God Café Reveal and More

This post is a follow up to my God Café post where I presented my art project and asked for your analysis. Today I will reveal my intentions for this piece, along with some other goodies.  Thanks to those who shard their thoughts! I have to say you all were on the money.

So here’s the scoop:  basically I used pink and yellow light to convey innocence and being bathed in divinity, black for darkness/depression, bold/ bright color for intense psychic, otherworldly, episodes, prophetic dreams, etc, and light pastels for sweet spots of synchronicity, mystical voyages, and overall communion.

For example, the dark black vertical area towards the left was a depressive period at age 13. Immediately after began my teenage exploration of drugs and rock and roll, with some bizarrish telepathy and dream weirdness tucked in.

I also introduced different shapes or patterns to convey incremental integration and “stability”. The bright bold colored circles and oblong shapes represent my quasi hallucinatory, raw emotional, creative years. Further right, as I evolved and matured, spirals took over, representing spiritual growth impacted by exposure to new people and experiences and a questioning of personality and ideas ( metaphysics , channeling, reincarnation, the Course, to name a few ). The pastel vertical bands represent my forage into Quakerism, spaciousness, mystical experiences ( including my meeting  James). The remainder consists of waves, representing a less intense, less chaotic integration of what I suppose is Ascension. Black still is present, but so is yellow and pink, emphasizing that this living in a body is paradoxical and non binary. I do feel joy while in physical pain, laugh during a pandemic, and delight in the wind during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  Its complicated my friends.

Visitation ?

I promised more so here we are! I have become enamored with audio books recently and like all my reading, am going through a few books at once. Yesterday was eventful in a mysterious way. The lightbulb in my living room lamp came apart, exposing the filament. This is a story for another time…. However, while rearranging items on the end table I noticed that my cat  Dexter’s ceramic  disc containing his pawprint is falling apart. More of the clay is chipping away, leaving cracks behind. I saddened immediately, wondering how long I can preserve this precious keepsake. I wondered if it meant anything important, other than the passage of time.  Fast forward to late last evening as I am listening to Enough Already by Valerie Bertinelli.  I grew up with Valerie, a Taurus sun, Scorpio Rising actress who is my age and grew up in nearby Delaware. I could really relate to her despite her fame and fortune, and still do. So imagine my surprise when she began talking about Dexter. She also had a beloved cat named Dexter who passed away. She described him as very chatty, her constant companion and ” my shadow. ” For long time readers, does this sound like anyone familiar? She is describing my Dexter. Some animal communicators have shared that hearing the name or seeing the name of your departed pet is  sign you are being contacted. I am not totally certain but knowing that Val and I have an important Dexter connection gave me comfort.

litebeing chronicles 2013

Spring Fling 

Here are some recent spring photos around the ” hood “


  1. I see reading left to right. Division coupled with frustration, lots of circles surrounding one’self while it gets calmer to the right… I see searching for one’s identity … I am just writing what I feel here Linda , so please do not take any kind of offence.. I see wanting to fit in and yet feeling separate.. I haven’t uses your colour chart of what you feel about your doodle art..
    Yellow to me means Intellect, Intelligence, and communication… Its also the emotional colour of the Solar Plexus… and I know your emotional centre has had more than enough problems with your re-occurring condition .. Notice how the black follows it is heavy and I feel your hand pressed harder creating these line… I could go on… But you get the gist.. That is what I see.. I feel peace is lacking still… as its too busy and active…. You are an active person, and your mind is constantly on the go…. I just feel I want to smooth out those wavy lines and bring in pastel shades of blended colours that bring calm and peace to you Linda..

    Loved your photos of Nature and dear Dexter…. Such a beautiful photo of him…. I know he still has left a great hole in your heart…
    Sending love to your heart Linda from mine.. I hope you are okay with my interpretation of your art.. If not just delete it…
    Much love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely, I invited you to look, remember? very interesting comments Sue, more for me to ponder. I do not have a standard color chart, just intuitive leanings.

      love to you <3,


      Liked by 1 person

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