Scorpio ~ ahhhhh

10-22-21 Update: Tomorrow ( or today if you are reading this on Saturday) The sun makes its annual return to the sign of Scorpio. This time it is extra exciting for me because the moon enters Gemini at the same time,  mimicking my natal Sun Scorpio/ Moon Gemini combination.

I hope you enjoy one of my favorite pieces of poetry. It is posted every year to usher in the season and showcase an example of my favorite writing.




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Ahhh Scorpio, where to begin..  Well, let’s start with the featured header. It is a picture of purple chrysanthemums I took near my house. Notice how at first glance these scorpio flowers sporting scorpion fuchsia are out of focus, mysterious, difficult to get a fix on. Now move your laptop or device further away and notice how the image becomes clearer and better defined. This is part of the Scorpio nature. We are difficult to assess, but can become better known if you persevere and change your perspective. Now mind you, I planned to take a clear picture and it looked fine on my phone. But it translated differently and served me well to prove this point about Scorpios.

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This post is not going to be technically oriented or objective in any way. This is litebeing – right brain style, so get ready!  My intention is to describe what this season means to me and how I resonate with the Pluto/Mars vibrations. Yes it is all about me , because I am a true Scorpio and I want to share my personal associations with you today.

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Dark purple: the hue of plum, my car , black currant in tone,  aligning with the golden leaves outside my door, the world encased in a golden ray of light, luscious pumpkin, church bells, buried treasure, animal shelters, succulent squash, isolation rooms, pungent cranberries, weddings, woodsy mushrooms, explosions, meditation, dark red wine, candlelight, bittersweet chocolate, aged sharp cheese, crystal clear spring water, a stark, piercing, bright blue sky, deep silence, Led Zeppelin loud and raw, snappy autumn air, rapturous attraction at first sight, a blazing burgundy fire …

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Burnt orange, raw garlic,  seared meat on the grill, the first inhale of an unfiltered cigarette, stinging hot chilies, spiritual ecstasy, intricate mosaics, revenge, corruption, cobwebs, gunpowder, forgiveness, roaches scrambling up and down the walls, obsessive love, finger painting, hospices, moldy food, punitive rage, live improvisational jazz in a dark, smoky bar, New York City on 9/11, passing around a pipe filled with a beguiling pungent odor, piercing howls at 3AM, redemption, gripping depression coming for your soul……

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Maroon, complex Indian curries, emergency rooms, holding cells, the scent of musk, Ouija boards, double espresso, penetration, last-minute reprieves, reckless angry sex, black velvet dresses, landfills, a searing passionate gaze, cancer wards, brothels, the ruins of Pompeii, pounding reggae, wilting red roses, shuffling tarot cards, crackling thunder,thick menstrual blood, half-dead creature on the road, feces, molten hot fudge blending with vanilla ice cream, sheer vulnerability, aching in the loins approaching climax, a newborn’s first breath…

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Happy Solar Return to Sindy, Deelia, Heidi, and Lehua! Any other Scorpio goddess bloggers? I would love to include you. How about readers? Let me know who you are.  Where are the male Scorps at WordPress? I know you must exist. Come join the party. What does Scorpio mean for you? 

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Here is my take on the Mars influence – my favorite song as a teen:

Compare it with my take on Pluto ~ this song captures how I felt about a magical young man who eventually “captured ” me !

All Scorpio artwork courtesy of     US public domain

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  1. happy birthday fellow Scorpio!! I love reading all your stuff …. have moved to NJ ( south Jersey near Wildwood) You might not hear from me on a regular basis , but know that I follow you and take notes LOL Wishing you warm blessings and more of your wonderful insights.. Namaste dear friend

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Fran! Happy early birthday! Guess where I went today. First to the Vietnamese place and then the bookstore in Willow Grove. And I thought of our time there. So cool that I hear from you today. I am so happy to hear from you and hope you are doing well.

      Namaste ,


  2. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:

    The sun moves into the sign of Scorpio Monday 10-23-17. With Jupiter in Scorpio to join him ( Exact on 10-26-17) this will be an especially incredible “season”. So I re-introduce this old chestnut to get you in the mood. Namaste to all ❤


  3. Wow, it’s so weird and wonderful how well I fit in with the clan. ;-P. Mars conjunct Pluto in the 8th house. Ascendant ruler in Scorpio. Usually I don’t announce this! Lol… I’m totally proud of it, but a little bit secretive too. Xoxo


      1. The post was all about YOU… I love that… YOU are Me and IAM YOU… I had also recently written a post All about ME too… The same mind thinks alike a lot… Barbara


  4. Sorry, your lucky commentator was lost in post vacation acclimatisation :-). I am here with you now. I am connecting with you every moment. Your Luck is always with you!
    So I return to comment.


