Uranus Retrograde ~ Be Here Now

I am echoing the sentiments of the iconic Ram Dass , suggesting we all do our best to chill and refrain from engaging in major activities in the environment.  This essay directs us to do the opposite of what I advised back in January when all planets were moving in direct motion. This is because tomorrow Uranus goes retrograde, joining Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. Venus ( soon to join the party on October 5th) and Jupiter are the only planets moving forward at this time. Look to where 2 degrees Taurus lands in your natal chart to see where the Great Awakener rocks your world. Stationing points can be quite powerful depending on how they impact you personally in terms of sign, house position, and relationships with where the planets were positioned at the time of  birth.

Honestly, with all the various energies emerging at us all at once, it is difficult to be able to distinguish why we are experiencing what we are experiencing. This is why continuous self-care is so important. But you already knew that didn’t you? My self- care regime varies, but my current practice consists of daily meditation, mindfulness, clearing away clutter, gratitude, and aromatherapy. All of these strategies contribute to more clarity and openness.

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When there are too many activities or conflicting ideas to juggle, it is natural to succumb to feelings of overwhelm and confusion. When I reflect back on early 2018, I wish I could have been bolder and capitalized on more new ventures. But my plate was full with all the curve balls thrown my way. I truly believe that we always do the best we can, even when we resort to self-judgement. For example, just a few hours ago, I did not have the energy or drive to complete this post. But after meditation, the impulse to continue writing brought me back here to the draft folder and voila, a blog is born.

While I find it challenging to be able to tease out which particular energy is operating with the most fervor, spending more time within certainly makes this task more manageable. For instance, transiting Jupiter made its second hit to my sun late yesterday and I was hoping for an explosion of joy. That did not happen, but it is likely that this positive influence has tempered some of the more noxious energies currently at play. With multiple eclipses, an unusually strong retro pattern, along with solar flares and God knows what else, ( humidity?), life here on Gaia has become increasingly more complicated. Astrology is magical and my lifelong passion, but it is not a panacea. We live in a time where more is being asked of us and reality is more fragile than ever. So what is the solution? I don’t have an easy answer, but I know that listening to one’s guidance is crucial. Twice this week I have been faced with situations that were very unsettling. Many times in the past I would rationalize them away, or make the “easier” choice and then worry excessively about it afterwards. But not this time. I took a breath, listened more intently, and made the more nuanced, complicated choices. This way I will have less worry and probably no regret. This is my version of living authentically. My intuition was imploring me to undo decisions that may have been harmful. I took the road less traveled. Now I ‘ll wait and see what happens.

What can one expect with Uranus retracing his steps? It will be different for everyone, but surprises and unusual energetic movement is likely. With Mars moving back into Capricorn, some of the wild currents may dissipate, but you never know. Some possible manifestations are circulatory problems, new and exciting encounters, sudden insights, technological irregularities ( especially while Mercury is still retro), and weather anomalies. Like I stated earlier, the location of transiting Uranus in your natal chart makes all the difference. Those who have planets in late Aries or early Taurus may feel this transit more intensely. With Uranus, you really never know.

Let me finish with a few birthday wishes for some of my blogettes: Cheers to Ka, Debra, Dayna, Renate, and Julianne. As the sun travels to my descendant ( 7th house of other),  it is wonderful to have so much awesome company who were born at this time.

header image by © litebeing chronicles, non-header images courtesy of wikipedia.org, public domain


  1. I agree with you dear Linda about the Self-care, it is very important. And like you our daily meditations, de-cluttering the debris from our grey matter as we self-nurture is empowering us to think more clearly and BE-come All we are meant to BE. In the BE-ings we truly are.

    So pleased you are listening and following your intuitive self dear Linda
    As I was happy reading your words

    “I took a breath, listened more intently, and made the more nuanced, complicated choices. This way I will have less worry and probably no regret. This is my version of living authentically. My intuition was imploring me to undo decisions that may have been harmful. I took the road less travelled. ”

    This journey of ours is all about finding Self.. May you continue to expand in ALL directions dear Linda..
    Truly wonderful to read..
    May I also add my birthday wishes to those mentioned.
    And its wonderful that we have met each other this time around.
    ❤ 🙂


    1. I am glad that I undid a decision before it could have become a major mistake. While I do not know how it might have turned out, I am avoiding working for this organization. There are many times where I am so uncomfortable with the present, because of worries that begin to accumulate. When I change the setting or activity, it usually allows me to access another mood or mindset, Going to the movies yesterday and taking a walk today were very restorative. It is about how to manage emotional regulation without denial or suppression. In other words, I strive to feel my feelings, digest my experiences, and then move on so I do not stew in them.


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      1. Wonderful Linda that you are learning to honour your emotions but not let them control you.. Brilliant.. ❤ We have to become 'Observers' of our emotions see them for what they are.. Understand what caused them.. Honour them, then detach from them while holding yourself in love for your choices.. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. When I was in college I was introduced to Ram Dass and his book Be Here Now. It is quite wonderful and made a huge impression on me. The wisdom that arose out of the 60s still rings true NOW 🙂


  2. Excellent article – the unbridled truth is just what’s needed – we’re all in this together and I love how no one has all of the answers 🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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