Calendars and Collisions

 by Eytan6  CC-BY-SA-3.0 (

Every New Year I have a particular ritual. I buy 2 calendars, Llewellyn’s astrological calendar and one wild card. Due to my current frugal nature, I recently have waited until after the new year to make these purchases since they are often on sale. Can’t beat 50% off!

On New Year’s Day I wake up full of anticipation. I set my intention to head out to the local Barnes and Noble in suburban Philadelphia. They typically have the items that I desire, including the sometimes elusive Llewellyn. So on a cold , windy mid-afternoon, off to Barnes and Noble I go. My plan was for a short, focused shopping trip. I would run a few errands and then return home. You know what they say about plans! This trip turned out to be anything but short and focused.

I arrived at the store with a sense of purpose. Once the calendars are in my hands, I can officially begin this year. As an astrologer , I like to make appointments and such by reviewing the daily planetary aspects .  Aspects are the relationships between the sun, moon and the planetary bodies which are measured by degrees using geometric principles. Some aspects are considered harmonious, while others are found  to be rather challenging. I must say I have become quite reliant on this information when it comes to decision-making. Perhaps I will delve into this matter on a future post!

Much to my dismay, most of the items have sold out and I am staring at sad-looking empty displays where an abundance of 2013 possibilities once stood. My inner voice quickly morphed into my inner critic. My inner critic was agitated, asking questions like

” Why did you wait till the last-minute? Why didn’t you pick up the calendars a few weeks ago when there were plenty of choices? What’s so important about saving a few bucks? What are you going to do if you can’t find anything? How will you organize your meetings, appointments, life?”

Once I centered myself, I created a new plan. I decided to visit some neighboring stores. If that didn’t work, I would go to the mall. I browsed the aisles at both an office supply store and a Superstore and came up empty-handed. The mall was my last resort. The thought of traipsing through a crowded mall on a holiday didn’t sit well with me. Yet I was on a mission so I decided to make that pilgrimage to suburban shopper’s paradise .

After a long search for a spot in the parking lot, I arrived at my destination. Once inside, I spy a calendar store on the first floor level.  I scurry over, eager to see what awaits me. I select a Simplicity calendar as my wild card pick. It has lovely photography alongside some inspiring monthly quotes. I feel satisfied with my choice but now on with the hunt for Llewellyn! There does not seem to be any astrological calendars in the store. I don’t give up easily, recalling that in seasons past a meticulously thorough search was essential for success. I notice a folksy calendar at the bottom of the rack designed by someone named Linda. I take that to be a sign and begin to plow through that section and ta da!!!! , underneath the Linda creation hides Llewellyn !!

So I grab this buried treasure along with the wild card and go to the register. I happily discover that the 50% off sale is in effect and thank the gentleman at the cash register. I wish him a happy new year and visit one more store that’s having a clearance sale. I cannot find anything there that I like so I decide to check out one more place before returning home. I don’t know where this store is located so I take some time to get my bearings. From above I hear some incredibly loud music:

 If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

It’s a favorite song of mine,  Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.  While I’m standing still, mesmerized by this comforting melody, I wondered when malls starting playing music like this and is the music typically  this loud?

As I remain immobilized by the music, I hear these words:

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life



While standing still, oblivious to any sense of time and space, I notice a strangely familiar profile to my immediate right. It’s an old friend that I have not seen in several years. I call out her name, she turns around and exclaims ” Linda, I’ve  been thinking about you!” We stand together being serenaded by Snow Patrol and catch up on our lives. We quickly agree that this was no chance meeting. My friend concluded this ” chance encounter” was meant to happen and suggested that while we were sharing our stories there was a sense that we were going back in time.

About an hour and a half later, we exchange numbers, hug goodbye and go our separate ways. I leave the mall invigorated and awestruck. I was experiencing the present and twenty some odd years of memories simultaneously. My body also seemed younger and more vibrant. I had a very strong sense deep inside my being that 2013 was to be an extraordinary year.

wikimedia free domain


1) Have you ever felt like you were being led on a wild goose chase only to later discover a wonderful synchronicity (loving collision) was in progress?

2) What types of visual art/music/poetry or other sensory experience take you to another state of being? Is there symbolism embedded in the medium?

3) Have you ever experienced a melting of time and/or space?


mayan calendar image by Eytan6 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

clock courtesy of, public domain


  1. Hi Litebeing!

    I love this post. And it gets extra stars for having Snow Patrol in it. I’ve loved Snow Patrol since before I awoke. And then their songs took on entirely differently meanings.

