Eclipse Frenzy


Wow, this is one major eclipse alright. It doesn’t literally take place until Tuesday, but there is plenty of mutable energy to go around. I have recently theorized that natal yods and powerful eclipses (in terms of both the eclipse’s unique aspects and how the event affects one’s natal chart) are similar in presentation. There is this sense of inevitability where no matter what choice you make, you will still arrive at the same destination. Do you agree about yods and potent eclipses? I would love to hear your opinions.

This brief post illustrates how eclipse energy can shine a spotlight on world affairs and individual pursuits. They are both one and the same and incredibly different, depending on one’s perspective.

Macro: We already have had 2 prominent American political figures pass away, and this may be just the tip of the iceberg. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and former First Lady Nancy Reagan have died recently, iconic figures of the conservative Republican era. It looks to me that this eclipse may be signaling the end of this era in US politics. How long will this take, not sure, but the symbolism here is palpable.

Nancy Reagan was a complex woman who could be seen as both polarizing  and greatly beloved. She was seen as being out of touch with society for her ” Just Say No ” anti-drug campaign and greatly respected for her incredible devotion to her husband President Ronald Reagan.


I am not inclined to do predictions of death in my work, but wanted to highlight how her chart does align with tomorrow’s solar eclipse at 19 degrees ( technically 18° 55′ ) Pisces. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct her natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction on the 12th house cusp opposing Uranus in the 5th house. The eclipse opposes this conjunction  very close to her Neptune ruled 6th house of health. It is also striking to see her four planet Cancer stellium prominently lighting up her Midheaven. She clearly was a highly visible powerhouse who embodied the Cancerian conservative movement.



Micro: I have been personally absorbed with my multiple health problems and how to address the root causes. Some comfort has come by my seeking refuge in the Middle Earth fantasy computer game Elvenar and in following the bizarre presidential primaries. Both these obsessions have a crack-like quality ~ they offer a cheap euphoria that requires constant maintenance and a relinquishment of power and control. In other words, I could basically do little else and not care about the consequences.

However, I have been able to keep these addictions at bay long enough to share some magic of the numerical kind. After reading Sue Dreamwalker’s riveting post yesterday, I was inspired to shift my focus back to the signs and symbols of waking consciousness. Rather than remaining obsessed with test results and cat scans, I decided to use my drive to the grocery store in a more productive way. About halfway towards my destination, I chose to turn off the racket in my mind and really look at the cars and the street signs in front of me. Within seconds, a car with a NY plate had the numbers 2222 on it. Wow, that was fast, I said to myself. A few minutes later, I ordered some breakfast at McDonald’s. Here is the receipt:

Photo1102 (1)


Later at the deli counter, the sign on the wall tallied the current customer ticket that was ready for service, which was ticket 44. Could some angels be communicating with me? I certainly hope so. 2222 could reduce to 44. Clearly there was a repetitive 4 sequence pattern making itself known to me.

The point is, there is no time but the present, and Divine guidance is always waiting for us to heed the call. Thank you Sue for reminding me that we can always choose again and again to follow our intuition and stay in the flow. pub domain

Are you experiencing the eclipse energies?

What have you noticed?

Do you see a connection with how natal yods ( if applicable) and eclipses affect your life?

To receive a personal astrological consultation, visit me here.
image credits ~, public domain


  1. Wonderful that you are allowing yourself to go within the flow and tap into your intuitive side and I love it when we do just how quickly the Universe jumps in to show us that it has been at our side all along.. But we often get distracted to notice..

    Love the number sequences.. And I hadn’t heard Nancy had passed..
    My hubby seems to have had a shift of gear recently too.. He purchased a large telescope to view the night sky and informed me this had long been a secret wish of his.. And He put it all into motion within one week of voicing it to me.. 🙂 amazing..

    When you take my own new ‘past dream passion’ coming to me via the Universe I think we are within some amazing energy changes..
    I hope they keep their positive energy..

    Wonderful post Linda.. and I am so pleased my own number magic helped inspire..
    Love and Blessings
    Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,

      I love your story and how your adventure is inspiring your husband also. On my walk yesterday I came upon a parked car with 2222 license. I guess my numerical reach is expanding. I do draw so much inspiration from my friends so it is not a surprise.I do feel a shift or maybe it is the sudden surge of summer weather. It is close to 80 degrees Fahrenheit here today and very sunny! or maybe both!

      hugs, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow.. what a shift in the weather.. Here too up and down.. And its great you are in tune with the mathematical energy of numbers.. They often jump up in number plates too 🙂 Hope you are well and enjoying the Spring Warmer weather you are having.. Today also we have Sun.. Yipppeeee.. no rain.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Linda,
    I enjoy these ongoing conversations that have been sparked here and especially your sparking this one. I think that both yods and eclipses have proven to have more ‘fated’ qualities and certainly far-reaching consequences. I appreciate your sharing your hypothesis and am curious to consider what this discussion unveils. I’d be wonderful to see the beginning of a new politic. I feel hopeful regardless of whatever our omens. I sense that hopefulness in the theme of this post as well, and WOW: Look at Nancy Reagan’s chart. A very timely and considerate post. She made her mark! Look at that Sun/Pluto and collection of planets at her MC! “Just say No” I can hear it now…
    Much Love, Ka

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ka,
      I am pleased you share my interest in my hypothesis, based mostly on learned experience. Nancy Reagan has such a powerful chart, perhaps both the power behind the throne and next to the throne. She was not a shy Cancer type. I think Mars square Ascendant shows why she was so fiery, preferring to dress in red 🙂

      Feel free to say more if you are so inclined.

      love, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

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