Litebeing’s Change Challenge

What light bulb flashes have you received from the Quantum Field?


September is upon us and it has been almost six months since my State was on lock down and my job went remote. You all know how the rest went down. While it does not feel like a typical Fall season to me, it DOES feel right to introduce a new blogging challenge!

Litebeing Chronicles has held a yearly blogging challenge every year except 2019. For some reason, I was not inspired and I let it go. At this point inspiration has taken root and I am excited to propose this challenge to all my faithful readers and writers. We have had such a fun time with the various challenges and I know we can all use more fun in our lives.

So here’s the theme: How have you changed internally? Can you share some new thoughts, ideas, projects, attitudes that have sprung up as a result of your evolution? This challenge is about describing how you have integrated the lessons from this “unprecedented time” and how you have seen your unique transformation unfold.

Before writing this up, I drew a Four card spread for the Pisces Full Moon. The Judgment Card came up as the final card in the spread, which is a summary of the reading.


Goddess tarot deck by Kris Waldherr


Meaning : Time for a major and necessary change in life: often welcome, but frightening because of its magnitude. Confidence in this change.

Clearly this card validated that this is the Divine Time for this theme to be executed.


This will be a very low maintenance project. I do not want this to be a chore. Trust me on this!


1- Choose a date between now and 12-31-2020.

2-Write about your insights, ideas, and evolution.

3-Contact me with the date of your choice to post on your blog or site. Give me your name, the date and the link to your site. I will track the dates as I  have done with past challenges.

4-On the date you have chosen, publish you post and link back to this page, mentioning Litebeing Chronicles Change Challenge. That’s it, simple right?

Odds and Ends:

Life will go on without a cute challenge badge, however if you want to create one, please contact me in the comments below, or here.

Please share with your friends and/or social network. I always welcome new people to the party.

You have 3 months to write, but please do not take three months to decide. I want this to be lowkey, but I also want to remind you that time is flying by at warped speed.

Please speak to me if you have any questions about the theme. This is not a challenge about the pandemic or masks vs no masks, etc. This IS a challenge about owning and expressing how this journey has transformed you inside and out.

To illustrate, I will give you an example from my life: As a psychic human, I figured out at some point that prediction times are irrelevant because thought and form occur outside of linear time. I understood this and I talk and write about it regularly. And yet, I now grasp this at an entirely new level. My awareness has expanded. Case in point, a few days ago I was re-reading part of my travel journal to Europe from 1991. There was a few pages left over from the trip and I used them to continue with my routine journal notes. I was interested in seeing what happened that year because I have not read this journal in decades. This tiny purple ( of course ) book was in a desk drawer, mostly forgotten. I quickly scanned the pages, looking for anything that might be significant in the present moment. I saw my reaction to a visit with a channel who I consulted with annually, either in a group or individually. She stated that the US government would fall apart. I wrote how I found this news scary. It is happening now, 29 years later! This revelation drove the point home that all timelines occur simultaneously and I am now truly “living this truth.”

I hope you are excited about participating in this blogging challenge. I have missed collaborating with all of you and am eager to hear about how you are growing and creating.

While composing this post, an old song from the Brady Bunch popped into my head, I enjoy the irony about showing a YouTube video about change set in the 1970s! If you listen to the lyrics you will see that they resonate with this new world of 2020.

Challenge Post Calendar

11 -22-20   Tania 

11- 26- 20 Linda 




11-30-20 Ka 


12-2-20 Kristen











12-13-20 Michael


12-15-20 Julie




12-19-20 Leigh

12-20-20 Maria













all images except for the tarot card courtesy of and Pexels, public domain


  1. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    Welcome and thank you to new readers, followers and likers of my FB page. The time has come to express more on the blessings on this time of “reset”! Please read this post below and join this challenge. I feel now is the time to gather the tribe and broadcast your truth aloud. While I am not big on promotion, I want those called to join this group to know this forum is available. If this resonates, don’t hesitate 🙂


    1. I’m sorry I’ve been missing all your posts these days. You have had many fun posts! The last part with the Brady Bunch had me laughing, and so we shall see! Right now, I’m not committing to a blog challenge. But I’ll keep this in mind. I enjoyed reading about your experiences and your statement on non-linear time. Events don’t always happen chronologically. I think relationships are like that too; we go in and out of connections on another timetable than regular time, but we are always close at heart. Wishing you the best with this!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Ka,
        Thanks for your kind thoughts on my posts. I have had more time to write since in between jobs. I watched the Brady Bunch ( and Partridge Family) faithfully as a kid. For some reason that song pooped into my mind while conceptualizing the content for the challenge. Change is awkward like Peter’s voice, but is necessary for growth and it is how our Matrix operates. No pressure on joining. I would love to have you with us, but it is your choice. If you decide to write a post, I will be very happy to out you on the roster.

        blessings, Linda

        Liked by 1 person

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