Fare thee well 2018


It has been a very intense and overwhelming time for me lately. I have so many unanswered questions, loose ends, and unfinished business that will remain a mystery as this year closes. While I typically do not view the end of the calendar year as an accurate time to usher in new beginnings, years of cultural conditioning orient me to use this window to clear out what no longer is needed. We cannot totally eliminate our 3D cultural orientation while in a body, or can we?? Perhaps the answer will be revealed in the coming year. With Mars entering Aries tonight and Uranus moving forward just a few days later, I foresee increased energy and collective excitement around change, revolution, and optimism for the planet.

Here is a brief tale from four years ago that would be considered Divine timing. As I walked outside tonight on 12-31-14 to take out the trash, I looked all around and prayed fervently for a sign to guide me. No creatures were in sight, yet..

As I approached my front door, one by one all the light fixtures at the apartment complex began to turn on. My prayer was answered! It is all about the light.

I call this blog litebeing chronicles so that I can use myself to illuminate the planet with all I have to offer. I have so much more inside of me. I have not mastered litebeing consciousness yet.

So I close out 2018 with a huge thank you to all my luminous readers with a wonderful video that encourages us all to shine brightly onward.

Keep yourselves glued to this site for a special announcement coming soon in 2019 ❤


  Namaste, litebeing



candles image credit: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net


  1. Wonderful that your thoughts were heard and yes its all about LIGHT, LOVE and Learning. Thank you for those New Year Wishes Linda.. Its been my privilege support you and be inspired by you as well as take up all of those challenges you throw our way..

    I hope as this year progresses, you can tie up all of those loose ends and find direction and focus to those unanswered questions Linda

    Sending LOVE and well wishes for a bright, Happy, Healthy, New Earth Year ❤

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    1. Hi Sue,

      As I wrote to Cindy in the comments section, this year numerologically for me is a 1 and for the collective is a 3, both wonderful symbols for positive beginnings.I have recently viewed some material that has some insightful wisdom for the years ahead that is promising as well. I plan to share some of this very soon.

      You are welcome to take up the 321 Me challenge in a recent post if you are interested. You are such a treasured part of the WP family and I hope you can take these words in and feel them.

      love and lite to you >3

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      1. I will be back tomorrow to catch up with your 321 post Linda.. Been on my blog far too long today catching up with comments and still not done.. So shutting down for the evening,, But I will be sure to be back tomorrow and read 🙂 Much Love and I can feel your positive vibe in your words xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year, my friend. You will never be done … that’s part of the fun of our eternal nature. 😀 2018 has been an incredible year for me, and more to come, at least until March 3 when I enter a 9 year numerologically. I am intrigued by what the energy of the Hermit and the Moon have to offer me in 2019.

    Sending love and light for many blessings to come,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy New Year Cindy! While the Universal Year is in 3 mode in 2019, I entered a 1 year cycle on my last birthday, meaning that this is truly a time of new beginnings for me until November 2019. It is funny that I did not even pay attention to this cycle until now. But looking back at last year, I can see how it was all about letting go.

      sending love and light your way ❤

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    1. Thanks Tania for those sweet words. You are also a bright light and a wonderfully strong spirit who inspires many with creativity, vulnerability, and love.

      Blessings to you and yours in 2019 and beyond. ❤

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