Great Mystery New Moon

So tonight is the second Aquarius new moon and a Black Moon at that! We go right to Sun and Moon in Pisces within hours of the lunation. Then tomorrow is the transition from the Chinese Year of the Horse to Year of the Sheep.

Whoa, I am exhausted just thinking about all these sweeping ex-changes! So much at once in the midst of the final looming Pluto Uranus square in March.

So I meditated and pulled a card for me and you.




This is such a great card for me ( and you). I have really been feeling lost, confused and excited all at once. There are so many  powerful transits affecting my chart as well as that of the collective. This new moon is conjunct my Chiron and opposite my chart ruler (Uranus). So let’s just say that I cannot feel any beginnings or endings. It is all one endless whoosh..

So as I am unable to discern what lies ahead ( or in front of me) today, I will allow myself to ride and glide along the oceanic waves. I will not resist, I will allow. Uranus and Neptune are hosting this party and they insist that we respect their power and intensity. In order to avoid electrocution, one must alter their vibration. There is no other alternative.

To honor Chiron ( who is currently in Pisces) is to allow wounds to surface and be healed. He is not for the faint of heart. Facing whatever appears is essential now.  Mystery does not want us to use limited the human mind and precious energy in a quest for the unfathomable. This fruitless search is a mere distraction from true purpose.

Now my purpose may take a different route than yours, but ultimately we are traveling together.

To be love in this world


Which brings me to Stevie Wonder, of course. While watching the Grammy Tribute Concert, I was struck by the poignant lyrics of As. This may have been written as a personal love song, but I see Spirit’s handiwork all over it. It addresses mystery, Divine purpose, and the law of Attraction. There are so many layers of meaning here. Interesting too is the choice of album cover for Songs in the key of Life. Such a lovely spiral  happens to graces the cover.

When I had a great awakening in 2005, I began hearing some old songs differently. Words and melodies would leap out to me in ways that underscored subtle truths. This was one of the songs that I heard in ” another key.”

Here are some of the lyrics that woke me up and opened my heart even wider:

Until the day is night and night becomes the day—ALWAYS
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away—ALWAYS
Until the day that 8x8x8 is 4—ALWAYS
Until the day that is the day that are no more
Did you know that you’re loved by somebody?
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left—ALWAYS
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself
I’ll be loving you forever
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through—ALWAYS
Until the day that you are me and I am you—AL~~~~~~WA~~
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky~~~~~AA~~~~

We all know sometimes lifes hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space
But you can bet you life times that and twice its double
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed
so make sure when you say you’re in it but not of it
You’re not helping to make this earth a place sometimes called Hell
Change your words into truths and then change that truth into love
And maybe our children’s grandchildren
And their great-great grandchildren will tell
I’ll be loving you


What do you hear? 



visit for full lyrics.


  1. Lovely post and great card too… Yes our purpose is to Love.. I think we are going through our various alterations at the moment Linda as we align back within our vibrational frequency..
    Sending you my love and Hugs Linda.. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alterations, what a nice word! I feel lately more like I am imploding and exploding physically. Really hope it is upgrading and not just physical reactions to stress! I did wonder about that today, and hope you are correct. Fortunately we have many tools available to us. Love is always the answer, it never fails. Love and light, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi
    I’m glad youre going with the going. If we believe or lives are part destiny then giving up some control to the great universe is ok. And will be ok. Easier said than done. But still a good task to focus on.
    Question: what deck is this that youre pulling from? we like a lot a lot.
    Looks interesting and intellectual.

    O & om

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Going with the flow is not a typical Scorpion trait but being so planful and rigid is not doing the job. I have a few decks but the one that’s my default is the Sacred Path. It is not tarot but Native American oracle cards and they tend to be reliable and offer a different perspective.

      L& Dex

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      1. Hi you two,
        I love these cards. I’ve got a ton of decks, but I can make room on the shelf for a new, fresh perspective that it looks like the cards offer. Is this your go to deck?

        Letting go is actually best when seen as taking in or accepting of energy of the from around you. universe energy. When we are rigid, we cut off the flow of messages, chi, chakra energy, etc. I understand how hard it is to change perspectives on doing, esp for our two signs, Scorpio and Gemini. I’m working on it myself. Because control is an illusion anyway, a wiser person once told me. Oh, how easy it is to forget that!

        O and om.


      2. Yes it is my go to deck. I post cards from this deck often on the blog. I still enjoy tarot but it seems I produce better readings for myself and others with this one.
        Never think of Gemini as rigid, but you have Scorpio rising and Scorps like to control at all costs. Alas it is an illusion and better I learn this recently rather than not at all. xoxo

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      3. The funny thing is we know all of these axioms, but remembering them when we are in the moment is so difficult. Reminds me of a speaker that Oprah had on her incredible show, ‘super soul sunday’. We know the tenants of ideal living in this realm- Where soul and body/personality are often at odds. It’s sticking to those tenants and not getting angry, worried, panicked, nervous, etc… When real life hits us, That’s what’s virtually impossible for even the greatest learned masters. Better to know about what is best for the soul/body of course, than to not know. Better to have the knowledge bank to pull from. No one works well with an empty spiritual account. And yours is rich 🙂
        Thanks for electing me know about control and scorpios..
        What signs are the most easy going? Who’s the laid back flow going winner?

