Mosaic and Pointillism Art as Unity Consciousness

While conversing with a bloggette, I realized another reason why both the mosaic and pointillism painting techniques move me so. In both techniques the large image is composed of smaller, sometimes subtle, particles that often shimmer and glisten. Klimt was heavily influenced by both techniques and the art I present here are such examples. They are part of his Golden phase collection.

Quantum particles perhaps? The concept of duality played out on the canvas? I wonder if these compositions are allegorical representations of how the whole is so much more than the sum of its parts. Yet in this physical reality, the parts are precious and maintain their separate vibration. There lies the rub. Somehow the art is able to reconcile the paradox seamlessly. So here is to more Klimt and increased enlightenment through art medicine.

Please enjoy the show:






the-beethoven-frieze-the-longing-for-happiness-finds-repose-in-poetry-right-wall-1.jpg!HalfHD (1)


image credits: all images, including header ~, public domain


  1. I love Klimt and appreciate your insight and words. The images remind me why I paint and your words why I find meaning in it. I’m going to enjoy this blog, I already do. Thank you. If you get a chance to see his work in person do – amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marika,
      What a lovely comment. Thank you ! I knew so little of Klimt except the Kiss, but a friend of mine is passionate about his work. Long story short she sent me a book on him and I am catching up. I will have to see where he is featured so I can see his magic up close.



    1. Hi Laura,
      Thank you so much for the reblog. The credit goes to my artist friend Caryn who gifted me this awesome Klimt book. This little book opened me up to a whole new world. Those trees are magical indeed!


  2. I enjoyed the discussion, Linda. I was thinking something along those same lines reading your previous post about Klimt. There is something miraculous about a reality in which the parts do not have to “yield” themselves over to the whole. Where the expression of the part is the movement of the whole. I think these images hint at that. I also think the varying levels of scale speak to our deep-seated awareness that we are all circles within circles. Atoms within solar systems within galaxies. Beings within beings within beings. That our parochial lives are THE way in which the totality is expressed… 🙂 It can’t move as an undifferentiated whole. It can’t speak or be anything. It must become something scintillating first…


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Where the expression of the part is the movement of the whole. I think these images hint at that. I also think the varying levels of scale speak to our deep-seated awareness that we are all circles within circles. Atoms within solar systems within galaxies. Beings within beings within beings.

      I so agree with your quote listed above Michael. I have been musing for years about the unseen in either direction, from the microscopic to the cosmic. There are worlds within worlds, cells within cells, lights spiraling among lights, etc..

      Thanks for sparking this awareness in me.

      peace, Linda

      Liked by 2 people

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