2017: Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning’s End

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Here is a post that describes the spirit of renewal and moving forward. It definitely speaks to the promise of Easter and highlights my journey of April 2016, so it hits all the “retro” notes!

Wishing you a Happy Easter and Joyous Spring Season!

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litebeing chronicles


Life is always in flux. While some forms are fading, others are blooming. The trick is to recognize which direction you are moving in and when to let go.

It is humbling to be nearing my fourth year of blogging and to be able to compose some thoughts about the year ahead and the year I lived through. The more I slow down, the easier it is for me to notice that existence has no clear demarcations. Astrologers love cycles and make mention of the significant planetary movements via stations, transits, and progressions. And yet, because of our cosmic fluency, we are perhaps more likely than most to acknowledge the fragility and malleability of time. Time and music marry well together and led me to use Closing Time in this post title.

To understand where I am today, it is necessary to return to April 2016. At the New…

View original post 995 more words


  1. I re read again your new beginnings post Linda.. and Know that you have it within your BEing to do anything you set your mind to do.. Yes there have been some upsets with your car etc.. But I know you are now in a much stronger position that previously .. As you move forward.
    And I know that you know you can alter the state of your health through the power of your mind and intention..

    Sending Love and I hope you had a peaceful Easter and have a Blessed new Week ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue,
      I thought of your comment and replayed it in my head a few times ( “some upsets with your car ” ) to help me calm down and see that it is not that big of a deal. There are reasons it triggers me and i have the means to look at them closely. It is so noteworthy that my body was spared and that I do not have new injuries on top of chronic health issues to contend with. There are days I feel deep despair, but in the dark there is always light. Easter is a celebration of resurrection and we Scorpios are famous for this feat 🙂

      I wish you a splendid Spring and early birthday wishes too ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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