Writing ~ The Masterful Administration of the Unforeseen

3rd reblog in a row, yup! I like to find “random” posts as oracles and this post really resonates powerfully in 2020. Welcome to my new followers! I am grateful that you are part of the litebeing community. Please say hello and introduce yourself in the comments section. Thanks for being here. I will be back with fresh writing when inspiration meets energy and initiative. 🙂

litebeing chronicles

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No one can predict the future now. No one can make long- range plans. The best we can hope for, to quote Robert Bridges, is ” the masterful administration of the unforeseen.”  Ride the whirlwind. That’s the most we can do.
Arthur C. Clarke

This sage advice is found on page 150 of Walking on Alligators – A Book of Meditations for Writers by Susan Shaughnessy. I was led to open a random page from this book today and post it here. I have been thinking deeply about my writing process of late. I have wondered why some pieces come so easily to me , while others are so arduous and heavy. I have also noticed how grateful I am when opportunities appear to take my writing and this blog in new directions. For example, when TMA was looking on Facebook for bloggers to review the Music Issue, I had no idea I…

View original post 210 more words


  1. Sometimes words flow for me, but often I find writing can be difficult, especially for what I most want to say, or think I might if I could delve on that level verbally. I think everyone ought to be encouraged to write who wants to, because it’s such a process of learning and development. The act of writing is so clearing, nutritive, and imaginative at the same time! t’s more about the process than the product. While it’s nice to get attention for what we do, sometimes it’s more important to be actively “doing” and letting the chips fall where they may. Even if our words are not seen for the clever constructions they are, it’s good to find that awareness and see the trees in our own jungles, so to speak!

    PS, I assumed in error that you found this post by reading the newer one about Appalachia. I figured my mentioning in that post about having trouble finding the words to describe my experience with bluegrass was picked up by the WP algorithm in post suggestions. So now I wonder how you did discover this post from 2014? At the end of the day, it does not matter, but I wanted to explain why I wrote about the suggested posts in the beginning of this comment.

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    1. Wow, what an insightful and original comment about writing and creativity. Isn’t is grand how WP suggests “related” posts at the end of each blog? I wonder if they use an algorithm for this? I was incredibly influenced by a conference on Creativity and Madness that I attended in Santa Fe where I purchased the Alligators’ book and some other gems on creativity. Blogging came much later for me, but writing was always in my blood and bones. Sometimes Leo my chart ruler does want some glory, but I agree with you that writing it its own reward. I stumble often when I want to describe a feeling or experience and no words are retrieved that come close to describing the aforementioned feeling ot experience. Then I feel like I cannot deliver the “goods. ” Have you ever reread something you wrote and wondered who was that person who wrote it? I sometimes sense that an entirely distinct personality or character was writing through me or maybe I was just living life through a different lens.


  2. Thank you for sharing this again. I can relate to the fact that sometimes there is hesitation in writing.
    This post contains several synchronistic nudges that touched me. Thanks for bringing it up.

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    1. I am so pleased to know that this post has provided nudges to you. Maybe in part that is why I felt strongly pulled to reblog it. Honestly when I read it , it gave me comfort , particularly the quote which is the subject matter. I go to the random oracle often for guidance and this time it hit the mark. Thanks for letting me know that it touched you ❤

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