Full Moon and Leo Bonanza ~ R U Wide Awake or Having a Teenage Dream?

wikimedia.org public domain

wikipedia.org, public domain

In just a little while the Capricorn Full Moon will be upon us. Happy July to everyone. Can anyone tell me where the first half of 2015 went? What a rollercoaster ride it has been!

This morning Venus cozy-ed up to Jupiter at 21 degrees Leo. Saturn is demanding caution with a square at 29 degrees Scorpio.  Uranus is trining the lovebirds at 20 Aries and Mercury is sextiling them at 19 Gemini. So many planets are pairing up today. With the full moon we have Sun conjunct Mars in wide opposition to Pluto. Pluto is conjunct the Moon.

We have such a full plate with most of the solar system in play. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are getting busy today. So much to absorb and so little time. Do we focus on Blazing Sun in Cancer or Controlling Moon in Capricorn? Mars and Pluto are 2 sides of the same coin and Cancer/ Capricorn are mommy and daddy with plenty of edge. With my 7th house all lit up with Leo magic, I am going to discuss the nature of enlightened relationships.

I am led to use A Course in Miracles today to illustrate how 3D world limitations can impact how we love and who we love. Here is an excerpt from The Manual for Teachers, page 6 & 7:

What Are the Levels of Teaching?

The teachers of God have no set teaching level. Each teaching-learning situation involves a different relationship at the beginning, although the ultimate goal is always the same; to make of the relationship a holy relationship, in which both can look upon the Son of God as sinless. There is no one from whom a teacher of God cannot learn, so there is no one whom he cannot teach. However, from a practical point of view he cannot meet everyone, nor can everyone find him. Therefore, the plan includes very specific contacts to be made for each teacher of God. There are no accidents in salvation. Those who are to meet will meet, because together they have the potential for a holy relationship. They are ready for each other.

The simplest level of teaching appears to be quite superficial. It consists of what seem to be very casual encounters; a “chance” meeting of two apparent strangers in an elevator, a child who is not looking where he is going running into an adult “by chance,” two students “happening” to walk home together. These are not chance encounters. Each of them has the potential for becoming a teaching-learning situation.

Each teaching-learning situation is maximal in the sense that each person involved will learn the most that he can from the other person at that time. In this sense, and in this sense only, we can speak of levels of teaching. Using the term in this way, the second level of teaching is a more sustained relationship, in which, for a time, two people enter into a fairly intense teaching-learning situation and then appear to separate. As with the first level, these meetings are not accidental, nor is what appears to be the end of the relationship a real end. Again, each has learned the most he can at the time. Yet all who meet will someday meet again, for it is the destiny of all relationships to become holy. God is not mistaken in His Son.

The third level of teaching occurs in relationships which, once they are formed, are lifelong. These are teaching-learning situations in which each person is given a chosen learning partner who presents him with unlimited opportunities for learning. These relationships are generally few, because their existence implies that those involved have reached a stage simultaneously in which the teaching-learning balance is actually perfect. This does not mean that they necessarily recognize this; in fact, they generally do not. They may even be quite hostile to each other for some time, and perhaps for life. Yet should they decide to learn it, the perfect lesson is before them and can be learned. And if they decide to learn that lesson, they become the saviors of the teachers who falter and may even seem to fail. No teacher of God can fail to find the Help he needs.

When I began to study The Course back in 1988, I took great comfort in this lesson. My primary love relationship was complicated and I wanted to be okay with the length of time we would have together. I wanted to surrender to the miracle of two seemingly individual souls meeting, connecting, and then appearing to separate when their mission was complete.  Looking at today’s planetary events, I cannot help but think about the impact one’s parents or caretakers have on romantic entanglements. When does one’s slippery abusive father fail to impede one’s appreciation for the truly decent male partner?When does memories of smothering mommy no longer culminate in disabling asthma and the inability to commit? What is required to see ourselves as whole and innocent, so we can project that innocence to all the others we encounter as we move through space and time?

When I meet a new person, am I really seeing them clearly? How much sludge must be cleaned and is clearing a job that never ends? My buddy Matt Kahn has said that clearing is over and I certainly hope so. I often wonder who I am relating to and who is watching me in the figurative rear view mirror?

Jupiter Venus Mercury, and Uranus certainly make life exciting and new, and yet… I decided to work this transit and but some lottery tickets today. My 5th house is lit up so I figured some random gambling is in order. I see so many numerical sequences all the time so why not put them to some use?  Frankly I am proud that I took a small risk on abundance and adventure.  It is not much of an investment, though, when you can easily afford the potential loss. With love, the stakes are so much higher. While I have spent so much time and effort letting go of those relationships that were 2nd level teachings, it seems like the process has lasted a lifetime. This is where Saturn’s handiwork is most palpable. With so many of my past partners reappearing years later for a command performance, I have to wonder if time even factors into these connections. Perhaps the answer lies outside of space and time.

My inner teenager is activated in the beginning of any attraction. She is idealistic, hopeful, glowing, and beaming with possibility. No one told me she would live inside me all of my life. The more awakened aspect of me can often create distractions or manipulates the intentions I put out for manifestation. In other words, my spiritual wisdom can sometimes be used to distance myself from the yearnings of my heart. This is often unconscious, but lately not so much.

