Mars Station in Libra: The Changing of the Guard

Mars is about to station direct on Monday May 19th after a very long run in Libra. I often look to popular culture to see how transits are represented outwardly. Barbara Walters, the iconic pioneer female journalist retired from the public stage yesterday. This entire week was dedicated to her retirement on The View and other morning and late night programming. Last night the celebration culminated in a two-hour special on ABC entitled Barbara Walters, Her Story. With Jupiter conjunct moon in Gemini at home in the 9th house, it is not surprising that her life’s work has been devoted to telling stories!

One of her guests on the View was her close friend actor Michael Douglas. He and his wife Catherine Zeta – Jones share the same birthday as Barbara, September 25th. Michael Douglas told the story of how about 25 of his friends all share the same birthday and wanted to figure out the cause. I longed for a metaphysical explanation, but apparently he concluded that their respective parents were “busy” during the Christmas holidays. On a personal note, my brother-in-law and Aunt also share this birth date.

I initially saw Barbara’s retirement as being perfectly timed. She makes her exit before Mars moves direct. But there may be more to the story…


While examining her chart it becomes obvious that Libra plays a prominent role. She has Libra rising with Libra Sun on the ascendant. I see this placement as the sign of a trailblazer who makes her mark with diplomacy and grace. Considering that she has interviewed every sitting President and First Lady since Richard Nixon plus numerous foreign dignitaries and heads of state, Barbara Walters certainly was able to hold her own. She also has Mercury conjunct Mars in Libra in the 1st house, another indication of a strong communicator with a commanding wit and intelligence.

I really thought that this is it, and that she will now devote herself to other passions and interests away from the camera. Yet something seemed off to me. Many of the celebrities who spoke this week questioned if she would stick with her decision. She did indicate she would remain as executive producer of The View and come back on air when ” it was warranted.” What seemed to be missing was an outer planetary transit that would “seal the deal.”

I noticed that Saturn is transiting her 2nd house in Scorpio. Then I realized that she is closing in on her 3rd Saturn return( in the 3rd house) in a few years. Interestingly enough, her 3rd house of communication is ruled by Jupiter, which is conjunct her MC ruler the Moon. At the very least she ought to remain quite active until transiting Saturn hits the 3rd house cusp. Either way, I predict that Saturn will dictate when she actually disappears from the entertainment industry, her home for more than fifty years.

I am curious to see who takes over for her on The View and as premier female journalist. What type of astrological archetype will emerge? She joked with Hillary Clinton that she could take over her chair at The View.   There has also been speculation that Monika Lewinsky may be a possible co host. With these two powerful conjunctions  (Jupiter/Moon and Mars/Mercury) in addition to Sun opposing Uranus on the Ascendant/Descendant axis, Barbara Walters is a rare example of how one’s natal gifts can be channeled in such a groundbreaking, revolutionary way. Whoever emerges will certainly have their work cut out for them.

Now this moon in Gemini woman with Mercury trine Mars has a few questions:

Do you think that the Saturn Return would indicate the Third Act and that Barbara Walter’s retirement is only temporary?

Or is the Mars Station the defining point?

What about transiting Saturn on the 3rd house cusp?

Who will be the ” replacement ” for Barbara Walters on the public stage?

What are YOU ready to change come Monday May 19th?


  1. Missed this news, thanks for the post. Interesting chart, we have some odd contacts. Love those air trines – calm, cool, collected (attractive) with underlying Martian power reserves holding a few surprises. Let’s face it, she could frost the toughest questions with sugar, made that bitter pill easier to swallow or rather, cough up. Heh.
    I would look at her progs to compare / predict but am out the door for X-Men 3D. ( ! )
    Thanks for the interesting post, I majored in radio/tv/film at uni – Libra Merc MC.


  2. I do not know of this lady Barbara Walters, I had to look her up.. But like many famous celebrities I am sure your chart is spot on… I know your own reading of my birth chart was 🙂 I guess as Monday 19th has now gone.. What did I change… I changed me… I pleased myself… And that is a big change.. 🙂
    I send you my love dear Linda.. and I thank you for being in my Dreamwalker World 🙂 Hugs to you Sue xoxox


    1. I realize that some of the people I name may be unfamiliar outside of the US. Barbara Walters was a pioneer for women in journalism. I think you would admire her spunk!
      So glad you are squeezing more joy into each moment. And yes I will write you back soon:)

      love ya,


      1. I looked her up and found her biography and some snippets.. And I agree she is a remarkable woman…
        Looking forward to hearing how your changes are shaping up too 🙂 Big Hugs back
        Sue xox


  3. I love these observations and seeing how they play out in the culture as you show beautifully and expertly show. Thank you so much for taking the times to provide this analysis for us.


    1. Hi Kim.
      You are so welcome. I find Astrology is more relatable when it can be connected to what is happening ” in the world.” So glad you found my post interesting!


  4. fascinating, linda! ❤ phew, lots of changes in store. i've had an unexpectedly full weekend which has no doubt created space for some big change down the line. not sure what it'll look like but i guess that's part of the fun! 😉 lots of love, aleya


    1. Glad you enjoyed my post Aleya and now you have me curious about your weekend!
      The past few days have been slow for me but its all good. Sometimes I need to take a deep breath…
      Lots of joy and miracles to come.

      xx Linda


      1. ah deep breaths are so good. tomorrow is a public holiday here so i’m looking forward to lots of that. will write about my weekend. joy and miracles indeed! ❤


  5. I do not have any answers about Barbara Walters, who I know vaguely. But I am looking forward to this changing of the guard. One thing I noticed was a visible influx of physical energy. I was stronger in the gym yesterday. I also hope to get more work done now.


  6. Hi Linda, Iove this post. My mom’ s b-day is September 27 and I share in the theory that all those late September birthday’s have something to do the holidays and especially New Years Eve 🙂
    Thanks for the great tribute to Barbara!


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