How Am I Doing? Special Health Crisis Edition ~ The 12th house is not a home

I am planning to write my third and perhaps final installment of Colonodyssey and yods factor strongly into the mix. I am reblogging this post as a precursor of events to come and to re-introduce the yod.

litebeing chronicles

Update 4-16-15: Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. I will reply to all comments when I feel stronger. My health is still fragile, yet not as serious as what landed me in the hospital.

For the astrologers: Uranus just recently hit my yod ( square Mars in 6th house) so there is a sense of inevitability with my dis-ease. Yods are quite fascinating and my yod has been quite active at pivotal times. The yod occupies the 1st, 6th, and 10th houses. Mars forms the fulcrum of the yod, so my health ( or pets, daily life, office) often gets triggered big time.

My difficulty in tolerating antibiotics has made this recovery very tricky. I will continue to connect with WP as I feel led. Connecting with all of you is very healing and lifts my spirits.  I feel grateful for my ability to express myself here with my beloved WP…

View original post 660 more words


    1. Thanks Sue. I hope readers are not confused by the reblog. The date it was written ought to clear up any confusion. I am certainly in a better place than I was a year ago.

      It is another gorgeous Spring morning and we are alive 🙂
      Have a beautiful day too! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 Yes a lovely Spring day here too, but a heavy frost first thing.. At least it got all of my washing dry 🙂 As for the blog, I saw it was to act as a prelude to your next posting connecting the two.. So other people I would think will not get confused.. if I got it Lol..

        Liked by 1 person

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