My 111th Post

By 4028mdk09 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

WordPress told me my that the last post I had published was my 110th post, so you know what this means 🙂

It is 111 time!

I decided to coordinate this auspicious event with the new moon in Sagittarius that closely aspects my Midheaven. I have put some new features in place that I am eager to share with you.

FACEBOOK PAGE ~ I started a Facebook page for litebeing chronicles. There is a widget on the right side of my blog where you can LIKE and click over to visit. Once I hit 50 likes I can begin offering goodies on the page. Please help support the page so I can offer you prizes. Also I promise it will be a very cool page.  Please come over and post, share your creative ventures, etc. Let’s make it a 111 party every day.

SERVICES PAGE ~  I began creating a Services Page featuring my Astrological Counseling services. There is an introduction to services, testimonial page, and contact page. I will be adding more features and developing the existing pages as I go. While the Sun and Moon highlight my Sag Midheaven, ruled by Jupiter ( currently exalted in Cancer), the time is right to showcase my abilities and gifts for the public. I am now hooked up with PayPal and am happy to arrange discounts for all longtime followers! One – time natal readings also make wonderful holiday gifts! Many of you have been encouraging me for quite some time to get serious about my Astrology. I have been listening. Read the pages and then come back here with feedback! ( comments are closed in the Services section)  Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me and/ or received an astrological or intuitive reading. You know who you are and I appreciate you for believing in me!  I plan to offer more promotions here, but right now I want to step up my presence in the professional arena. 

TESTIMONIALS ~  Thank you to Julianne and Heidi  for your excellent posts on your chart readings. I used these posts on the new Testimonial page. I am looking for some other endorsements to keep them company. Maybe you were thinking of blogging about a recent session. Or perhaps you are not a blogger but you liked the reading I gave you a few years back. This would be an excellent time to describe your experience.  If I have worked with you at all, from a short email to a telephone session to a multiple page report, you qualify! Please let everyone know how you were affected by the material and what you learned about yourself in the process. If you have any questions about this, please email me at

While I expand in new directions, be assured the litebeing chronicles will continue to evolve and develop, along with me. I am very committed to the theme of chronicling my spiritual journey, which of course includes all of you! It would not be the same without you. While I will be adding more Astrology posts, I will still be featuring stories, musings, poetry, and new ideas as they materialize.

Which brings me to my next question: How am I doing so far? I have asked before and now I am asking you all again ~

What do you like?

What can be improved?

What do you want more of?  

New features?

I am interested in knowing your views about both content and format. Getting regular feedback helps me grow. I am not feeling the rating system, if you get my drift.  I prefer  that you simply talk to me!

Wishing you a vibrant, exciting new moon!

image by By 4028mdk09 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. I happened to glance at my clock this afternoon as again the triple numbers came up they too were 111. sending you my thoughts and Blessings as I drop on in, thanking you for your wonderful support, You should have a testimonial shortly. 🙂 Big hugs Sue


  2. Happy 111th! Your idea is wonderful, I will follow you! You know, in my family I am older sister and I always want to write to you “my little sister Linda” :-). My heart is fulfilled by tenderness and warmness to hug you and cover you a blanket and bring a cup of warm milk with honey. Sleep well, Princess! You are beautiful my little sister Linda! Happy dreams! See you there :-)!


  3. Linda, catching up today on WP and Congratulations upon your 111 post.. I am smiling at the triple numbers.. having woken in the night to 4:44 on my clock, I then click onto my blog to find more followers and yes the total 444….
    I wish you well with your new FB page, unfortunately I am not a member but you have my well wishes for your venture…
    What do I like? and what would I improve…? Nothing! you tick All the boxes for me Linda on many counts… So keep on doing what you LOVE doing for its working! 🙂
    Hugs Sue xox


  4. Dearest linda, I am so so pleased you are spreading your wings to fly Freedom, you are really coming into your own now, and it can only get better from here!
    Thank you for everything you have shared with us.
    How are you doing? I was first attracted to your blog because there is a ‘something’ that shines through – call it Integrity, Nobility of Spirit. You are honest, appreciative of life, sincere, and you are able to communicate this beautifully.
    How can you not be a success? 🙂

    Many Blessings to you and your current and future endeavours x x


    1. Heidi,
      So glad you believe in me and see the better version of myself. Your friendship means the world to me. Feel free to let me know how I can make my blog even better. I trust your instincts 🙂

      xx Linda


      1. Don’t trust MY instincts – trust your own 😀
        I will let you know if I have any ideas, though maybe that’s not such a good idea at the moment… this is not a lucky/helpful/reasonable time for me, apparently!!


  5. Congratulations, wishing you much success!!! It’s a great idea to combine counseling and astrology work. I liked your FB page, hope it worked, I often have problems on FB…
    Your testimonials link doesn’t work for me, always brings me back to ‘services’. I would put the ‘contact’ page in the main menu to make it easy for potential clients to contact you. And maybe use your right menu to emphasize your wonderful new service 🙂
    Many blessings in the new venture! Luv xox


    1. Thanks for your kind words of support! I do not understand what you mean about main and right menus. My theme may work differently than yours. Sorry you could not access the testimonial page, Would you mind emaling me to explain further? I will also play around with it some more. I want everyone to be able to read all the pages 🙂

      blessings and love to you my friend

      xx Linda


      1. That’s so strange because your FB page features under ‘likes’ on my page… Anyways, I never really figured how FB works…
        Sorry I meant the main navigation when I said ‘menu’. And I just saw that you already did that! And also ‘testimonials’ is now working for me too.
        Hope this helps 🙂


      1. Yeah, it’s true, and yes, I generally make the rounds through visits and comments on my posts, but still I do manage to miss stuff anyway.
        Sent you an email, btw 🙂


  6. Congratulations on your new venture! Am excited for you!! I’ll do a testimonial on the little reading you did for me too…when I no holding your breath or anything 😛 Certain things I have to be in the proper frame of mind before I do it 😉

    I feel you’re doing just great!! 47 likes already! That’s awesome 🙂
    I think as you build your portfolio then you will naturally expand the blog to suit it…so don’t worry too much about it now.

    I’m not sure how much work it will take…I am thinking quite a bit, but ever thought of having a page dedicated to Astrology 101? It would make it easier for those of us who read your blog posts to know what all the “technical” terms mean…I usually quickly scan those parts of posts and get down to the meaning of it..hehehe.


  7. I think it’s just terrific and is evolving into exactly what it should be. Happy 111th post, coming at such an auspicious time. As I wrote about the comet it has to be affecting great transformation.
    I am very happy for you Linda.


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