Emotional Rescue ~ Gratitude Rising

I am noticing a liteness of being lately. Could be some lovely transits. Could be the result of my spiritual practices. Could be all or none of the above. Does not matter as I remain grateful. 

You can listen to this while you read: Emotional Rescue

I am grateful to WordPress for making linking so much easier, way cool…

My income tax return arrived about 2 months late. HOWEVER, I was given an extra hundred dollars! Thought it was interest, but apparently I made some mathematical errors. I have been filing my own taxes since I got my first job and dear readers, I have never received extra money from the IRS! It is glorious to temporarily have more than enough money in the bank. Thank you!

After receiving the money, I get iced tea at McDonald’s. I pay for a medium drink and this lollapalooza size iced tea is planted in front of me. “Isn’t this a large?” “Yes, this one is cheaper than the one you ordered.”

Later that day I treat myself to a sushi lunch. I am so grateful for the splendor of beautiful fresh seafood and the ability to treat myself like a queen:


There is something stunning about the simplicity of Japanese cuisine that elevates my mood and evokes purity.

By Akira Kamikura (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

O Toro is the ocean in one bite. Salty, smooth, sweet, unctuousness to the next level. You must experience this for yourself. It is all about the texture. 

Matt Kahn is my hero. I spend many a night listening to his videos right before I fall asleep. I have recently heard that I am not the only one doing so. He whispers sweet nothings to my third eye and heart when my mind ( aka the universe) isn’t watching. His love is palpable and I carry it with me throughout my day. I am so grateful to find someone with a new message and a strong mission of healing our planet.

I wonder if the feeling of monetary abundance will propel me to raise my vibration. I may be oversimplifying this notion here, but I am referring to what happens when you function as someone who feels relieved and more peaceful. Matt speaks often about the magnificence of being a spirit in human form. Being in a body is not an inconvenience or a punishment, but a wonderful opportunity! When I hear him speak, I am so often reminded of my friend and blogger Sarah. Her blog domain is sayyestoeverything. Is this a coincidence? C’mon, if you read my blog even infrequently, you know the answer. What is interesting is that I do not even think she knows his teachings. The blessing here is that when some positive message is reinforced for me, its intensity becomes stronger! So I see Sarah in Matt and Matt in Sarah and that is beautiful.

wikiart.org pub domain

Mars entered Cancer today. I feel less fried and hyped. Having Mars behind your Natal Mars is awkward at best and unsettling at worst. I am excited for my Mars return to arrive and set me on a new action cycle, whee! I have been crying like a baby on steroids and loving each wave of emotion as it arises. Love it or not, Mars in Cancer is my default position and it makes me more me!

The past few days make me consider the theory that the Universe is always conspiring in your favor. There are realities where the IRS gives you extra money and McDonald’s gives you extra iced tea and also slows you down so you can digest new material. I am working on becoming someone who can envision the most ridiculously over-the-top circumstances. I remember watching people being offered jobs while on the interview and thinking that is such crap, until it happened to me! Last year I was offered 2 jobs within about the space of 2 weeks. I did not believe it until it happened. It is time to create outrageously, rather than wait for the Universe to deliver your pizza before you believe in pizza! I am not a fan of belief anyway; I look for confirmation or validation. But faith is another thing entirely. I will be honest here, I have never been much of a faith person either. However, I am coming to the realization that trust is essential to living with a whole heart.

While I bitch and complain sometimes about my dependence on the internet, I am grateful for the ability to communicate with all of you. My mom and I were talking recently and she shared how she really prefers letters and phone calls to email or Facebook. I replied that without the internet it is unlikely that my writing would be available to others. She agreed with me on that point. There are so many facets to the utilization of technology. Do you brag that you no longer watch television, yet you sleep with your smart phone on by your bed? Do you text during dinner? Do you text while driving? Do you withdraw from in-person interaction more and more? Today the Moon in Libra can be a reminder to find some balance.