      1. I try to be a healer for my husband and daughter. A true healer lives in Tibetan monastery, I think, where a roads are unknown, and to overcome a fear means to see a healer. Unfortunately I live in the place where airplanes go to every hour :-). Thank you, Linda, for your being in my life, and this possibility to be your lucky charm :-).


  5. i have always loved scorpios…i seem to be particularly drawn to them, repeatedly. it happened again just this morning! i’m pisces so it’s probably that beautiful watery connection! aleya


    1. Hi Aleya, Pisces and Scorpio have an extraordinary bond. Linda Goodman waxed poetic about it in her book Love Signs. If I had a dollar for every Pisces who crossed my path and transformed my heart in some way ……

      love and light,


  6. Brilliant insightive post from you Linda, as I learn all about Scorpio … I am the Bull one myself… But can see we hold many things in common which I will not say! 😉 …. 😀 but I am emerging from my cave as I breathe the Light back in, now I have a few days free from tensions and a long working weekend xox


      1. To answer what you said way back in 2013 Linda.. yes, I am taking extra proper care of me.. Making sure I take time out for ME.. and pacing my blogging ..
        Happy to re- read this.. 😀 and it feels like we are on the cusp of something.. Just hope it doesn’t have a sting in its tail.. 😉 LOL
        Sending love and hugs your way.. Take care and enjoy your weekend..
        Love Sue xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Linda,
    I LOVE this post and really really LOVE your associations, esp. the top one, starting Deep Purple. Amazing.
    How can I say what Scorpio means to me? Complexity, Intensity, Mystery, Sexuality (mystic i.e. Kundalini, and passion), Darkness and water and earthy and wintry and fiery… contradictory and simplicity!

    Thank you for the shout out 🙂 Happy Birthday to all the other Scorpio Ladies


    1. thanks for the approval birthday girl! I concur with your descriptions as well. While Scorpio is a water sign, its ruler Mars is fire and I also pick up an earthy nature as well. We are contradictory and paradoxical as all mysteries contain these elements.

      xx Linda


  8. Wow….nice post Linda…and to take a peek at the mysterious Scorpion! I had one of my best friends when in University who is a Scorpion and she used to say that Scorpions make wonderful and caring friends but step on their toes…and well…wait for the sting! Hehe. She was also very driven, she knew what she wanted and she was focused. Also, they don’t like telling people everything about themselves…well she didn’t. Only those whom she trusted and even then after knowing them a long time!
    I just got to know another Scorpion lady..and she’s a little different. More open?
    And then of course there’s you and now I know Sindy is too!!
    One thing I noticed is that the three Scorpion I know ALL have DEEP set eyes!!


    1. Shree:
      Scorpio women are slow to ‘truly’ befriend,
      yet once done we are loyal to the end…
      ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’
      – It was made for the Scorpio women, all be warned!
      We are mysterious and close-handed it may seem
      But our trust and faith you may well deem
      An attribute worthy to be on your side
      Through thick and thin by our friends we will abide.

      🙂 xx


      1. Loved the comment Heidi…got a little scared with the All be warned thing…hahahaha. But you know, good to have Scorpions around when you need support 😉


      2. Oh yes, we are VERY good when we are on your side 🙂 That was just a little poem that sprang to mind!


    2. Hi Ms. Shree,
      You understand the scorpio temperament well, and it is no surprise because you have your Libra Sun conjunct Mars and Pluto! This gives you a strong scorpion caste to your personality! Behind the lightness and charm is a very intense passionate being 🙂 So welcome to the party!

      Regarding the eyes, that depends on the ascendant axis of the chart. My eyes are not deep set, for example, but I can stare very intensely if I want to 🙂


      1. Oooo…so I have a stinger too? hehehhe.
        It’s true I can get pretty passionate about things…then I turn into a volcano..well I used to! I’m glad that I seem to have calmed down some 😉

        I just know I wouldn’t want to be stared at by a Scorpio well…unless it’s a gorgeous man ….but you


  9. “This post is not going to be technically oriented or objective in any way. This is litebeing – right brain style.” I love your approach. Your list is poetry!

    My sketches of Scorpio energy in short (for there are many layers and octaves of course): Strength, psychological understanding, depth, transformational abilities. No taboos to study. I saw a humorous horoscope once, where Scorpio was the one in the dark night looking with flashlight beneath the stones for what might be there. That is my image as well. 😀 With Lion Moon it makes a great backbone to my Asc in the very sensitive Pisces and Piscean themes, which began to come more into the front when I was approaching my thirties (just like “the book” says, that the rising sign usually begins to affect more around thirties).

    One of my personal Scorpio lessons has been that there is no need to put that much intensity into things and issues I used to. I have never wanted to own people, nor to be owned, which is one thing often stereotypically related to Scorpios. I´m an independent personality (as there are no absolutes, that is I recognize different subconscious drives for that = dependence). My outer appearance is very joyful and light, so many would´t guess me being a Scorpio, but my style of looking into the eyes of other people is piercing they say (so that´s a Scorpio clue).


