Nature Rocks

Communion with the natural world is how I do mysticism best ( or better at the very least). My heart opens so wide when I connect with cats, birds, light on a leaf, a pink sunset, etc. My experiences the past month or so have been interesting. On several occasions, I have caught a quick glimpse of a creature or two; an intense flash of movement, so easily dismissed and unlikely to register with the typical busy human be-ing.

Driving home a few nights ago, I saw a solitary deer retreat back towards the woods. ( Photos above were taken in March in my backyard). A few days ago I opened my front door to witness about 8 sparrows fly up from the bushes in unison. Last week I spotted a rare for this area black and blue butterfly move around my car. I remember seeing one like it last August as well. We do not get many butterfly varieties in my neck of the woods, so this was a treat. I consciously set an intention for this beauty to fly back to the car. And I waited. A few minutes. And it did not return.

Fast forward to yesterday right before work as I sit on the couch and watch some TV. A black and blue butterfly flies towards the terrace. There are no plants or flowers there so I do not know what the draw was. I watched it dance around the perimeter of the terrace. Then I noticed it take root on the green mat on the terrace floor. It rested there and fluttered its wings. I rushed to take a picture, wondering if it would allow me to snap a shot. It appeared to see me, but stayed on the mat, in a  butterfly “resting pose.” This lovely creature hung out on my terrace for close to an hour. I took a few shots over the course of 30 minutes.

Isn’t she lovely? Looks like my wish was granted from a few days earlier. This truly felt like a blessing from the Divine, as the butterfly held space for me. It reminded me of my grasshopper giventure a few years back. The photography is not award-winning, but it documents our sweet communion.

Sometimes it is the simple moments that give us all we need if we just take the time to remain quiet and open.

How has your week been?


    1. Hi Sue,
      Thanks for your enthusiastic response. This post was less about the butterfly for me, and more about how I had sent an intention and what I manifested exceeded any expectation. Also it was about the magic of communing with this transformational being. I was glad to reblog your post! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Manifesting is happening ever faster when our intention is aligned.. And yes I gathered that, and was smiling inwardly because of it.. Its always a joy when we get such confirmations of our manifesting,.. Shows just how we are transforming, and growing.. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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