
Spring is in zig-zag motion in my neck of the woods with blooms blooming in 30 degree weather! I had to use the comforter last night and my winter jacket today. I see the weather as a metaphor of the outside world and my path to ascension. Some days my inner changes are palpable and I feel the majesty, power and light strongly within my being. Other days ( like yesterday) I get triggered and no tools or guidance seem to work. Until I settle and let the moment go.

Today is Good Friday and while I have never celebrated, my mother did as did half of her people so Roman Catholicism resides in my DNA. I highly respect the cycle of death and rebirth and ascension seems to follow this route. I appreciate living in a part of the planet that goes through a four seasonal cycle, giving me an outer mirror to match my inner perpetual changes. Birds have started singing each morning, bringing me unmeasurable joy. Where would we be without all other life forms? Not here I assure you.

Enjoy a few more fresh photos:

Time is fleeting in so many ways. I noticed one tree blossom and unblossom within the course of 2-3 days. I reminded myself that I was able to see it in full bloom once this season, so the experience was mine. Ever consider how many moments we forget and how often we recycle the same thought over and over again?

I was so angry yesterday and so lost. Today I am caffeinated yet restful, grateful that my heart symptoms turned out to not be anything serious or lasting, and that so many people keep reading my words! I recently described myself as a storyteller in a job interview and it felt so real. I was read to often as a child and both my parents and my MGM adored books. We are always creating a new story. The trick is to be certain we are not stuck somewhere mid sentence. Every moment is potentially a Good Friday to Easter scenario. Authentic embodied ascension requires feeling and experiencing whatever is inside the self, leading to the letting go process that allows new experiences to enter.

Enjoy some U2 songs that embody the themes covered here today:


  1. The birdsong of spring continues to intrigue me, simply because of one section of one book, read long ago – I believe it was a section in Star Signs by Linda Goodman but I lost so many of my books during my ‘exodus to the promise land’ of a different life from the one I had married into, I do not know for sure – :D.

    But, the memory in my brain is that research was done on the growth of plants in response to the level/types of birdsong going on – that not JUST changing temp/moisture played a part in spring fauna growth or summer blossoms, or late summer/fall setting of fruit, but that the sounds made by birds, where what were either heralding the changes or supporting the changes – –

    The birds are not in full symphony, here yet, but the local wild turkey population has visited my place twice, and yesterday? I saw my first robin –

    And I once more wondered and said to myself, “Silly! You remember that and ask that every spring – when are you going to actually take the time to research and see what, if anything, new has been discovered in the past 30 years on this topic? LOL – –

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beautiful photos Linda! We’ve experienced the same back and forth between Winter and Spring here, and although all the spring bulbs are sprouting, I still see snow patches and mountains covered in snow. The last week has been beautiful weather though…sunshiny warm. 🙂 I’m so glad that you got good news about your heart and I love that you’re a kindred storyteller.

      I especially resonated with this: “Authentic embodied ascension requires feeling and experiencing whatever is inside the self, leading to the letting go process that allows new experiences to enter.” Feeling that for sure! Much love!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks for the love Tania. Spring is always welcome but so much more welcome for me this year! I am really working on the embodiment, letting go of the automatic defenses when I catch them. It is time to walk the talk. Seasons blessings to you ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Yup – to me, too, but often, on this front? I feel like Tom Hanks in “Angels & Demons” when asked about if he believed in God – “My mind tells me I’ll never fully understand, my heart tells me I’m not meant to.” – Fortunately, for me, in Mother Nature fronts? FAITH is something that DOES exist for me – and that is where I connect with the God my heart and mind yearn for – 😀

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