    1. thank you for the compliment and Happy Birthday! I suppose I wrote a poem without thinking about it 🙂 your descriptions resonate with me. Which book are you referring to about ascendants? That moon in Leo gives you more feistiness. One of my best friends in high school had Sun Scorp, Leo Moon – we were born only 4 days apart. She was very feisty and a bit dramatic, to say the least! Scorpios are independent creatures but we can get caught up in relationship dramas that can compromise our best interests or values – my opinion 😉

      xx Linda


      1. Both are fine, drivers I use in a bit humorous tone (but maybe it doesn´t match in English language). What drives us, subconscious or conscious?

        I was speaking about Scorpio more in terms of how it has been in my personal life than in general terms (as a reply to your question). I understand what you mean about the drama thing, it can be so. Personally I don´t engage (speaking in relative terms again) myself in big dramas. I was born in the middle of huge drama, so I learned also good things from it very early in my life. Pisces would easily compromise as well. Like we know, we all have other factors in our astro charts as well than the sun sign, which may give nuances to each others. And we are free not to represent the stereotypes of our signs. Scorpio energy, like any other energy, can be expressed from different octaves (higher and lower ones, and this is said in objective tone of voice, not judgmentally).

        “The book” is a metaphor.

        Happy and magical birthday to you, too, and a most wonderful new solar year to follow! (My birthday is in November.)


      2. Hi Deelia,

        I fixed your comment! I really appreciate your nuanced reply. I agree about the lower and higher octaves and I am capable of many expressions. My choices are better as I grow and develop over time and integrating life experiences. This post is much darker than the rest, but it is what spoke to me and is an honest and direct description of the myriad of possibilities.

        I recently taught a class about taking the sun sign to a deeper level integrating house placements and planetary conjunctions. I have 3 planets in Scorpio and a strongly active pluto, so for me it is not a matter of just a sun sign. There are many scorpion souls who sport a different sun sign and I know quite a few 🙂

        I am also November born but wanted to launch the post in time to encompass most of this Scorpio season 🙂


      3. Such a wise comment, I´m loving it. And that class sounds really great.

        My growth continues as well. 😀

        I often try to write comments in that way, that also those who are not so much engaged in astrology (in this case) could follow. So, I also often include things I know you know.



        PS. Thanks for fixing the comment. I was – by the way – experiencing a sort of déjà vu while writing it.
        PPS. I have more Scorpio, too, than the sun sign.


      4. thank you! It could be deja vu or we have both made similar comments over the past few months. Thanks for clarifying that sometimes you comment for the general readership as well.

        so how will I know that you know what I already know? 🙂


      5. no worries!

        this is a dark post and people may be scared off by it, but perhaps these transits(read SATURN and MERCURY STATION) and eclipse cycle involving my scorpio planets have influenced me in this direction.I did not intend it to be so dark, but once I began writing …


    2. 😀 Well, is it relevant to know when I know what you already know. 🙂 And I may not know, that might be the case most of the time.

      Generally spoken I (we) might not even always know to whom I´m actually writing when I comment. We were very amused about noticing that phenomenon, when I was joining in the forum I have mentioned to you earlier. There could be something synchronistic and special to someone else than the one we comment.

      The little déjà vu, or flashback how you wish (it felt like déjà vu though), related to the drivers/drives, that you would ask about it like you did. I got it while writing it. It is a minor detail, but that has happened more frequently recently than earlier. As I´m observing different types of psychic phenomena, even little occurrences are interesting to me. I´ll pay more attention to this kind in future.


      1. Deelia, That happens sometimes I have noticed, but I did read your new comment thread.

        Perhaps it was deja vu, I am not saying you were incorrect, I was just aware that I have written the same type of responses many times on blogs and it feels to me like it happened before simply because I wrote it before in 3D time 🙂


  10. Your descriptions are so vivid! Might I join the Scorpio celebration? 🙂 In my Western chart- Mars is in Scorpio, 8th House! Mars and Scorpio have meant a certain steady drive and deep passion to explore metaphysics, to be a true seeker. Happy birthday wishes to all~


  11. Love this too Linda! Love the rawness and the sensuousness. Scorpio ascendant here and my big sis is scorpio sun sign, and very scorpion by nature…still waters run deep, much passion, plenty of purple. She taught me to appreciate the senses, candles, sitting in a circle, sharing secrets in the dark, keeping secrets from mom and dad, and knowing without saying. Does that fit?
    Hugs to you for your birthday month!


    1. Thank you Debra! So I see you also belong to my Scorpio tribe. Scorpio ascendant or moon, along with strong Mars and Pluto placements all qualify in my book.

      Your examples are spot on. Funny, I was going to write knowing without saying, but perhaps you already knew that 🙂


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