FAQ: What is a Mystic?

You gotta read this! I so identify with this beautiful post by Jessica. If you do not know Jessica, please check her out. Being a mystic is not a delusion or something to hide. Think about it! love, litebeing

Adventures of a Reluctant Mystic

The simplest answer to this question is: a mystic is someone who seeks to know God. This may or may not involve religion or conventional definitions of ‘God’. Mystics transgress boundaries and colour outside the lines. They are notoriously difficult to pin down and get a straight answer from. For this reason, mystics are often misunderstood or even feared. At the very least, they tend to be viewed with suspicion, as if their mere presence is a challenge.

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  1. Hey LInda. This is great! And I love what you said to Tania about blogging about more mystical goodness. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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