challenged by a crisis of faith ( Saturn in Sagittarius).


The lovers drink a Neptunian elixir.


Everything gets fuzzy and slightly out of focus.


The couple is blissfully ecstatic.

But then ideals are challenged and fear looms large.

Pisces and Sagittarius are mutable signs and mutability means flexibility, flow, and movement. This mutable square is less challenging than most because there is room to maneuver, make errors, and course correct. We are facing  the clashing of dreams versus reality. What is reality? Saturn aids our abilities to manifest and in Sagittarius we are challenged to open ourselves up to new ideas and new beliefs about expansion and abundance. In this case we are talking about spiritual love and divine blessings.

This can mean soul mate pairings, transitory romance, and/or involvement with chameleons who morph and shape-shift before your eyes.

We are everything and nothing and all we will ever be has already happened.

Think about this and feel free to comment.

I continue to awaken and as I do, I notice how little I know and also how everything is within my grasp. Yes, this is another paradox.

I have been playing with the notion of love in my mind for a few months. I am beginning to consider that my life’s mission could be more easily advanced if I lived within partnership. Don’t worry, Dexter is still here. I am thinking about what it might be like to embark once more in a romance.

I will be more than okay either way. Just wondering if there might possibly be someone who would also benefit from partnering with me. The me of today, not of the past. After meeting James , I could not fathom a higher love for me. But that was not romance between a man and a woman. It was not practical or based on everyday human day-to-day living. I really thought that I have been rather content without all the baggage and drama that often accompany the forming of a relationship. It seemed to be a done deal.  Now I am not certain.

I do not want to close the door to someone wh0 perhaps has been waiting for me to evolve and grow and decide I can try this once more. It is also not in my best interest to close myself off from a partner who may propel me to accomplish more here for the planet.

Just sayin’

I have included two links of songs that I enjoyed when I was in love that elegantly highlight the easily malleable Neptunian in all of us. One is male centered and the other is female centered. These songs suggest that we often attempt to be everything in order to please the other. Having dated so many Piscean types, I have seen this in action more times than I care to remember. I’d suggest instead that we allow our own  internal diversity and creative process to come to the fore as we tap into more of who we already are. Let’s play with freedom and whimsy.


Finally, here is a video that is about transcendent love , soft and ethereal as a fluffy cloud…


image credits:, public domain


  1. Yea for love ❤ Indeed Ms. Linda! I think it is there, I do! What an exciting possibility, and dare I say probability? 😉 Love is grand.

    PS: odie doesn't drink accept an occasional margarita with me in West Hollywood. lol


    1. I had a feeling you would approve. We will see what takes shape. Did not know Odie was partying with you. Dex will only drink water and that is with gentle encouragement from his special rx food, lol!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I bet the presence of 6 deer in your back yard was a sight to behold.. and I am sure Dexter wouldn’t be in the least bit jealous if he had to share your love.. 😉

    Great post Linda.. Happy Full Moon.. Its a gorgeous large one here reflecting the upon the snow on the ground..
    Love and Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. After some thought , I realize that I had already heard that song title so when you said drunken romance it triggered that memory 🙂
        such a typical retrograde moment of temporay confusion on my part 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Nope. Looks like two feet on ground now. But all cleaned up on streets and stuff. For most part. Chicago is usually very prepared for snow!! And crazy weather I general. All part of our future global warming/climate change.
        Fewer storms with more moisture in them. Or so I just heard on the news…
        Hugs my dearest ones. Stay warm!!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. With my moon in Gemini I am frequently ” just sayin” ” something 🙂

      Thank you Amanda. I enjoy finding awesome images to support my message.The header was found at It is part of the Creation of the World series by Mikalojus-Ciurlionis.

      love to you Gemmybear,


  3. Sorry replying again this way …dear Linda I enjoyed reading your post, it feels good to know what one except from love . Having said that full moon in 7th house really light up the values Thanks for sharing 🙂 Phoenix


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