To Be or Not to Be ~ Simulated Existence

I guess you could call this post Who Am I ? Part 2, or Who are We?  This quick entry is to refer you to some fascinating shows that may help increase one’s understanding of the nature of reality and entertain you while doing so.

While many readers are no longer pro – television, stay with me here and keep an open mind. Black Mirror is a popular post- modern Netflix series that explores the dark side of ever -advancing technology. While some ( most ) of the episodes are too dark for my taste, there are two that I find fascinating, romantic,  hopeful, and suggest the Matrix is alive and well.

Below are the  videos about these episodes. Check them out and follow your intuition as to whether they are worth viewing in their entirety:

My second suggestion is to purchase a trial membership on Gaia TV and immerse yourself in Missing Links with Gregg Braden. This series walks the viewer through the theory that our current existence is a programmed simulation. Season 2 asks the question Are we living in a virtual reality? I find Gregg, who is a scientist,  to be very logical and credible and he takes time and effort to make his case. I am finding possible answers to many questions that have alluded me for years. Thank you Whitehawk  for the gentle nudges. I get it.

Here is a link to my reviews for some spiritual films, which include Vanilla Sky and Contact that hint at simulated reality

Let me know your reactions in the comments section or shoot me an email.

peace, litebeing


  1. Thought provoking post linda… I’ve come across much info about our reality… not sure if I label it so black and white though as some claim. Like yourself I like to resonate with parts of it and form my own truth… what feels good. However or whatever it all is, we are each part of it as creators and now remembering we are the masters and creators of multi-dimensions. .. meaning we are free to choose how and what we want to experience.

    I’ve seen you’ve been posting a lot so have some catching up to do. Hope you are feeling better after this last gigantic clearing we’ve just had… there is no let up anymore so it’s necessary to go slow, be peaceful and just breathe… allowing it all to happen😘 much love barbara x

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    1. Hi Barbara,

      It is great to hear your thoughts on this somewhat provocative subject. I continue to use my intuition to help me discern what is true and to help me in hone in on what I need to know at any point in time. I am feeling improve, but not quite in balance yet. I would like to be totally free to choose what I experience but clearly I am not there yet 🙂

      peace with love to you,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes you are blooming alright… and as your perspective expands you will continue to receive glimpses of how you are already free AND enlightened… but the Human just loves to play the game of ‘getting there’. Why is it that we just don’t believe how powerful and magical we are? A good title for an upcoming blog post I feel. much love to you. X barbara x

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  2. I too, am beginning to ponder these questions. I have been a distant observer of Greg Baden’s work (Heart Math and Global Coherence Initiative), so this is an interesting blog post for me. However, I have to watch the YouTube Videos later, as I am on very limited data until at least November. Will save this post as a bookmark entry though… Thanks for the share!

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    1. Thank you Colette for visiting and leaving a comment. I am new to Gregg Braden, but truly enjoyed his series on Gaia TV. This theory of existence in many ways appeals to me, so I will continue to climb down the rabbit hole, until I no longer feel attracted to this path. Let me know how you enjoy the videos. peace,litebeing


    1. You are welcome. It is fascinating and I am just getting started. It is one thing to joke about the Matrix and quite another to contemplate that our reality is computer generated. Thanks for the video link.

      hugs, Linda

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