        O and om 🐱

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Our dialogue is very timely as a lost check in the mail threatened to throw my finances into a tailspin. Check arrived today, but cannot predict what may happen next. Super Soul Sunday is the best thing on TV now as far as I am concerned. Loved when she traveled to Brazil and other places to meet healers or thought leaders. The energy is very high, I can feel it! Thanks for the complement, I see what I am made of when crisis or illness occurs and how I react. Could be a post 😉 The repetition of these concepts is very helpful in allowing us to reorient our thinking.
        Who is more easygoing? Generally the Gem, Sag and Pisces types. Most mutable types ( except uptight Virgos) are less rigid and more spontaneous and loose. But there are always exceptions.


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      5. Gems are relaxed as long as the energy is flowing. When things get stagnant, it’s hard for us to sit idly by. Boring is a big no no, especially for me. Sometimes I know I work too hard make situations exciting and important when there’s nothing there. And I get push back from those who have a default button that says, “it’s not important”. But to me it always is if I’ve chosen to spend any amount of time on it. Wishing this were not the case. Wishing we all devoted ourselves to what we earnestly want.
        That being said, 2015 Is about changing pattern thinking and avoiding pattern actions that lead to the same negative outcomes /dead ends. Lackluster should not be on anyone’s check list for the next eleven months. I want to be the main advocate for moving forward, finding that most excellent place each of us can have in the universe as long as we try. Trying hard seems like a slap in the face to going with the flow. And it is, in some ways. That’s why life is so challenging. Because of the questions that will never fade: When are we supposed to try and when are we supposed to quit? When are we being too demanding in ways that cause us to overlook our blessings? What is our true calling for this lifetime? Is it ever too late to get there, or should we keep trying O matter how many rejections have crushed our hearts? There always seem to be more questions than Answers in this dimension.
        I can only offer what I think has been of help to me. Deep down, in that smallest glowing kernel of your truest soul is a space that feels good when we follow our calling. It also glows hottest when we honor the self through actions that nring self respect. It’s shines brightest when we put in the hard work. That’s the path to follow. What does your say?

        Glad you found your check. This dimension requires money. Which seems counter productive to humans being able to lead respectful , artistic, and fulfilling lives. And it is…
        And so it is.
        O and om. ♡

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      6. Love this! Wish you would resume actual writing on your blog, but I’ll take what I can get here 🙂

        Great questions! And u r right, Gems get so bored. My moon is in Gem and boredom can be lethal for me on the job. I get bored so quick and and then feel the need to move on unless I get something new to chew on. Blogging allows my creativity to flow, no holds barred!
        I think some of the answers get activated within at diff times throughout the life cycle. living on Earth is hard work as it is, but perhaps less difficult when we with align with the flow of life, chi.

        Hugs to you and yours from me and mine. Since we are all one, let’s hugs ourselves ❤

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      7. Hello my two –
        Wow. That would be a wonderful blog caption. “we are one. let’s hug ourselves”
        Might have to borrow that one from you.
        Glad you like my writing. I haven’t been able to go full tilt on the blog because my focus has been on the book. Writing other things saps what I might have for the novel, which is a whirlwind of vocab and emotion. Being my brainchild, it Also has plots twists, intense character development, flashbacks, and humor.
        To say writing something like this challenging for me is an understatement. And I still would have done it had I known!
        Something about how terrifying and challenging this has been is what drew me to it. There are no guarantees in (fiction) book world. All you can do is put the time in and hope it was well spent.
        Ok. well enough about the book. I’ll be done soon. And then the fun begins. That’s not sarcasm. I’m excited to see which agent I can connect with on this project. I even think I know what to say in a letter to find the agent who would rep this non traditional book.
        Nonfiction is an easier sell. You don’t have to write the whole book first. Weren’t you thinking about writing a Nonfiction?
        What was the topic? A spiritual novel that meets your professional expertise…
        I’m not just imagining this.? Right.
        Glad we get to blog with you 🙂
        Hugs to ourselves and by that we mean to everyone !!
        O and om 🐱

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Yes you can borrow it , and hey, I might use it too 🙂
        Your project seems to reflect the best of you and I hope it gets published in the form you want.

        Weren’t you thinking about writing a Nonfiction?
        What was the topic? A spiritual novel that meets your professional expertise…
        I’m not just imagining this.? Right.

        Yes you are correct but I do not think it would be a novel, probably a book. I still hold the vision but this is not the time. I am not motivated now. I have to figure out my next move for meaningful work and service that compensates me fairly. From that foundation, then who knows? I still consider writing for a magazine, but I have other irons in the fire. We shall see where I end up.

        I do admire your tenacity, which is not typical Gemini fare.

        Hugs to ourselves and that means you ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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