    While noticing the beautiful Dali piece, here are my answers to your questions.
    1. Yes. A lot. If I had a dime for each time, I’d be eating out every night.
    2. Singing, dancing. (I do them both together and enter a trance state) And all of the following have triggered an altered state but not everytime (some I use only for that purpose) – drinking juice, drinking wine, smoking American Spirit tobacco cigarettes, touching items in nature, hearing a particular song, staring a candle’s flame.
    3. Not like in this picture but I have experienced convergence which was pretty jarring!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for traveling back in time to my 2nd blog post in early 2013! I do not know Snow Patrol well but this song is very resonant for me in a haunting way. Singing and dancing together, I’ll have to try that 🙂

      Looking forward to tales of convergence when you are ready. Thanks for answering the questions. I always enjoy learning from other’s experiences.


      1. 🙂 Big smiles as I scratched my heads then scanned my Notifications and discovered it was Sindy who had asked for the link back, 🙂 Haha…. Hope you are ok where you are, the weather looks awful on the weather maps in the US states on the east coasts . xxx


  2. Hey Linda! Visiting you from the future (your latest post…AND I’m already living Saturday morning here to your Friday night there 😛 ) in the present…hehehehe.
    Loved your story!
    I love ALL sorts of music and art. Not so much poetry except when it hits me at first reading…gives me a visual or a feeling…you know?
    I love listening to songs in languages I don’t understand too! As long as the music takes me for a ride..hehe. That’s what happens to me when I listen to songs…I just go off imagining stuff…and rarely remember the words..even if I have it on repeat and listen to it a gazillion times 😛
    The song The Last for me is a Beautiful Day and Harem by Sarah Brightman were two songs that completely took me to a different lands…I actually made an attempt at describing it… 🙂

    Now, I’m off to explore the other posts!


    1. Hey Shree,

      When I saw your comment, I wondered if it was around 4 or 5 in the morning? How many hours are we apart? I dig the fact that you are talking to me so far apart in space and time ( which is a grand illusion but operates in the 3D world). It appears that certain melodies and perhaps instruments transport you to otherworldy realms, how exciting for you! Have you gone to my global 111 party page? I have some amazing global selections there. I so appreciate you taking the time to go through some of the archives!



  3. PS. My basic natal chart doesn´t have any air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). One interpretation is that I have already lived them and their lessons in my past lives. In the Vedic chart I have Aquarius rising, but because the Western chart has given me so much I haven´t studied the Vedic in detail. Some people do find themselves better in the Vedic chart and some in the Western chart.

    And:, not 😀


    1. I have sun neptune mercury stellium in 9th house, have met a few sun neptune folks here, we are all attuned to our psychic abilites 🙂
      I don’t do vedic charts, don’t know my own vedic chart,but I love indian food, hindu thought, etc What is your native language? I only speak English, can still read some French though. Tell me more about your work, its fascinating… My favorite astro site is I have met him and he’s very astute, intuitive, and writes beautifully. He’s also a scorpio!

      one more thing, you mentioned pers types, do you know carl jung/ briggs myers? I am INFJ


      1. Thanks for the link, Linda. I´ll introduce myself with the site.

        I know Carl Jung / Briggs Myers only on the surface, not my own type.

        For the other questions: It´s okay and lovely that you ask, Linda. It is just that I don´t want to share much personal information on the Internet, though it seems that I couldn´t resist the astrology part of it 😀 . It is also that I have kind of emptied myself on an energy study forum, which once existed, for one thing. It also relates to those psychic things you mentioned, why I like anonymity. And so on. So, I keep telling that I live somewhere in Scandinavia. Hope, that that´s okay with you. 🙂




  4. Hello Scorpio friend,

    “Have you ever experienced a time lapse as you hear the song, transporting you back to that moment???” – Yes, that too I experience with certain songs. They may relate to people, places, happenings, periods of time, and so on…I experience the other way around being even more magical though.

    People don´t usually guess that I´m a Scorpio. I met this lady once who guessed every sun sign correctly of the persons of our group (of five traveling abroad). She asked me not to tell her and was observing me for a couple of days (as being our hostess) and then she did guess it right and also my birthday between a couple of days within it actually is.

    Where is your Asc, and what about Moon? I have Pieces rising and Moon in Lion.

    Love, Deelia


    1. hi Deelia,

      what do you mean when you refer to the other way around? please elaborate. I am Aquarius Rising and a Gemini moon. I also have Pisces intercepted in my first house meaning the entire sign is enclosed between Aquar and Aries, making me have some of the features of Pisces rising. do you study astrology? What degree scorpio is your sun? mine is 14 scorpio.

