I’m in Heaven

listen to ethereal harp music




Well maybe I am not in heaven, but it sure feels great to receive an award from Sue at Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. Thank you Sue for gifting me with an Angel award. Most of you know Sue, but for any who don’t, she is sweet, caring, passionate about causes close to her heart, and loyal. Her blog is as beautiful as it is diverse in scope. I consider it a gift because I do not see myself as angelic. Yet on a good day when I am well rested, relaxed, and centered, I can access some divine inspiration. That inspiration will likely help me spread some light or guidance to those I see on a daily basis.





This award does not come with any rules attached, except to pass on the award itself to angelic bloggers. This will not be too difficult since I know quite a few folks who fit the bill.









These are folks who blog about positive change with creativity, vision, and clarity. They embody integrity, kindness, and gentility. I am not certain if any of them play harp, but you never know! They are authors, poets, astrologers, teachers,healers, artists, and lovely souls. Please explore their work and you will be happy that you did.  Congrats to my nominees: You all have downloaded a slice of heaven onto the blogosphere and beyond.




painting by Josephine Wall

header photography by © litebeing chronicles ( check out the angels who reside in the center of the orchids!)



  1. We seldom see ourselves as others see us Linda.. You do indeed deserve this award and it was my pleasure. I dare not think the amount I have yet to still pass on.. LOL.. But I am so thrilled you passed along to very deserving angels.. 🙂 xx Love Sue xox


  2. Linda,
    I love the photo you took of the orchid angels!! So beautiful! It is no surprise that Sue honored you as an Angel and I am touched that you extended the award to me – blogging and connecting with people like you has been such a blessing in my quiet mountain life 🙂 I agree with Aleya…your light shines bright….with authenticity, I might add! – the best kind 🙂

    Hugs and Gratitude from the Gem Moon Sis,


    1. You are so sweet and your friendship is precious to me. Please take the award and also pass it on to some of your angelic blogettes and bloggees 🙂

      luv my Gem moon sis,
      ❤ Linda


  3. your posts are always filled with light, goodness, and inspiration! you always have kind and supportive words for me. so ya, you are an angel! 🙂 aleya


  4. P.S. Wow… post script is catching like a happy, wild fire 🙂 the harp music is really beautiful. It reminds me of our winter solstice celebration here in SD, and Ireland, and… Christmas. Aww.. I love it.


  5. Dear Litebeing,
    I am touched! There were so many lines that you wrote that made me giggle and blush. The harp music! I love how you wrote that you don’t consider yourself an angel but on a good day… (sleep,rest, and centered)…. Oh, I feel this way, too, about myself! But, still you are an angel 🙂 I’m listening to the harp music now.
    _/1\_ Blessings, Ka


  6. Before I got to the names of your nominees I thought, how apropos… Sue recognizing Linda. Because the two of you are truly inspirational bloggers. Your posts, Linda, are always uplifting and nourish peoples souls.

    Then I read your five names, clicked on Eric and had such a wondrous feeling. I am truly grateful for your kind recognition and what I choose to share with others. Thank you for the honor of your virtual friendship. Here’s to your continuing to bring light into others lives!


    1. Thank you Eric for your kindness. The work you do on WordPress and offline is important and deserves to be recognized. Happy you were pleased to be a WordPress Angel and I appreciate our virtual connection too 🙂

      in light,


    1. Do you mean the one for this post with the orchids? I shot that using my cellphone camera for the first time at Longwood Gardens last year. So you see the angels/ fairies hidden in the center of each flower?



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