I have been crying with abandon lately, and it is healing. I do not understand why, but I just go with it.  I believe my heart chakra is opening up even more than I thought possible. It is exciting and scary, but isn’t that par for the course?

Or should I say “Course” ?

Fellow Scorpio Katy Perry does a fine job expressing the joy of eternal youth ( Leo) and the hardened “enlightened” approach ( Capricorn) .

What archetype is most alive in your consciousness now? This is a perfect time to find the answer. Look to all natal planets placements between 19 and 29 degrees, with particular attention to the signs Cancer, Leo, and Capricorn.

teenage dream

wide awake

lovebirds image: wikipedia.org, public domain


  1. I do not know where ‘Time’ is flying to Linda.. already since you posted this 10 days has now gone by… half way through July.. I am pleased your teen side has been activated.. and ‘tears’ are sometimes needed to wash away the debris we no longer need to carry..

    Sending Lots of love your way Linda.. and I hope this Full Moon and all she brings helps bring ALL your Dreams alive.. x ❤

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    1. I know that as we move through time it appears to race by, but lately I can barely keep up with the pace. But maybe it does not even matter…
      Love to you this sunny weekend Sue xoxoxo

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  2. Hi Linda,

    Relationships can be quite a mystery. There is no better way to see who we are, and who we are being (and who and what we are attracting). This sentence caused me to wonder what you meant by it, “In other words, my spiritual wisdom can sometimes be used to distance myself from the yearnings of my heart.” I don’t know if you are willing to delve any deeper. It sounds to me as though you are saying you sometimes apply ideas (thoughts and wisdom as the form of principles and truths) to distance yourself from allowing the heart to naturally express. I can see how this might occur… I find that when I’m in one of those moments where I’m discovering the full range of feelings and desires within myself– in the difficult and uncharted territory where it is nearly impossible for me to appreciate all the nuances of what is unfolding– then an old emotion can surface as a pain or a withdrawal, needlessly so, and the mind can apply any principle it wants to the experience. It can explain it any number of ways. Is this what you mean?

    I think the tears are good… We move deeper into the heart of our purest feelings in these moments I think…

    Many Blessings

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    1. Hi Michael,
      Thank you for raising this question for me. It gives me a chance to look closer at my process here. i was trying to do 2 things with that thought: juxtapose the 2 directions with the 2 Katy Perry songs, ( which I chose deliberately for this post) and suggest a contrast between living in a dream and waking up – a key theme of ACIM. Personally I find that once I am attracted to someone or something, I get lost in a world of feeling and get drunk on emotion. The wiser, more awake part of my psyche or my overall conscious self wants to protect me from delusion by pointing out patterns, spiritual platitudes, etc that will leave my heart less vulnerable, I do not have this all figured out, but it is important for my spiritual development to become more clear.


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    2. PS I just finished viewing Lee Harris’s July energy video and towards the end of it he discusses the notion of when you open a new window of joyous manifestation, you can often reconnect with a perceived heartbreak experience of the past. He says that the 2 events are connected. What he describes is very close to what I was struggling to explain to you. I am thrilled when I find clarity, even if it appears to occur outside of mySelf. 🙂

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      1. Interesting, Linda. Thank you for sharing this. I like the idea that a past heartbreak and a current heart release are connected… The world of our experience is much more laden with layers of meaning and connection than we typically give it credit for, I think… Healing has a way of crossing dimensions and times… Which is good… very, very good… Because otherwise I’d surely be floundering on the rocks of my past…!


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  3. Great post, Linda! It sparkles! The image of the parrots is right on. I love what you’ve highlighted here from the Course about teachers. Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of people smooching under this Venus/Jupiter conjunction. We are blessed with this 7th house Leo. With my sun in the 7th, too, I get to see it light up for you, and you, and you! Magic in the air. Also, my north node in Leo is super charged. Xoxo Ka

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    1. Yes we are blessed with a Leo Descendant, your Sun, and my ruler. They are supposed to be lovebirds BTW ( according the wikipedia). I love all the Leo energy, brings me back to life 🙂

      love ya,

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  4. Yes, there are no chance encounters. I can relate to that. We can always learn something, especially from the challenging relationships.
    The crying is a normal part of the process for some. I remember having read in a Raj text that he said that it is a crying of relief. It is like coming home after a long summer vacation and being so homesick and relieved to be home again after so long. It is crying because of joy.

    Thanks for sharing. I cannnot say anything about the astrology part, but I always like to hear your stories.

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    1. Hi Karin,
      The manual for teachers is one of my favorite sections of the Course and this piece in particular has served me well. I do not mind crying but I have noticed the frequency has really increased lately. It is not sadness, but movement of e-motion. You do not have to be astro-minded to understand the theme here. I really love telling the stories too 🙂
      Will be in touch soon.


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  5. Ahhhh Caprricorn ( my acendant) Leo (my moon ) and of course Scorpio my sun sign… or is that “sunshine” ? that seems to explain my fatigue perhaps over all that activity at once in my chart. I have had a decidedly challenging 2015 so far, but I also have had a huge learning curve. I just hope to survive it!! ( she smiles) …of course the learning process can knock the crap out of you , even as you see and ingest all that ” stuff” coming at you at the speed of light….Ahhhh light…enlightenment….the learning process…sigh

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Fran,
      I bet this year has been big for you in many ways. I sense your humor over the digital divide and hope you can laugh your way towards the sun!

      love, Linda


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