Expanded Services

As I mentioned in my last post Beautiful Chaos, I have revised my services page by adding new types of readings to the menu of services. In addition to Astrology and Astrological counseling, I now offer Intuitive readings and Dream Interpretations.  As always, these services can be mixed and matched accordingly to your preferences and individual needs.

I have been offering intuitive readings for free, and incorporating the dream work into my therapy practice for many years. Now I am ready to share them both with you!

To get the details, visit my Services Page.

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Have I read for you recently and you found the information helpful and illuminating? Do you have a story to share on how my services made a powerful impact on your life? I am looking to expand my Testimonials Page by including more recommendations on all of my services.

 Interested in spreading the word ?

Please contact me if you are able to offer up a recommendation. Thanks to all those who have already contributed to the page or supported me in other ways. I am very grateful to all of you who believe in me and my calling.


    1. Hi Sue,
      Nice to see you back here and thank you for the endorsement 🙂

      Comeback when you are able to catch up on a few more posts I wrote since your hiatus. Always appreciate your feedback!

      xx Linda


    1. Hey twins,
      you missed the special giveaway promotion. If you visited more often, you would be in the loop 🙂
      Stay tuned, there will be discounts, and more giveaways in the near future. You may want to also feature readings. I loved my unexpected surprise reading that you gave me!
      Was it you or Odie? Whoever did it is gifted!

      hugs, l & d, not to be confused with the dearly departed
      lil D


      1. i did read about the giveaway. was hoping it hadn’t ended. but we understand. odie and i did the reading together. words better that way. animal plus human spirit guides working in tandem.
        how are things shaking up in the arena we gave you a reading o btw?
        o and om.


      2. Hi linda and dex. We have been r3al slow on the uptake snd then my email was shutting down when I tried to access it at work. And weve been off of blogville. Triple ugh. Sorry we didn’t get back sooner. We did get it and we hope that all of your wishes come true asap 😉 hugs, o and om


    1. Thank you Heidi,
      I believe in many ways that over the top,amazing long distance reiki healing you gave me jump-started my knowing that healing can be successfully communicated in many different ways! I am so excited about working with many new people all over the world 🙂



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