It’s Rather Drafty Here Lately pub domain

How can it be that Scorpio season is over? The sun entered Sagittarius today, soon to be reunited with Saturn. This month has been bittersweet for me. It has been back to back with many celebratory meals with friends and family. Some old and new friends have mixed with old and new family in honoring my birth and presence in their lives. Lunches and dinners and drinks and brunches all around my fair city have touched my heart and made me smile. They have also made me wonder how I got to be this age ( or this sage) and what have I been up to all these years.

This got me thinking about plans never coming to fruition but filed away. In this case, I am referring to blog posts. Some of these drafts are over a year old. No cake for these guys  though as they have yet to be birthed into full fledged articles. They cannot potentially be Freshly Pressed if they fail to get to press.

While the year 2015 is still in motion, I know it will be over after a few more breaths, lattes, and games of Farmville 2. So I ask you, my treasured readers, for some feedback.

Let me know which of the following draft topics appeal to you. This will help me decide which will be completed before we ring in 2016.

Ready, here we go:

Taylor Swift and my serendipitous trip to NYC.

Mystical road trips ( 3 in all) to Longwood Gardens

Awards posts from 2015 given to me by Sue Dreamwalker and Aquileana.

Life’s purpose and career path

Synchronicity encounter with records room “Angel”

Astrology of David Letterman and reflections on his retirement

Reflections on Wayne Dyer’s passing


Which of these seem WP worthy?

There are also a few others that either don’t make sense or don’t feel right anymore. This is ok , because I do reserve the choice to change my mind. But those listed are still interesting to me and worth consideration. Many times my posts are written rather spontaneously, triggered by inner or outer inspiration. I like that I can relax control enough to go for it in the moment. Yet this is why so many posts are in draft purgatory. At least that is what I tell myself.


I will be waiting for your responses patiently, hoping you can help me decide which drafts will be incarnated and which will continue to take up space on the dashboard.

Have a great week ahead and don’t let the drafts get you down. Put on a sweater and brew some tea. Maybe add some honey or lemon. Whatever brings you peace and comfort. Take good care of you so that you can press on with the game of life.


image credits:, public domain



  1. I missed this post in November another quiet time for me.. Love the idea and I know I am late here and the lists may already have been chosen but this stood out for me this evening
    Life’s purpose and career path.. I think we all need at times to see our life’s purpose and wonder if our career path is in alignment with that or not.. 🙂

    Sending you Love Linda.. Loads of it.. xxx Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Linda,

    This one stands out for me: “Synchronicity encounter with records room “Angel.”” Of course, I always like astrological posts, too. Your thoughts and experiences on synchronicity usually surprise in a Uranian, (nice) awakening sort of way. Describe the way natural connections are connected, and the beauty that you happen upon, and happens upon you 🙂

    But, the real reason I came here is to comment on your image choices in this post, and your writing’s play on words. “Press on,” you say. That’s some encouragement for us all. I think the playfulness of wordplay is a natural sandbox for you. Regardless, you’ll be inspired to do whatever you do, and whether carefully considered or not – you will do well by us.

    Much Love, Ka

    P.S. Last minute call for more Longwood Gardens & mysticism (in this case, road trips); Ha! just mysticism in general is always a pleasure.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Press on,” you say. That’s some encouragement for us all. I think the playfulness of wordplay is a natural sandbox for you.

      Thank you Ka for noticing this about me. I love wordplay and it is very moon in Gemini! I appreciate your lovely feedback and suggestions as well. Sometimes it pays to hear what readers enjoy. I can always improve and sometimes I get stuck on which stories to share and which to keep just for me.

      love, Linda


  3. I vote for Taylor Swift and NYC. Funny, I look at my draft posts sometimes but haven’t deleted them. They remind me of specific times that I wasn’t moved to share. Kind of like a mixed up pot where I wasn’t sure what I was making. Lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sarah,
      Thanks for your vote. I read one draft the other day that almost complete and while it was well written, it seems like ancient history in some ways. The theme is relevant but its like I don’t remember writing it. I like the mixed up pot analogy. Many of my meals that I cook could go in that category!

