Art is My Medicine ~ Pre Libra Full Moon Post Mercury Retrograde Edition

Hey litebeings!

As I continue to struggle to process a myriad of emotions within me during a difficult challenge, I yearn to express myself in words. I have done some journaling and have found it cathartic. I also meditated today with the new Oprah/Deepak Chopra series entitled Hope in Uncertain Times. As we integrate this powerful full moon and begin yet another Mercury retrograde cycle, self-care is more essential than ever. While this is a good start, I am too overwhelmed to create a coherent blog today.

But that does not mean I cannot share some art therapy that is guaranteed to lift spirits and lighten one’s burdens. My inspiration today came via a painting that appeared in my Facebook news feed. I invite you to take in the magic of Odilon Redon. I have featured his work here a few times before and the more I discover, the more joy inhabits my being. Let’s honor Libra’s ruler Venus with boundless beauty.

Enjoy the view :

all Odilon Redon via public domain

Wishing you a spectacular Libra Full Moon!

image credits ~, public domain


  1. That is some slamming art sister. Wow life is so busy I can’t even slow down to consult the astrological landscape, or my cards, just taking everything one at a time and trying to maintain a sanguine attitude, That really was beautiful art.

    Much love,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are not finished with it, I meant we are living after it stationed retrograde. I can see how that would appear confusing. I will blame my word choice on the retrograde! Glad you are enjoying the art!

      blessings, Linda

      Liked by 1 person

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