What now?

So hello 2020! As I read so many musings on the astrological weather, I ask myself ” Why haven’t you wanted to write anything? ” I could answer that I am too busy, tired, or physically unwell ( and they would be correct). But that is not the true answer. I just don’t have all that much to add to the conversation.

And yet, here I am typing out a few words right before bedtime. So I must have something to say!  When I consider how much energy is in Capricorn, I wonder about the concept of form and what does it really mean in the true scheme of energy-based consciousness. Then I consider Uranus, who lives in the future and is such a wild card. And then, of course, is my blogiversary on 1-11-20, coming up on seven years. Where does the “time ” go ?

Currently, I have a good part of the Zodiac, 4 planets going on 5 shortly,  temporarily setting up housekeeping in Capricorn in the 12th house , where life is murky, musty, and mysterious ( among many other things. ) So on one hand, I feel more confused than usual, and on the other hand, more aware of subtle divine communications. For example, I received 2 emails today exactly 2 hours apart. The first one has the subject heading “Future is now following your blog. ” The second one reads  ” Sailfuture inc is hiring for adventurous teaching job at private school in Florida. ”  No, you cannot make this stuff up!

When I read the first email heading, my thoughts were led immediately to the show “God Friended Me “.  What is the future trying to tell me? More importantly, what is the future? Is this a sign of Uranus trying to get my attention?  Yes, probably so.

I used my randomizer on my blog today to see what I would land on, and it took me to my very first blog post. How cool is that on the near eve of my blogiversary? What I found interesting there is my reference to the planet surviving the Mayan Apocalypse. Remember 12/21/12 and the doomsday havoc we collectively created?  Or the Uranus Pluto Square? Or the Y2K moment?

I am not implying that these astrological events are hoaxes, nothing of the sort. But what is important to note that the external shake ups and blessings are just the tip of the awakening iceberg. The subtleties that often emerge  within our being  – sometimes more obvious in retrospect, that’s where the diamonds are found ( could not help the Saturnian reference. )

So what now?

I wish I could wrap this piece up all neatly with a frilly bow, but that ain’t happening. We will all experience the next hours and days to come within the reality we have created, both in isolation while also communally as the fellow Gaia visitors we all are. We are merely visitors as spirit in form for a blink of an eye. The train has already left the station. So let’s make the most of this experience together and with love.


  1. I like the story with the two mails. Thanks for sharing. That looks like a message even if it is not so easy to decipher what it means. Metaphorically sailing and adventurous teaching – would that be something for you?
    I wish you all the best for the future.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. No, you can not make this stuff up lol.. And love it when we are shown things this way, it shows us how we are all part of field as we are nudged and guided, as we explore deeper our reality here..
    Congratulations upon your forthcoming blog Anniversary.. Its flying so fast..
    And yes what is our Future? Where has the Past flown too, and it reminds us we really do only have this Moment.. In the NOW..

    So we had better understand the ‘What Now’ we manifest becomes that Future Now..
    And I smiled at 2012 so many of us were reporting back then about the Mayan Calendar and our thoughts upon this subject..

    Life is a Cycle and I believe it is all written in the Stars Linda.. We just do not always interpret it so well, as our time-lines are sometimes off..

    May your New Year start as you mean to go on Linda.. You are an excellent writer and we love hearing your thoughts.. And yes we touch only on the tip of the iceberg.. So much is still hidden beneath which will reveal itself in its own good time..

    Love and Hugs my friend.. Have a lovely Weekend ❤ Much Love Sue 💚💛💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sue,
      I pray you and your family are well. I have been reposting some older blogs because they have rich meaning for these times. We know that time is not linear but we live in that space in 3D so it has influence. Now is all we have ❤

      love, Linda


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