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  4. They all sound good but I’m most intrigued by the mystical road trips and reflections on Wayne Dyer. And in the other direction, without ever trying I already hear more about Taylor Swift than I want to so less enthusiastic about anything involving her though intrigued as to how she ties in.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m always up for synchronicities, so Synchronicity encounter with records room “Angel” sounds good to me. I also miss Wayne Dyer.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. HI LL –

    They are all worthy topics in your expert hands, but these appealed to me most:

    1. Synchronicity encounter with records room “Angel”
    – who is this angel??? do tell, do tell!!

    2. Taylor Swift and my serendipitous trip to NYC.
    – I love me some taylor (NY not so much.. but i know the place and its demons well), and you’ve got great taste in music. Plus, you always have these tremendous encounters where fate and destiny and god’s sense of humor for human lives/foibles mix and mingle in amazing ways. Wondering how taylor and NY made this happen.

    3. Astrology of David Letterman and reflections on his retirement
    – I really appreciate your astro readings and the underlying pathways/life meanings reveals in your chart connections. Would love to see what you dug up on letterman, who’s always been an enigma to me. His scandals, love life (lives?), and late born baby didn’t fit my notions of who he was. I bet your charting will reveal why we all were surprised by his life off stage, and also the ‘truer’ nature of the man/genius who is both private and secretive, yet on our TVS everyday and extremely personable with strangers.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    O and OM.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi O and OM,
      Clearly you guys share my fascination with Letterman. He is an icon and quite quirky, which just adds to his charm. Thanks for all the complimentary thoughts about my writing. As you know, we writers often have doubts.

      Somewhat surprised you dig Swift, but maybe that’s Odie talking. Dexter and I did not always share the same taste in music. I like the story, but shelved it partially because of
      its complexity. My trip was 1 year ago, 11-23-14 on a Sunday, so it is back on my mind again. Did not realize it was a year ago until just now 🙂

      Feedback is usually helpful and I am delighted people are quick with comments. I did say I ‘d be patient, but prefer instant gratification in this instance.

      Thanks for such detailed remarks and give Odie a squeeze for me.

      Hugs, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi LL-
        Thanks for appreciating the feedback.
        To show our gratitude, we’ve included a link to our new fave TS1989 song.
        Yes, we genuinely like euro pop (esp. swedish) written with genuinely melodic hooks.
        Actually, a lot of the pop music out now appeals to us. The stuff from ten years ago? Not so much.
        Heres your link…

        o and OM. (he likes TS too)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for the video I have 1989 and Red. I have been playing Wildest Dreams recently. It is beautiful Europop? Please educate me. Do you mean Abba, lol? I knew you were a romantic at heart. Not you Odie, your mama. Odie , with you, it has always been obvious. Humans can play it more coy than felines. happy Turkey day to you and yours in the Midwest.

        hugs, Linda

        Liked by 1 person

      3. HI LL –

        Happy To you and spirit Dex.

        So you DID listen to the WD video…. most excellent. Our plan on corrupting your good taste in music with super saccharine (had to google how to spell that) pop is working… slowly but surely. Eventually you’ll be singing Taylor in the shower. And in your dreams.

        Here’s a follow up track to bring you all the way to the Max Martin side of music – he’s the genius swede behind some of pops biggest hits of the last ten years. Abba was from there, no?). yes.

        Thanks for listening.

        Am I a romantic? Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. Only you and Odie know.

        o and om.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. The Ellie Goulding one makes me gag, could not go there, sorry. You see Taylor has an edge, but this, 😦 sorry.

        as to the other video, apparently it does not exist. This makes it extra intriguing. Does is exist on some other multiverse where you can listen to Prince on youtube? Now with Abba, I did enjoy some of their stuff back in the 70s, but not Fernando! I liked Dancing Queen, kinda reminds me a bit of Islands in the stream with Dolly Parton. So when are you posting on movies and books and ? oh my? Saw Hunger games, meh is my review. Want to see Brooklyn and Star Wars and Joy with Bradley and JLaw.
        I’ll keep your secret, don’t worry!


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