Fare thee well 2014

Since it is Mercury retrograde, I happily re-blog a New Year’s Eve post from 2 years ago. I will probably create some new content over the next day or so, but please allow me to take this time to say Thank You for your loyalty and community. Blessings for 2017, a 1 year bursting with promise, possibility, and renewal.

Namaste, litebeing

litebeing chronicles


It has been a very intense and overwhelming time for me lately. I have so many unanswered questions, loose ends, and unfinished business that will remain a mystery as this year closes. While I typically do not view the end of the calendar year as an accurate time to usher in new beginnings, years of cultural conditioning orient me to use this window to clear out what no longer is needed. We cannot totally eliminate our 3D cultural orientation while in a body, or can we??

As I walked outside tonight to take out the trash, I looked all around and prayed fervently for a sign to guide me. No creatures were in sight, yet..

As I approached my front door, one by one all the light fixtures at the apartment complex began to turn on. My prayer was answered! It is all about the light.

I call this blog 

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  1. Sending LOVE and well wishes Linda.. Happy New Year and wow doesn’t time keep flying.. See you in 2017 when you are ready.. If you are like me at the moment, I am just catching my breath keeping on top of comments..
    Love and Hugs dear friend.. May 2017 be filled with Love and All of your Dreams ..
    Sue ❤

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    1. Happy New Year Sue! I might write something soon, now that the pace of life has slowed down a bit, albeit temporarily. if you want to learn about how I’ve been lately, check out this recent post. https://litebeing.com/2016/12/25/musings-at-the-crossroads/ It is a more intimate blog and covers a lot of ground.

      I will be back at your place soon to comment. Like you, I have been challenged to balance blogging and blog related activities with the rest of life. But it is worth it because this is HOME.

      with love, Linda ❤

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