Lee Harris Energy Update

I connected strongly with the most recent Lee Harris video. I find that it really taps into both personal and collective themes in a direct, powerful manner. I am moved to share his message with you.  Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the heads up on Lee’s update Linda.. 🙂 Interesting thoughts and I can relate.. A time for Light and Fire.. And how we are often repetitive in our advice and our experience. He made a lot of sense about Lightworkers role at the moment..

    Great share Linda.. I do follow Lee on Youtube but have not logged in for ages to see updates.. 🙂 About ancestral healing makes lots of sense… And I feel Nations are going through this too at the moment..

    Love and Light my friend..
    Hugs Sue xxx

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    1. PS, glad you enjoyed the art. I completed it with you in mind as you encourage this outlet in me. While the coloring book format is more structured, I find comfort in choosing a design that suits me and then going wild with the colors. Its all good, as is The Power of Intention. It flows so well with Dr. Joe Dispenza’a work. They were both affiliated with Hayhouse so I wonder if they were acquainted?

      love with light, Linda

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      1. Yes which is why I so appreciate the time and the colours chosen all contribute to the final piece.. Which is why I enjoyed doing those Mandala’s of Cynthia’s designs so much.. I know how absorbing they are . Today we have snow.. So I am putting my final story of the Elder together for this weekend.. So you will get to see the whole of the finished watercolour..

        Love and HUGS too my friend xx

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