The thing is, the world we inhabit is spinning faster than ever and the advancement of technology is bombarding our collective psyche beyond its apparent limits. This is where faith and grace come in. There has to be some order. I have given up trying to understand everything, but not on stepping into my birthright of magnificence. We must rescue ourselves. We can choose to assist one another as we evolve and develop. I choose to say yes, with no reservation.

image credits:o toro by Akira Kamikura (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons, large sushi platter by wikipedia.org, public domain, cancer painting by wikiart.org, public domain, header image by " moi " aka  © litebeing chronicles 


  1. I missed a lot of your news… great catching up with you now… being grateful for everything in our life’s is so necessary… why we weren’t taught why it is good to say Thankyou… I don’t know… Even when we’re in a rough spot there is always something we can find to be grateful about… and this keeps abundance flowing through us. Much love barbara x

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  2. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    My Mars return cycle begins today, woohoo! However it occurs just as Jupiter squares my natal Saturn for the second hit. This post is so very uplifting so I am reblogging as reminder that I can transform my thoughts and my life. Enjoy!


  3. Its a wonderful feeling isn’t it to have a Tax Refund.. LOL.. seems we are in Sync with this as I also had a huge rebate recently. this month which brought an even broader smile.. 🙂
    I have to say Letter I love to write, but they are far and few between these days, as people sent emails or phone..
    Your meal looked delicious and I agree Matt Kahn is worth listening to.. 🙂 Opening one’s self up and ‘Living like a Queen’ lol also opens up the energies for prosperous law of attraction..
    When we tell ourselves we are limited, so we confine ourselves to the limits of abundance.. Living in Gratitude and acceptance in that ‘Lightness of BEing’ you refer to aligns our frequency with abundance so it flows more constantly into our lives.. The problem is we are so good at sabotaging ourselves ..

    Good to know Linda.. you are feeling Much Lighter and Brighter..
    Love and Special HUGS my friend.. Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      Your validation of my experiences means so much to me. I must admit it is so much easier to live in love when life goes your way. The trick is to feel this way always! I also agree that living like a queen and being kind and generous is the way to go. While my health continues to have ups and downs the past few days have been good. I will continue to nurture myself and pay attention to my inner child who often is the source of negative thoughts. It is all love or a call to love.

      love and light,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think when you nurture you and love that inner child more often you will find your health improving as you move through your day with joy in your heart Linda… So good to hear that you are feeling much more fulfilled as you let go of negativity.. ❤ Hugs Sue

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Linda, A true delight to read! I feel more peaceful already 🙂 Thanks for giving the beautiful sign of Cancer, via your example, some props! Letting your Mars in Cancer nurture you! Again, I’ll cry with you, easily – all of it: no difference over what, why, and/or when! Tapping into my own abundance of this energy. Also, I agree with what you say about Sarah! Grateful for you, and the beautiful souls on our planet that make daily loving/living full of abundance and pleasant surprises. Xo Ka

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ka,
      Your chart has such a variety of influences. I tend to negate Cancer energy due to some people from my past that used the moon to create baby energy lol! But Cancer is beautiful and so necessary. I cry all the time at anything and everything so It will be cool to have a crying buddy. You get it about Sarah, hope she reads this! I am grateful for you too sweetie! xo Linda

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  5. That is wonderful! I like these stories so much. Extra money and extra iced tea.
    My theory is that BECAUSE your inner emotional state changed to one of gratitude (after indulging in Matt Kahn’s videos), the universe reflects that inner state back to you by little outer miracles.
    That is so great to see.

    You wrote
    “I am not a fan of belief anyway; I look for confirmation or validation. But faith is another thing entirely. I will be honest here, I have never been much of a faith person either. However, I am coming to the realization that trust is essential to living with a whole heart.”

    I am not much a fan of belief either.

    But the thing is that FIRST there has to be the inner change, and THEN there will be the outer reflection of that inner change. So, trust is needed to make that inner change first.

    But then, the reflection of the inner change in the outer world can be observed with a mindset like in a scientific experiment. Tweak the variables and observe the outcome and write the set of parameters (e.g. mood) and every result (e.g. iced tea) down in the ‘lab of life’ journal.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, imagine if those types of experiments were conducted in HS science,lol! Seems like we have a similar philosophy. I have heard many teachers say, probably Matt included, that not every possibility that exists will show up in experience or via observation. I do understand this, yet there has to be methods and some type of outcome in order to discern evolution and change. I enjoy living in a reality where I am not waiting for the other shoe to drop. I could say more here..

      I am composing an email to you, so I will save some of my comments for my message!

      peace, Linda

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