As Time Goes By.. pub domain

Some variable pre – Venus stationing direct musings:

When I reflect on love gone by, I forget most of the details. I appreciate what wasn’t said, what wasn’t seen, what wasn’t heard. I miss the muted palette of true communion.

As much as I love to write, think, speak, read, words are not necessary.

It is all about nuance.

If I were to embark on a new romance, it would be with someone who already knows me. You may wonder ” What does she mean by that?” So I will tell you. I do not mean a doover ( my word for do-over) with a former flame. NO way, Jose. I mean with someone new who’s not really new.

Let me bring in the heavy artillery here to better explain. It would be less like reality TV and more like Casablanca. I highly recommend you follow my link to YouTube to watch the clip I found. It really sets the mood.

Check out this clip: Casablanca

This is one of my favorite films and I don’t especially favor old flicks. This movie is timeless. seamless, subtle, spacious…

Behind the scenes much work is done to make it this way. However, I want a man like Rick, strong and confident and emotionally available. A real man. I could visit Rick’s cafe and feel right at home. Yes, I have dreamed of Morocco many times.

here-we-make-love.jpg!HalfHD (1)

But it is so much more than the content. These two lovers know one another and it is evident in their facial expressions, body language, energetic flow. Content is fine, but just background to the true narrative. The music, the soulful gazes, the striking black and white, the mystery. Like the Linda Ronstadt song, Just one look is all it took.


The space between the words is sublime. Eckhart Tolle would approve! This production is so much more than words. This is the love of the Divine in action.

You may think this post is a movie review and you would be mistaken. It is an attempt of mine to articulate what love looks like to me today. I am bored with introductions and quizzes about veggie or gluten-free, dogs or cats, pizza or tacos, Beatles or Stones, Sag or Pisces, climate change or economic equality, PC or Mac, Twitter or Facebook, paper or plastic ( I am kidding here, or am I?)

No more back story, move me towards midplot please!

love-scene-1926.jpg!HalfHD (1)

No more blazing technicolor for me. Give me muted tones,  soft silhouettes, simple lines. Sharp angles and harsh imagery, not this time. Been there, done that. If there’s to be any drama, it better be classic all the way.

When I reflect on those I truly loved, the highlights were subtle and steeped in sweet simplicity. We already knew one another. Introductions were just formalities to progress the story towards midplot. The residue of love remains to some degree for any I ever loved. We never unlove anyone entirely. That is fine by me.

Venus is going direct on September 6th and this transit has been outwardly quiet for me. Maybe all that inner work of releasing actually made a difference. Or maybe any unfinished business is finally finished. Or perhaps I have changed so much that none of this matters anymore.

I will eventually come to peace with not knowing.

As time goes by..

image credits:, public domain


    1. Thank you Sue. I enjoyed putting this one together and it tied in well with my Ripples post. Love in the air? Not sure how to answer this.
      Anything is possible, but I would not write about a boyfriend without his approval ( and maybe not even then). Let’s just say I am allowing myself to be less rigid about ancient useless notions I once held dear.

      xoxoxo Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  1. well wel well linda, and my my my *
    I like these “action pics”, as Odie calls them.

    *It was clear to me what was on your mind during this post.

    Funny, lately I’ve been commenting on the hope for more “virile” and less sensitive men to sprout up in our society.

    Your mention of Rick from casa makes me think you’re looking for the same type of strong man I’m speaking of. A man who knowns how to change a tire, traffic innocents out of war torn countries, and drink a cocktail without extra cherries in it.

    Where have all the Rick’s gone?

    Hugs – to dreams, not do overs.

    O and OM

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi guys,
      Tell Odie he can read into the images whatever he likes! For me, I chose images to support the text, soft edges, muted colors, seamless bonding between lovers… The Rick character is the best of both worlds, he is strong, masculine, and has emotional intelligence. Not clear initially, but it all plays out as the plot progresses.

      PS I had a Dexter dream last night, similar to the last one I had where I am petting him and he seems real and quite healthy and his old self. I asked him if he had a message for me and he said ( or I heard) no. I do not think they are visitations, more like memories that are natural to see in dreams. I was happy to have the memory come alive. I still cannot believe I will never be with him again.

      hugs to you both, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hi ll-
        I always think that when we see and talk to loved ones in dreams, they are visitations. or at the least, important messages from the great all-ness. Perhaps dexter was saying he knows where you are, you can still talk to him, but you’re doing everything right, in terms of missing and mourning – no message necessary.
        yes. once our loved ones are gone, they are gone in the way that we knew them. those times and moments are memories from here on. not a fun feeling, of course. but it is the price we pay for sharing our lives and love with others. every pos has a neg. we ride the waves of up and down as best we can.
        yes. rick had emotional intelligence and he was a romantic, but he was no soft pushover that put his emotions above all reason. did he second guess himself constantly, or cowtow to sensitivities? Heck no. Sacrifices that needed to be made, were made – bravely so. He saved lives. That reads all strong man to me.
        o and om.

        odie still sees a lot of pump action in the paintings!! congrats on the “hard and heavy” in the soft and muted!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Mmm, this is delicious and beautiful, Linda. And so timely, too (once again, we’re in sync with our contemplations, or one of them anyway!). Nuance, doover, the real man (and that great tux!) … perfect and evocative word choices.

    And this? “I miss the muted palette of true communion.” Oh yeah.

    Thanks for sharing. Beautifully written. May it be so.

    xoxo Love, Jamie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like you are ready. Then the universe will answer your call.

    It reminds me of a true story. I have read this somewhere. Probably in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
    A woman was disillusioned with many former relationships. Then one day., she yelled at God, ” If you ever want me to marry again, you have to put this man right here on my doorstep!”

    Guess what ! Some time later, a guy she knew from her church community rang her doorbell. She opened, looked at him and saw on his T-shirt “God listens!”

    Good luck about moving right to mid- plot without introductory chit-chat…

    Blessings and love,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karin,
      Thanks for sharing that great story! So specific and lovely. I am grateful for the new people who have some into my life and hope to spend more moments enveloped by love.

      blessings my dear,

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Who ow linda a magnificent love story… You can begin writing your own love story of your journey to freedom… I feel how light you are… Continue what you are doing… We haven’t finished yet… Love to you today x barbara x

    Liked by 2 people

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