We Otta Be Ottahs~

Many of you know that I am very fond of otters and have seen otter-like critters in my neck of the woods. I blog about them regularly and consider them such a blessing. I have not been able to take a picture of any as of yet. I consider them to be part of my spirit animal circle. Cindy has done a bang-up job here, bringing otter-mania to all of their fans. Please enjoy these gorgeous photos, taken with such loving care.

Cindy Knoke


Cuz life just floats by.
Sea Otters live in close communities called rafts. Can you see the babies floating on their mamas? Hint: they are the brown fuzzy bumps with little faces resting on their mama’s bellies? (CLick to enlarge for better optics).
Like all communities with time on their hands, gossip can be a problem.
“If you say this one more time, Edna, I swear, I will cover my ears!”
A new human like me, is easily noticed.
“Who are you odd human, and why are you staring at me?”
Discussing the merits of tonight’s seafood dining options, Earle makes the best suggestion.

Otter newlyweds with their new pup float happily together.

Single mom’s seem quite content on their own.
While bachelor & bachelorette otters can float anywhere they want and may be the happiest otters of all.
Eventually babies get fed up with resting on top of mom…

View original post 89 more words


  1. Otters are such beautiful creatures Linda and we can learn a lot from them.. I watched a great program on TV where the wild life film crew had made an otter live-cam.. to float out to be among them, resembling an otter.. Amazing footage to be seen.. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing Cindy’s post.. and loved the Trees in your back yard.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Linda — Otters are some of my favorite animals also. They are so playful and graceful! I have seen them up close in an aquarium, as well as in the wild on the Oregon rivers. In these photos I was struck by how flat their bodies look while floating on the water. Thanks for sharing these amusing creatures with us.


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