A Healing Wave

wikipedia.org pub domain


Ever feel like you are spinning out of control? Well, I have felt this way for about a week or so. This morning was different though. This eclipse energy seems ( so far ) to be agreeing with me. Could be that the lunation is squaring my moon/Venus opposition. With the sun, moon, and/or Venus, I find squares and oppositions to be typically pleasant. The grand water trine that this 19 degrees Pisces new moon in my 1st house makes to my natal mars in Cancer in the 6th house and Scorpio stellium in the 9th house is probably more likely to be the reason. Nothing says renewal and rebirth like a lovely grand water trine supported by my Pluto and north node in Virgo.

I have been fixated on my 6th house journey as more yucky test results keep flooding in. I am not giving up though. I clearly see that I must make some dramatic changes that I have been masterful at avoiding. Meeting yesterday with health coach Dana Barron was very reassuring. She met with me for free and spent about 90 minutes listening , empathizing, explaining complex systems, and making clear recommendations. If you or someone you know needs help navigating the alternative healthcare process and live in SE Pennsylvania, please check her out. I left her office feeling cared for and respected, armed with handouts and resources.

Here is the website where you can find Dana. http://theresiliencycenter.com/

This morning I was led to pull a card from my Healing cards deck:


I could not have chosen a more perfect card. Good old number 22 contains the following message on the back:

Memories are clever impostors, making it appear that an experience or relationship cannot be healed. If you believe that, how can you heal your body or protect your health?

The booklet further indicates that since both the soul and the body are perfect, the body has the power to heal itself and get out of its way. It suggests to stop confusing the body with medicine and food additives and allow it to work naturally.

As I continue on my quest for wellness, I will take comfort in this card, along with the 6th house/ 12th house energies accentuated by this solar eclipse flanked by Chiron, Neptune, and the south node in Pisces opposing Jupiter and north node in Virgo. Please send me light and love as I continue to ride the waves towards wholeness.

PSIf you are knowledgeable about Ayurveda, please email me here.


image credits ~ wikipedia.org, public domain


  1. Good to know you are riding this wave dear Linda.. and are being guided evidently upon this alternative route.. You know without me saying my continual healing vibes are being sent your ways.. Hope they had a little white surf to those blue waves 🙂
    Mega Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just came across this channeling which somehow relates to your issue.

    Love Can Overcome Pain

    I don’t mean to say that you are in the same situation as the client in the channeling, but I post it here because it is an interesting approach.
    Btw, they accept questions and do free channelings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The inspired links and referrals to new bloggers, etc has incredibly accelerated my healing and has added unlimited blessings to my life. So keep them coming. I will read it and see. thanks

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry to hear that your test results are bad. But it is good that you are resolved to make some changes. The universe seems to be very supportive with the free health consultation and support about Ayurveda you can get here.
    Thanks for the link to the resiliency center. What a great idea to have all the resources located at one place. I have googled whether there is something similar in Germany. But the search shows only a research department at the university. Nothing which is ready for application to real life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The center is an amazing group but they are not comprehensive. The referrals I was given are for healers outside the center. This is the center I considered working for BTW 🙂 Love the word resiliency, it gives us the fuel to keep living here despite the wounds and trauma. There are not many alternative folks in my area, but now I have some recommendations. One has to be the one meant for me.

      hugs, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Linda,

    You wrote: ‘Please send me light and love as I continue to ride the waves towards wholeness.’ ~ Well okay…how about this poem by Kabir? It seems full of loving light waves 🙂

    ~ I have been thinking ~ By ~ Kabir ~

    I have been thinking of the difference between water
    and the waves on it. Rising,
    water’s still water, falling back,
    it is water, will you give me a hint
    how to tell them apart?

    Because someone has made up the word
    “wave,” do I have to distinguish it
    from water?

    There is a Secret One inside us;
    the planets in all the galaxies
    pass through his hands like beads.

    That is a string of beads one should look at with luminous eyes.


    Wishing you well with the new programme of ‘dramatic change’ and mastery over avoidance…which sounds like a ‘spring clean’ for the body 🙂

    And I like the quote on the back of the Healing Card very much…it sounds like a ‘spring clean’ for the mind 🙂

    Sending healing thoughts and thoughtful healing 🙂

    Take care always in all ways for always,


    DN – 09/03/2016

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey Dewin,

      It has been a while since you have graced me with a poetic commentary, but I appreciate all your visits and likes since our last conversation.

      This poem is so beautiful, thank you. I adore poems for this genre and it fits in well with this latest Pisces eclipse. The card validates a belief of mine that I would like to take root. That all can be restored as all is never lost, it is just a perception of lack or less than whole. I play with this theme for time to time ( pun intended) here, especially with my blog challenges. Apparently I am called to venture out into the world of holistic health to see what awaits me.

      thanks for your enduring friendship.

      peace, Linda

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      1. Hey Linda

        Poems are a little like Healing Cards and wizard’s in that they ‘arrive’ just when they are most needed 😉

        Kabir’s poetry is seamless, integrated, holistic, wholesome, graceful and illuminated. I often find his words read more as a prayer than a poem, as if he is sharing secret moments from an intimate conversation or inner dialogue.

        I think your intention to love and nurture your rooting belief is an excellent idea. No doubt the tree you are growing is already a green stemmed sapling and flourishing with the additional motivation recent test results have given you. I like the strength of your voice and the depth of your conviction in accepting the purposefulness of fulfilling your objectives. I hope you will find continued motivation to endeavour. We are all rooting for you 🙂

        You wrote: ‘That all can be restored as all is never lost, it is just a perception of lack or less than whole.’ ~ Ah yes, that old devil, the ‘deceptive perspective’…now that is something one ‘should look at with luminous eyes.’

        Hoping all is well in all ways and in all ways always well. Keep smiling 😀


        DN – 11/03/2016

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  5. So glad you found someone to help you. Dana Barron sounds great.
    What a perfect card to pull – Wellness!!
    Sounds like you are feeling a bit better.
    Sending love and light,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mary. The weather is supporting a brighter outlook. Dana is really great and I am so glad we have met. The card really resonates and seems fated considering what I am faced with.

      thanks for your support.

      love, Linda


    1. Hi Eric,
      That was the perfect card at the perfect time. I see that as grace in action. Now for the journey ahead? I pray for continued grace. There is no alternative that is attractive to me. My inner child does not want to change but my adult self knows it is imperative that I change.

      peace, Linda


    1. Thank you for the kind words. can you see me in my words? 🙂 I am encouraged by the gorgeous weather and sunshine. And the sense that I am not alone, while at times it feels isolating.

      love to you,

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