Pluto station – purge, clear, forgive, release

Howdy litebeings! Pluto stations direct this Thursday 9-28-17. This occurs right before Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish Calendar. It is called the day of atonement, aka at-one-ment. This station is a BIG deal! Do the work, I promise to do it alongside of you.
Namaste, litebeing

litebeing chronicles

On September 20, 2013 at 11:29 AM EST, Pluto goes direct.

Here are keywords for Pluto – the masses, underworld, regeneration, crime, rebirth, obsession, slow growth, undoing, transformation, power, control, redemption.

Depending on where you live,  you still have at least a few more hours to work with the Pluto energies.  I checked first to make sure everyone has some time! With so many international friends now, I am more cognizant of the ” movement” of time….   see

I would not worry about where Pluto resides in my birth chart or where it is transiting currently. Pluto makes its presence known and for the purpose of this post, I want to accentuate tools over technicalities. What is crucial is to find the proper tools that suit you.  I like dreamwork, prayer, chanting, letter writing, meditation, rummaging through both literal and metaphorical closets and drawers, griefwork, exercise, journaling, drumming and…

View original post 440 more words


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Linda. Even if I am “late” to the realization, it is interesting how reading your words puts recent days into a new depth of contextual awareness…

    Peace, my friend. Hope all is well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michael,
      Glad to hear my words resonate. One of the primary reasons that I write astrology themed posts is to share information that will “click” for anyone who is seeking that intangible something.

      peace to you, Linda


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