Poetry ~ I AM here now….

Not sure if I am returning since I did not declare I ever left…

I am in the middle of healing and today’s shamanic journeying has accelerated my entry back into the living mystery. Much gratitude to a kindred spirit and fellow blogette Danielle for today’s offering. It is exhilarating and totally unexpected that I was inspired to write for you tonight!

By Аркадий Зарубин (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Here is a gift for you, my precious family of readers, bloggers, participants of all creation:

drumming home

you break me down into minute cellular crystals
silence, crash, silence, crash
shatter my innards, sacred blazing flame, glorious screaming light
silence, crash, silence, crash
annihilate my thoughtless insights and ridiculous reasons
silence, crash, silence, crash
beating my soul , one pulse at a time

how I crave you, holy primal rhythms
silence, crash, silence, crash
like an infant feeds on mother’s milk
silence, crash, silence, crash
drum of my heart, drum of my soul
diluting my defenses , stirring my blood dance
reviving my life force, one pulse at a time

litebeing chronicles  © 2014

Please enjoy this exquisite meditation music featuring power animals…



Wishing you love , life, and love of living on the eve of the Virgo Full Moon.

image courtesy of By Аркадий Зарубин (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons


    1. thank you dear! And thank you for inspiring me with your passion for living and being..
      yesterday’s experience truly underscored for me my relationship to the drum and the essence of percussion!

      xx linda


  1. Linda, Keep Drumming, Loved your poem, and the link to Danielle, a wonderful read and shows how her battle with MS is on going, but she is not giving in.. A tremendous spirit… As have you!!.. As a Drummer myself.. I know how the drum beat heals.. Keep your pulse a beating, silence~crash~silence~crash!..And let your life Dance to the beat of your Heart… .. Love and Healing Linda… Blessings sent your way.. xxx Sue


    1. You get it, Sue and why am I not surprised! Thank you for reading about Danielle. She is a powerful and loving spirit and a warrior in the best sense of the word and deed.

      thanks for accompanying me…



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