East Africa in West Philly ~ Traversing Time and Space

Here is a post I wrote that appears to be inspired by Anthony Bourdain’s influence on me. Someone in the media today called him a culinary rock star. I would totally agree. He was someone whose love of life was so evident, particularly in how the emotional signature of an experience left a strong residue. long after time has passed. I would like to think he would see some of his influence in my writing.

I never reblog several posts in one day, but I need to do this to cope with the shock that I feel and to convey the love I have for this talented and flawed man.

litebeing chronicles

I had a very important meeting today in my old college neighborhood. It is called University City because Drexel University and The University of Pennsylvania are located there. I moved away many years ago, but still have so many fond memories. Sometimes work or a social event will bring me back, but I have not visited in a few years. The last time I was there it was a very sad occasion. I went with a coworker to visit a former client of ours who was receiving hospice care. She died a few days later.  She was not much older than I, but was dying of uterine cancer that was diagnosed way too late. She had schizophrenia and this contributed to her death. Her caretaker did not believe her when she told her she was bleeding. I did all I could to advocate for her, but it was not enough…

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  1. I’m so sorry for your loss Linda…for the world’s loss. Every person who believes in the human family, who is open to the brotherhood of man (mankind) is needed now, perhaps more than ever before in man’s history. So the loss of Mr. Bourdain is a tragedy for all of us, especially for those deeply sensitive to what he shared. So happy I’m able to connect with you occasionally on Facebook, will be thinking of you ❤ This is Theanne aka Anne Leddon

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    1. Hi Theanne! It is always a treat to hear from you and I am so glad you keep up with me and the blog via Facebook. I think history will recognize Tony as an ambassador for inclusion and unity. I am enamored with him and want to be more like him. I know my loss is not personal, but his presence gave me joy and I am angry he took this away from so many, especially now.

      love to you,


  2. It’s really sad, Linda. When I heard the news I thought of you and how much you are a fan. I was likely recalling these posts. It was nice to see this post again, and the one where you linked to my blog where I wrote about injera (which came up in my conversations in my offline life very recently). I had just posted to that gluten-free blog first time in a long while a couple of days ago (but I am no longer gluten free per se).

    I have come back and forth on social media because it feels like not the best place to be the presence and support for what people need, but it’s better than nothing. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and seeking support from those who are nearby you. People in your proximity can be the most supportive at these times. I know how touched by his life you have been, and I trust that you will get through this and be okay. You have experience with supporting people, and I believe that you know how to ask for any support you need and use the resources most accessible to you. My condolences, I’m so sorry for your loss and how conflicting it is as our culture and the greater world needs more compassion, as everyone is affected by these tragedies.

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    1. Thank you Ka. I am an empath at time and definitely quite sensitive so his death affects me deeply. But I am okay and will be okay. Many not old people have left Earth the past few years, those who are our creative types like Prince, Tom Petty, Tony, David Bowie, etc I feel we need them close now more than ever. But I do not get to decide.

      love, Linda

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