Really? Thank Goodness!

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Here is my latest testimonial from bloggette and repeat client Tamrah Jo. Please check out the services page if you would like to partner with me to explore your cosmic possibilities.

Thank you so much for your appreciation and most importantly, your trust.

The Good, Bad and Ludicrous

UraniasMirror20-300pxAs previously mentioned, I have long owed a post to Litebeing for the fantabulous 2016 Forecast session I had with her back in January.

I’ve really struggled with getting this  post to the ‘hit the publish button – really!  you can do it! Yes, that blue button – right – THERE!’ stage –

And yes, I’m pondering on exactly why the struggle – Linda might say it’s because I’m exploring the Libra side of life – fairness, justice, seeing both sides – and since many of these things are important to my natural Leo heart, well, I guess I hesitate, well versed in the many lessons learned when I blazed my fiery trail, only to later realize,

“Hmm…would have been better if I had just waited and thought about it for a while…”

Perhaps it’s because the reminders of my cluster birth blessing, which means when the you-know-what hits the fan, not only does it hit all…

View original post 1,130 more words


    1. Thank you Sue for always standing with me and supporting my success. Astrology is one of my passions and it pleases me when people can apply its wisdom to their lives. 🙂


  1. Glad to see the re-blog issue resolved itself – perhaps you should do WordPress’s chart and offer to counsel them on better dates to roll out their new functionalities/improvements – LOL – OR, perhaps the Universe decided the reblog today would better serve your needs – I’m open to any story that supports your biz of service to others! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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