      I feel like we have a psychic connection with the kaleidoscopes and such. do you agree?

      peace, Linda


      1. Hi Linda,

        By the “other way around” I meant first thinking of something and then hearing the song in the radio (going back to where we started). Good that you asked. 🙂

        My Sun is 22° in Scorpio in 7th house and Neptune conjoining. I also have Pluto and Uranus conjoining in Virgo in the same house.

        I have studied astrology more in the past. Nowadays I use it more intuitively and it is blend with my other tools (I am a certified communications coach for one thing, and that includes knowing different personality types and their communication styles deeply). Asto. com is my favorite site where I check my transits. I use astrology “loosely” for it can be limiting, like anything else, too, if taken too literally. It is also that I recognize certain transits, the more easy ones and the more challenging ones as energy without looking at the transits. I also work directly with energy as an energy worker, healer. Anyhow astrology is a wonderful, rich and multi layered tool and has given me so much.

        Love, Deelia


  5. Thanks for the delightful story. :)) I for one never get enough of synchronicity and/or of cosmic humor. To your question, here is one of mine that took place was just a couple of days ago: I´d been suddenly thinking of a man who had had a great romantic impact on me in the past (about almost 20 years ago), and who still has a special place in my heart. So, the radio began to play a piece of music that especially connected me with him at that time and which he once sang to me. The song quite naturally became a lovely symbol of him/us and him seeing past the surfaces to the deeper parts of me. (Or maybe I at first picked the song which was about to be played before it was actually played on the radio, who knows. ;))


    1. Thanks for sharing your story here. Sometimes it is unclear what is the actual sequence of events. Have you ever experienced a time lapse as you hear the song, transporting you back to that moment???

      On another note, I read you share your sun sign on another blog. I am an astrologer and a fellow Scorpio as well!
      I enjoy meeting other Scorps, who else really gets us but our tribe?

      peace, Linda


  6. Hi, Linda! I really enjoyed your story on synchronicity and stepping outside of time. I have had many of those moments, as well where everything morphs into the now moment. A paradox, really, while at the same time finding yourself catapulted back into the sweetness of old memories.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Linda! You have a wonderful conversational style, like sitting down and talking with an old friend. By the way, I’m new to blogging, too. Writing since I was a kid, though, and finally, through the prodding of so many, here I am! Don’t have a clue what I’m doing yet. All this technical stuff–I’ve a lot to learn!


    1. Thank you Susan for your take on synchronicity. I agree that blogging can be daunting. Yet, at the end of the day, its about releasing your creative spark. I am now following your blog and look forward to more inspirational posts. I sense in you a kindred spirit and hope you will visit me again soon 🙂


  7. Hi Linda, Thanks for sharing your story! You really captured that feeling of mysterious outside forces that bring us together at odd moments. I would send it to What Canst Thou Say, a Quaker publication. I love your writing style.


    1. Connie, I am so glad you enjoyed my story. That’s a great suggestion to send this post to WCTS when they have an issue that covers Synchronicity. Your encouragement is really appreciated!


  8. That Which is Aware of Space and Time cannot BE Space and Time.

    Whether you love your life or hate it, both start from a faulty assumption: there is a “you” that has a life. There is simply life, which this “you” is not separate from. “You” are just as much an appearance as a rock or a car or the ocean or a thought or feeling or sensation. Everything appearing to nothing. Form appearing to formless. Still-lessness appearing to stillness. Movement appearing to non-movement. And yet, this is still duality. Two ends of the same stick. What is neither movement nor non-movement because it is outside of or beyond both opposites?

    -Michael Jeffreys


    1. What a truly profound quote Darlene. The duality/non-duality continuum is a major factor in our collective human experience. I will take some time to digest and process your comment!


  9. Hi Linda,
    I love reading your blog………….it’s very interesting and make me think. I think should start writing a blog myself! LOL! Anyways, I will attempt to answer one of your questions from above. “Have you ever experienced a melting of time and/or space?” What came to mind was the quote…..”Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”
    Being a Dream worker to view “time” melting away in someone’s dream……. indicates one’s fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of everyday life. Or another layer …..there come a point in “time”, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual journey begins. The journey turns from without to within and the search for answers begins.


    1. Darlene,

      thanks for the love! I really like your dream interpretation of the time question. Much prefer the second layer that you refer to, very inspiring.


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