Dreamers Unite

UPDATE: I listened to the call last night and feel asleep. I have heard the information is better received this way, but that was not my intent. I did recall an interesting dream last night, so that is encouraging. I hope to listen to the replay so my conscious mind can be informed. Did anyone else hear the event?

Howdy Litebeings! I recently got wind of a free on-line Shamanic Dreaming event with Robert Moss. It takes place on Wednesday April 19th. I know it is short notice, but you know how it goes. If you are called, you are CALLED!

Here’s the link: http://theshiftnetwork.com/IroquoisTradition

Robert Moss is a true dream-worker, accomplished author and accessible writer and his book Conscious Dreaming is glorious.

That’s all folks………   ( for now)


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